Honey Cream / Chocolate Haze (RQS) - Suggestions Welcome

I do remember ranting about everything having silly cartoons on the front.. nutrients... craft beers..
Redheads twins wanking a large key? why not..
Loool... I never even used AN.
I do remember ranting about everything having silly cartoons on the front.. nutrients... craft beers..
Redheads twins wanking a large key? why not..

Hmm autos acting up again? say it ain't so Niles.

The way you're trying to grow them is a bit too pro I feel, you're doing way too much and try to push them too hard from the go.
Although they kinda look really good in post 28 but then you see the age.
All the uppotting.. hmm
Is that soil they get planted in fertilised?
What's in the juice they're getting?
Cause if the soil is ferted you can kinda skip the veg nutes for an auto grow depending on the soil, you might get a week or two of veg juice in there if all goes well and depending no the soil. What you want is root stimulant to get her going.
At day 30 they kinda should be way bigger.
As I just went to check my last auto grow at day 30 they're a tint less green and 4-5 times the size.

How did you water after the transplant? Like she was already established in the larger pot, till runoff?
As that would probably be a shock, a cup of roots surrounded by wet soil & bottom she can't properly use & drain yet and maybe never will as I'm not a fan of uppotting unless you're preparing a plant for an outdoor season or a long indoor season.
Of course not uppotting is also challenging as you have a small root system in a large container for quite some time which is easy to overwater & shock.
But certainly not with autos, you're losing all kinds of time.. you need to let the original root spur grow as deep and as wide as they can from the initial impulse and then if those split off into side roots you get the largest system she can build and expand upon.. if you keep her in cups for the first weeks she stays centered those roots will probably not get to expand and colonise the whole pot anymore resulting in an always easy to over water situation.
As she will only grow some fresh delicate expanding roots into that new environment now that won't get huge anymore.
What you want is the first impulse exploring and expanding into the whole pot, so those can age into larger roots and send out side shoots covering more ground.

Well that's what I'm thinking could be a problem.
There’s a bit of every single topic.
So I went and PHed some water to 6
1 liter precisely, and got some runoff
I wasn’t expecting any runoff
They are in dry 5 gal bags and I watered slowly
So I collected some runoff and testeded
The PH came back a crisp 6.
The TDS however is a different story
Because there are several different units in the converter I used, but without spending too much time on it I played around with unit pairs
The reading is between 3000 & 4000 ppm
She is a hero 😆
Loool... I never even used AN.
I do remember ranting about everything having silly cartoons on the front.. nutrients... craft beers..
Redheads twins wanking a large key? why not..

Hmm autos acting up again? say it ain't so Niles.

The way you're trying to grow them is a bit too pro I feel, you're doing way too much and try to push them too hard from the go.
Although they kinda look really good in post 28 but then you see the age.
All the uppotting.. hmm
Is that soil they get planted in fertilised?
What's in the juice they're getting?
Cause if the soil is ferted you can kinda skip the veg nutes for an auto grow depending on the soil, you might get a week or two of veg juice in there if all goes well and depending no the soil. What you want is root stimulant to get her going.
At day 30 they kinda should be way bigger.
As I just went to check my last auto grow at day 30 they're a tint less green and 4-5 times the size.

How did you water after the transplant? Like she was already established in the larger pot, till runoff?
As that would probably be a shock, a cup of roots surrounded by wet soil & bottom she can't properly use & drain yet and maybe never will as I'm not a fan of uppotting unless you're preparing a plant for an outdoor season or a long indoor season.
Of course not uppotting is also challenging as you have a small root system in a large container for quite some time which is easy to overwater & shock.
But certainly not with autos, you're losing all kinds of time.. you need to let the original root spur grow as deep and as wide as they can from the initial impulse and then if those split off into side roots you get the largest system she can build and expand upon.. if you keep her in cups for the first weeks she stays centered those roots will probably not get to expand and colonise the whole pot anymore resulting in an always easy to over water situation.
As she will only grow some fresh delicate expanding roots into that new environment now that won't get huge anymore.
What you want is the first impulse exploring and expanding into the whole pot, so those can age into larger roots and send out side shoots covering more ground.

Well that's what I'm thinking could be a problem.
Also after the pic in post #30
I was under the impression they weren’t ready to be watered, but needed support, so I decided to take them outside for a foliar feed and to quickly dry under the sun before moving back under the lights, wasn’t possible right before lights off, I think I killed some roots by heating up the soil that day
Yes she’s starting to breathe.
Chocolate haze is quietly cute.

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