Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

My oldest friend who I met in grade 3 is having the wedding for his son on Sat. I have know the whole family since I was a kid and they are great folk so it should be a hoot. :theband::party::woohoo:
I'm sure you could use some fun as well Homer. I hope you have a great time!
This was the main reason I looked at MegaCrop. I was so done with mixing Grow Big/Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom and cal-mag and silica and Open Sesame and Terpinator at different dilutions for different plants! I can't imagine doing that 3x a day :eek:

That is why I try and I said try and keep to my simple system because there is no end of stuff to buy.

I ran out of oil infused with Northern Lights so I switched for a few weeks to White Widow and today I made some more olive oil with NL and I do prefer that Indica feel especially for sleep. If this NL strain from Sensi is any good I may just make seeds and grow it for quite a while.
I'm sure you could use some fun as well Homer. I hope you have a great time!

It should be a real great time, thanks Sauga... :high-five:
If you like it, clone it! You never know what pheno you'll get with seeds.

I could only spare to part with enough to get 3 of those magic beans so I plan to take a cutting and then unless the mother is total crap make pollen and seeds from all three and do a slo mo 4 plant pheno hunt and breeding program. At least that is the plan at this point.
If you like it, clone it! You never know what pheno you'll get with seeds.

The mom is only a few weeks from bud and the cutting I took doesn't seem to want to take hold root wise because she still wilts after 8 hours outside the humidor and she is well over a week old; she is much slower than my norm. I took one from the OG Kush a few days ago from the one budding now and she is looking sprightly. I really hope she takes hold.
If you like it, clone it! You never know what pheno you'll get with seeds.

Sorry to be answering this 3 times but I just realized I misread it. I will take cuttings to keep it going and to make seeds if it is good.
Sorry, your current grow is a pain in the butt Old Salt. Can't imagine though what or why you are watering 3 times a day. In veg my plants can go a week or more and in flower every 2 to 3 days?? Even with the start of a seedling I don't water to close to a week.

In my previous grow with the automatic watering, I only had to change the tank every four days. I only checked the plants when I changed the tank, unless a problem showed up. I enjoyed that.

Needing to water three times per day is a function of plant size, and coco/perlite. If you do it by hand, it's a lot of work. Automated, it's next to none.
I sometimes leave the domes for 2 weeks before I bother checking to see if they mind fresh air. Even then I just tip the domes and leave a crack. I'm in no rush...just want roots eventually!

I remember from the old days my big race against time was that I would get mold on the cuttings before they could stand being out of the dome which is why I push them. Granted it hasn't happened yet since I have been growing again so thanks I will chillax and let her take her sweet time in the dome till shes ready. :thanks:
In my previous grow with the automatic watering, I only had to change the tank every four days. I only checked the plants when I changed the tank, unless a problem showed up. I enjoyed that.

Needing to water three times per day is a function of plant size, and coco/perlite. If you do it by hand, it's a lot of work. Automated, it's next to none.

Sounds like you have the automated all figured out. Hope it all works out for you. Interesting how many approaches there can be.
Shower before you go regardless of when you're due!

I was certainly planning on it and it is heartwarming you are looking out for me but kind of hurtful you figured I wouldn't... :rolleyes::p Just to avoid any awkward silence I am kidding... :)
If you like it, clone it! You never know what pheno you'll get with seeds.

I have lost count how many times I have replied to this message but since I have put a lot of thought into my future genetics things keep coming up.

I am actually extremely curious how varied the phenotypes will be from this seed. Sensi has been around quite a while and Penny told me where they got the strain from, which I shamefully forget, but it is apparently old stock so I would think it would be pretty stable without a lot of variety. And Sensi makes a point in their literature that they are preserving the old stock strains for whatever self-promotion is worth.

I know now I love a really strong pure Indica and mostly what I have grown outside NL I don't think I will use much besides my CBD strains but as far as THC to me NL rules so I am intersted in exploring the phenotypes of this old stock strain for now.
That's probably true about the NL. Even with a stable strain I find it easier to run clones just because they're already full grown plants once they root. No worrying about helmets or twisted tap roots or membranes or how much to water!

All true and I know cuttings started at the same time as seeds end up ahead in development which is a real advantage with my 4 plant max. So I do see some advantages of cuttings but I have had problems with training cuttings but I am willing to try again being more aggressive with my training.

But I do like the way seedlings act like they want to be trained and am just really curious what phenotypes are in this old strain. Live and learn. I think I will continue to do both because they both have advantages. I will definitely take a cutting of every seed I grow in case it is worth further cuttings or making seeds from it.
My current grow has been a real P.I.T.A. Two or three different formulations for various stages of growth, each with six or more components. Toss in watering three times a day by hand, having to struggle to get enough water, and it was no longer a joy. I'm hoping that block growing, and automatic watering will bring it back.

By block growing I mean all the plants in a tent are the same strain, and the same age, and therefore have the same environmental and nutritional requirements.
I agree! Watering 20+ plants every other day is a task lol! Automated watering for my flower tent is what I needed to have happen because I plan on running clones as well. Luckily all my strains thus far have had almost identical requirements this round. I’m sure I won’t be a lucky on future hunts but this time I was! Everyone is happy around the 6.5g/Gal of MC that I’ve been feeding so I’ve made note that when I do my next run I can run them together with same nutrients from the reservoir!
Excellent idea!
Thank you Shed; I do come up with some excellent ideas after months of lots of people continuously telling me I should be doing something a certain way.... :idea: :nerd-with-glasses:
Here is my OG Kush looking happy and healthy under my budding MegaLight. I am only giving my MegaLight 200 W of a possible 650 W but my plant seems perfectly happy bathing in the beautiful even light it gives off. I will try giving it a little more power later on but the plant seems so happy I will leave well enough alone for now.



Here is my Northern Lights plant looking happy also. I am being very conservative with all my nutes and everyone seems happier for it. It was just a sad coincidence that when I tried boosting my nutes I had monster buds from my White Widow plant and I believe now that boosting my nutes too much did more harm than good. I may try going over 6.2g/gal again but very conservatively. I think it’s better to be a little under now than a little over with the nutes. The first photo was how my NL looked this morning and in the second photo is how it looks after I tied down my main branches again but this should be the last time.



Here is a picture of its trunk and I am still amazed that it has four branches coming out of the fourth node which I have never seen before. I left the two branches at the third node because I thought I might need to take them as cuttings but it looks like my NL cutting will make it as you can see in the next pick.



Today the same scale @Old Salt has arrived which will allow me to mix up my STS in much smaller batches which should be much more economical. The cutting of NL that I have started will be the plant I will try and revert to male. Lots of fun on the horizon!!

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