Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Well that's good news! On the seed front, do they offer any replacement guarantee at those prices?
Yes, that is good news, thanks, Shed. To be honest I am not sure about any guarantee. If half of them sprout I should be ok so it isn't panic time yet but being restricted to 4 plants when one seed doesn't sprout the lost time is more annoying.

And they aren't really that expensive because they were $88 USD for 6 but being Canadian we lose about 25% on the exchange rate currently and shipping is more.
But free health care!
Yes, and I am certainly grateful for that. Having prostate cancer in the States may have bankrupted me and here it hasn't cost me anything. My margins were bad so now I need radiation and I just got 2 cat scans this week; I could not image what my bill would be so far. I read just a while ago you have a hernia. I hope that works out; my bro is a year older than me and had one fixed a few years ago and it wasn't so bad so hopefully, it works out well for you too.
Yes, and I am certainly grateful for that. Having prostate cancer in the States may have bankrupted me and here it hasn't cost me anything. My margins were bad so now I need radiation and I just got 2 cat scans this week; I could not image what my bill would be so far. I read just a while ago you have a hernia. I hope that works out; my bro is a year older than me and had one fixed a few years ago and it wasn't so bad so hopefully, it works out well for you too.

I'd be dead. I would not have been able to afford the operations.
Even with insurance, it would have been very very large! I'm having surgery tomorrow and the bills will follow very shortly after that.

I hope you have a full recovery from the prostate cancer!
Sorry to hear about your bills; with us having universal health care being presented with a bill would feel like insult to injury. Prostate cancer is not something most people die of at least in the short term; I just pray it hasn't metastasized which is what the scans were for. I find out later in the week. It really has taken over my life; I had four appointments last week so bad news just means more treatment and longer till I get my life back.

I hope the surgery goes well. You have such a positive attitude I am sure you will make a speedy recovery.
I'd be dead. I would not have been able to afford the operations.
I could have afforded it but then I would be living in the streets. :oops:
When I was out today running errands I noticed there was a legal cannabis store in the same mini mall I was at and I went in to check out the bud and see if they had any seeds. Only one strain of seeds I had never heard of. The bud looked ok but it didn't look like anything stellar. I could have inserted some of my WW and it would have looked just as good. I think they just air dry and don't know if they would even bother curing. It did not look like top shelf and they said most was around $40 per eighth... :oops:
Most dispensaries don't cure their buds because that takes up space and time. Like with scotch or wine, aging ups the price!
I doubt the bad guys do either. I think I said it here already but a big incentive the gov't used to justify legalization was to take it out of the hands of the bad guys but I recently read in one of our national papers that the average legal price is $280 per ounce but the contraband is only $180. And there it was even more. Still, I am glad they did and I bitch about just 4 plants but that is really all I need. Just can't efficiently pheno hunt but life never totally works out.
Same down here in California. They made the taxes so high on the legal weed that not many people have moved off their dealer or the medical dispensaries. Hard to generate the high tax revenues they promised if they're going to be greedy!
I guess our great political minds think alike... :rolleyes:
Legal sources in Quebec are selling a strain for $4.49 CAD in one ounce packages. That's roughly $3.37 USD / gm or $94.40 USD per ounce.

Perhaps those of us not needing another light could enter the Mars Hydro contest anyway to boost the prize count. We could ask SmokeSara to award the prize to another member if our number comes up.
Legal sources in Quebec are selling a strain for $4.49 CAD in one ounce packages. That's roughly $3.37 USD / gm or $94.40 USD per ounce.

Perhaps those of us not needing another light could enter the Mars Hydro contest anyway to boost the prize count. We could ask SmokeSara to award the prize to another member if our number comes up.
That is a much more reasonable price. Odd there is so much disparity from Ontario?

That sounds like a good idea. Where can one enter this contest?
Hmmmm... Don't like the design of them... Like my blurples most of the light falls on the small area right under the fixture.

I'm with you on that one for their earlier lights. Their later offerings are much better. I like the Mars Hydro TS series as the surface of their LED panels are greater than 1/4 of the area they cover on flower. My blurple COB's surface area was less than 5% of their coverage area.
I'm with you on that one for their earlier lights. Their later offerings are much better. I like the Mars Hydro TS series as the surface of their LED panels are greater than 1/4 of the area they cover on flower. My blurple COB's surface area was less than 5% of their coverage area.
Glad to hear they are better. Mine cooked everything under it and the rest didn't get enough light. I am still going to use it as my pollinating light so it will still get some use now and then. That will just be one plant at a time so it should work well for that.
The flowering room is going fantastically. My OG Kush from Dinafem is finally getting good and sticky surprisingly. I have never had a plant get dank so late in its life but it looks like it will be a beauty because the buds are pretty substantial too. Hard to believe some fool was thinking of culling her... :rolleyes:

She is slowly still getting yellower but I think she will make it to the end with enough life in her for a good harvest. I didn't give her enough nutes at first and it seems to me a lot of nute damage shows up long after the problem is solved? Not sure if that is true but seems so to me. My NL on the left is starting to nicely bud up too now and is already starting to smell a little peppery which is a good sign. I have strictly followed MegaCrops dosing guide with it so far and it is looking pretty healthy so I hope it stays that way.

It does have slightly burned tips but I have been scrutinizing other growers pics and it looks like almost all plants have some tip burn to some degree? Again don't know if others will agree.

On the right is my NL I am currently trying to reverse. It has gotten 2 sprays so far with STS and I am going every 3 days. Down here it is close to the laundry tub for spraying but once it looks like it is about to drop some pollen I will put it alone upstairs.




My OG Buds!! They are actually pretty substantial pretty far down the stalk so it looks like it will be a good harvest.



Here is my NL I am trying to reverse in its one-gallon pot on its perch.


This poor struggling sad sack is the clone taken from my NL now budding after spending 2 weeks under the dome in humidity. It was starting to look like it was getting slimy and wasn't perking up so I took it out a day ago and it looks the same so I take this as encouraging. I hope it lives because to maintain the lineage I will need it to pollenate.

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