Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

I'd flush it with at least 2x the pot size of plain water and then follow that with 5.5g/gallon of MC. That's my hail mary!

Do you think I have some salt build up?? I am just making a wild guess it was underfeeding so I will give your idea a try. Nothing to lose.
As long as you make the last gallons the MC, a good reset might be the ticket.

Ok, you know better than me so I will give it a go. I will flush with 10 gallons of plain water and let her drain for a while and then give her 5.5g/gal of MC. :thumb:
I also have some hydrogen peroxide so should I throw some of that in the flush water for good measure?? Don't know what it will do but folks seem to like it.
Good luck Homer!

Thanks, Penny. It isn't a disaster if she can't be saved but she is so close to being done seems like a shame if I lose her.
I wouldn't combine them. When I used H2O2 I used it straight from the bottle, no dilution. That was to try to halt the fusarium wilt.

Ok, straight flush water it is. Will do her now. No time to lose, lol... Thanks for the input guys!!
Well, I followed your advice Shed and gave her a good flush and a 5.5mg/g feeding. Hope she makes it but she isn't looking too good. Thanks for the advice.

Where did the water come from the night you watered? Is it possible it got contaminated with something? Maybe jugs mixed up? I dunno. Lights shouldn't have that much of a reaction. Whatever happened appears to have been done at the watering you talked of.
Where did the water come from the night you watered? Is it possible it got contaminated with something? Maybe jugs mixed up? I dunno. Lights shouldn't have that much of a reaction. Whatever happened appears to have been done at the watering you talked of.

All good points and I totally agree about the watering because it happened right after that and it was so sudden being overnight I can't see it being other things that would be gradual like root bound etc... But I did not deviate from my regular watering routine so the evidence points there but there is only smoke there. Quite the mystery??? No alcohol involved in the watering either if that was an unspoken suspicion, lol... But yes I can't help thinking something was in the water too but can't imagine what it could be.

Oh and I almost forgot this happened before I switched lights so it isn't that.
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