Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Do you mix your nutrients on a per plant basis, or do your plants share a batch of nutrient solution? I'm wondering if you got too much of one, and not enough of another nutrient in one of your solutions. It's possible when making small batches of solution that the scoop of MC used was not as homogeneous as we'd like. If this happened flushing should take care of it.

At this point we're taking a stab at what might have caused it. I'd take a close look at the roots when you harvest or destroy the plant. It may or may not give us a better idea of what's going on. Right now I think most of us are scratching our heads and saying 'HUH?'.
Thanks, Dutch, the ladies I am sure will love it!! Thanks, I did turn the lights down a bit to let them acclimate. I also ordered an electricity usage monitor from Amazon so I can know exactly what my wattage is so I know how much energy I am using and exactly how much I am adjusting it so I don't chase my tail.
I’ve got a WATT meter and it works fantastic! That’s how I’m gauging the wattage off my new led fixture as well! It’s a big beast so having the knowledge of where it’s sitting will help when ramping up in the flower stage!

I hate to lose any plants even the mutants. Lol
Me to! I think I have a problem... I can rarely tell myself to cull a plant... even when I don’t need it.... what do you do? :hmmmm:
Good luck with the flush and reset Homer! Hopefully that gets her straightened out and she bounces back for a strong finish! I would definitely look at the roots as well though because if you’ve been doing everything the same up until now it tells me something is going on in the unseen portions of the plant!

Surely it will get resolved but how quick is the question! Hope your well pal
Do you mix your nutrients on a per plant basis, or do your plants share a batch of nutrient solution? I'm wondering if you got too much of one, and not enough of another nutrient in one of your solutions. It's possible when making small batches of solution that the scoop of MC used was not as homogeneous as we'd like. If this happened flushing should take care of it.

At this point we're taking a stab at what might have caused it. I'd take a close look at the roots when you harvest or destroy the plant. It may or may not give us a better idea of what's going on. Right now I think most of us are scratching our heads and saying 'HUH?'.

Yes, I do mix my nutes on a per plant basis but I have never had a problem with that before and I do try and get a good mix every time so I doubt that is it.

I am stratching my head too at this point and sadly the flush didn't seem to work because she is looking worse and I fear all is lost. Will definitely take a look at the roots when I chop her. I appreciate all the help and input from everyone but she seems to have lost the will to live; surprising since I have really screwed up with other plants and they managed to survive but this one got good treatment.

Here she is this morning looking even worse for wear.

I’ve got a WATT meter and it works fantastic! That’s how I’m gauging the wattage off my new led fixture as well! It’s a big beast so having the knowledge of where it’s sitting will help when ramping up in the flower stage!

Me to! I think I have a problem... I can rarely tell myself to cull a plant... even when I don’t need it.... what do you do? :hmmmm:

Glad to hear your Watt meter is working out for you; mine should be here early next week. I have actually never culled a plant before.
Good luck with the flush and reset Homer! Hopefully that gets her straightened out and she bounces back for a strong finish! I would definitely look at the roots as well though because if you’ve been doing everything the same up until now it tells me something is going on in the unseen portions of the plant!

Surely it will get resolved but how quick is the question! Hope your well pal

Thanks, Dutch but it looks like the flush isn't helping. It is perplexing I treated this plant like all the rest but I hope that means it is a problem with this strain and not my system. And yes I agree it looks like it is a problem with the unseen roots.
My Dinamed may not be a total write off as I feared even if she dies. She is on day 54 of flower and Dinafem recommends 60 days so even though breeders tend to underestimate bud times she must be close so I took some trichome shots and I see a lot of cloudy and a few hints of amber. She may be a little early but I think she is worth harvesting. This plant has a very pleasant lemony scent so I was thinking it would make a nice oil too.

Maybe you cleaned it it with Pledge when you were sleepwalking :) It might explain a lot.

It is amazing I could miss something so obvious... good job Sir!! :p
Give it a few more days then harvest if the buds aren’t drying out.

I was thinking the same about letting it go a bit hoping even if it doesn't recover much the trichomes may be a little riper but a good idea about checking the buds for drying out. Will keep an eye on them, thanks.
Yes, I do mix my nutes on a per plant basis but I have never had a problem with that before and I do try and get a good mix every time so I doubt that is it.

I am stratching my head too at this point and sadly the flush didn't seem to work because she is looking worse and I fear all is lost. Will definitely take a look at the roots when I chop her. I appreciate all the help and input from everyone but she seems to have lost the will to live; surprising since I have really screwed up with other plants and they managed to survive but this one got good treatment.

Here she is this morning looking even worse for wear.

Doh! Sorry bout the loss man. I recently grow a Sativa and she was in flower for a full 3 months and didn't produce anything but shit weed and she looked massive. It was such a heartbreaking event. I knew I should have pulled it, but couldn't make myself do it, kept thinking it would fatten up here any day. Never did. Ended up being a collosal waste of time. At least you got something there to work with.
Doh! Sorry bout the loss man. I recently grow a Sativa and she was in flower for a full 3 months and didn't produce anything but shit weed and she looked massive. It was such a heartbreaking event. I knew I should have pulled it, but couldn't make myself do it, kept thinking it would fatten up here any day. Never did. Ended up being a collosal waste of time. At least you got something there to work with.

D'oh!! Thanks for the message; I feel your pain man!! I think you are right it is all the time that makes it feel so heartbreaking. Looking at what I do have to work with it actually is kind of sad considering the stage it is at because I don't think I will get two ounces; the buds all seem pretty fuffy without much density. Finding a good CBD strain has been my nemesis. I think I will break down and pay the big bucks to get some Canadida like @InTheShed has been suggesting to me for ages. :rolleyes: So far though my Cannatonic has been my best performing CBD strain but the problem is they have so many phenotypes with different ratios I am not sure what I have but my joints feel pretty limber. :)
Remember some sativas are naturally airy and fluffy buds. It’s a genetics thing.

I knew they were taller generally but didn't know their buds were fluffier, thanks. Makes sense because this strain is 60% sativa.
Could be genetic and not environmental. Sativas and indicas grow quite differently

That is what I am hoping it is genetic, not environmental so it doesn't happen again.... :oops: I think my Dinamed is done because the leaves are getting crispy and the buds are getting drier so I might as well take a cutting of my OG Kush I just put under the budding light to replace her. I am going to take a cutting of every seed I grow now and if it is any good I will try and makes seeds from it's cutting. I have a cutting of my Sensi NL that is in veg already.

My OG Kush seems to be really enjoying my new MegaLight!!!

The Dinamed is done.... :rip: :sorry:


I was going to wait a few days to harvest my Dinamed but I have a pretty busy week coming up so I did her today. This is one pitiful harvest pic, lol… I think I will be lucky to get one ounce.


I had a look at the roots and the first thing that surprised me was how small my root ball was compared to my 5 gallon container. I would say half the soil didn’t even have any roots in it. Since I have never examined my roots before I don’t know if this is my norm or not. It certainly doesn’t compare to the pic Mr Sauga posted of his impressive root ball.

I didn’t notice any bugs or slime or rot or anything obviously wrong but then again I am not sure what I am looking for. One thing I noticed is the roots look pretty yellow compared to the white ones I have had when I transplanted but I don’t know if that is the cause of death or result??



On the bright side I have my NL Sensi plant doing fine in this pic with a cutting from her beside her and my OG Kush new cutting from today I put in the cutting humidor so that means I have one OG Kush plant flowering and one cutting of her and my NL and one cutting of her which is my new pheno hunt system.


I am just starting to let my NL cutting out of the humidor after about a week. I will give her a few hours a day increasing it until she can take it full time outside it.


My OG Kush from Dinafem under the MegaLight!! I am being careful not to over nute her or over water and so far she looks pretty happy but from my Dinamed I know that can change quick... :oops:

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