Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Oil is an insulator and I don't think decarb happens until you get close to that 110º C number. Then you start the clock.
I tested the temp after an hour and then again after 2hrs at which time it was up to temp and then gave it five more hours so I think it was good for time.

It's so much easier to decarb rosin. I just bring it to 110°C and wait for the bubbling to stop. It usually takes about 20 min.
That does sound like a good system but making infused olive oil it is recommended to go much longer in time to dissolve all the trichomes but seven hrs I used does seem excessive. I am going to have to do some more research.

My theory that decarbing the dry bud in the oven was allowing good things like terpenes to escape ended up being pretty valid. For the first time, my infused olive oil had a strong bud smell and ingesting the THC infused olive oil felt a lot smoother and more like the old buzz I remembered from smoking so I would say my new system was a real success.
Today I mixed my STS solution and gave my NL plant her first spray to begin her reversing hopefully. I have to give a shout out to @Old Salt for his excellent thread on the subject and for being so generous to send me the chemicals necessary. Multi-Strain Seed Run

First thing was calibrating my scale and once done it was within 8/1000 of a gram which I guess I can live with. :p

Then I weighed out my ingredients and added them to 200ml of distilled water each and put in separate containers.




Then I took 45ml of each of my stock solutions and added them to 810 ml of distilled water to make a total of 900ml of working solution. I would have made a liter but my silly sprayer only holds 900ml... D'oh!!



I sprayed the bottle with primer I had laying around to try and make them somewhat lightproof but I put the concentrates in bags in the fridge.

Here is my baby after her first spraying. Little does she know I am giving her man parts. :oops:


This little beauty is a P-98 that was underwater for about 36 hrs and is only slightly cracked so I will keep her in a wet paper towel till I see an actual tail starting.

STS is fun stuff to work with.
It wasn't as much hassle to mix up as I thought but I had Old Salt's directions to go by so it was pretty idiot-proof. Works out well I get my NL to practice on before my P-98's are ready.
I have to give you credit @Pennywise for giving me a good idea from what you said the other day when you said you thought the fridge and paper bag method of drying preserved terpenes better because that got me thinking that all the fumes coming off my dry bud when I heat it to decarb were probably terpenes too. So I cooked up a batch yesterday just in olive oil without dry decarbing and it is such a mellower experience and was the missing element I have been looking for. I was reading @SweetSue's thread on using wet bud because that saves even more terpenes apparently so I am trying that next. So thanks for the tip.
Spray until the pollen shows, I've stopped too soon before and ended up with sterile pollen.
Ok, thanks for the tip; I will for sure. Do you try and get all the surface area of all the leaves or mostly around the bud sites?
I spray the whole plant but I've seen it done both ways. I figure better safe than sorry.
I agree; better safe than sorry. I will really soak her down then.
The female plant produces a hormone needed for building female flowers. Ethylene is the hormone and STS prevents ethylene from being formed. The plant will produce pollen sacs if it can't produce flower.
Terpenes are volatile and will evaporate at room temps, the fridge method slows down evaporation of mist terpenes
I didn't realize how much till I read Sue's thread. Of course, I forget what the percentage is lost already but it is considerable just from air drying. When my OG is ready which is only weeks away I will infuse some olive oil with the fresh bud and use the bag method in the fridge on the rest.
The female plant produces a hormone needed for building female flowers. Ethylene is the hormone and STS prevents ethylene from being formed. The plant will produce pollen sacs if it can't produce flower.
That is very interesting. I find this whole thing a really convenient miracle because it was such a pain dealing with male seeds back in the day. Can you endlessly make new generations this way without ever using a male plant or would the strain eventually lose its vigor or something? If possible I can see pheno hunting the seeds I have now for ages.
You'll find drying in the fridge makes a world of difference
That is great. I know the buds I have been producing have been missing something so glad to hear that. Now that I am not cooking off all the goodness by dry decarbing improving my terpenes drying should affect my oil positively.
If you seed an entire plant you'll have enough seeds to last years. Also beware that S1 seeds behave like normal F2's in that recessive traits pop up. You'll need to pheno hunt for the one you like best then "self" your keeper to hopefully lock in most of your desired traits
I think it is good that recessive traits will pop up because it keeps things interesting and as you say I can pheno hunt. Until recently I had no idea all the variety there is in a strain. Would a strain like P-98 have much variety because hasn't he been selfing it for generations to lock in the traits he likes?
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