Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Glad to hear things are moving along well and good luck with everything Friday!
Excited to see the new light setup!

Thanks, Dutch, very kind of you. Me too, can't wait!!! My Critical should be ready for harvest too. :headbanger:
Critical is awesome!!! I harvested mine a few weeks back and she’s a winner!

I’m sure you will enjoy yours just as much!!

Those are some true beauties you have there Dutch. :drool:I fear my Critical will be considerably less impressive. :oops: I can't fault Royal Queen too much because I over nuted it and burned it with my LED's somewhat so it didn't get ideal conditions. Live and learn. :rolleyes:
It’s all a learning curve each grow! Something improves and things get better! It’s what we strive for. I’m looking forward to seeing your harvest pictures!

I agree totally! And for me, that learning curve and improvement makes it more interesting and gratifying. I don't plan on changing anything major with my system but dial in what I have better like my nutes and light height and intensity and watering frequency and volume. Make them ladies as happy as I can. :party:
Here is my Dinamed on the left on day weeks 6 and day 2 of flower and my Critical on the right on week 9 day 2 of flower. The Critical is looking a little worse for wear because I over nuted it then burned it with the LED’s and now I am putting into drought mode before harvest.


Here are some Critical buds.


Here are my Dinamend buds doing ok so far.


Here is my OG Kush on week 6 and day 6 of flower doing well.



And here is my pride and joy my Northern Lights from Sensi Seeds on week 3 and day 2. I topped her today and tomorrow I will do some more trimming.


My poor old Critical plant on the right is finally being put out of her misery today after a long hard life. She had an idyllic life till adolescence but then was overfed her nutes causing considerable leaf burn and then adding insult to injury she was scorched with LED’s too close for comfort causing even more leaf burn and then for the final indignity she has been on a forced drought her last weeks of life.


The drought may have improved her stickiness a bit but it’s still nothing to write home about. Despite her not getting the best of treatment I still think I will end up with around 4 to 5 ounces. I think it’s unfair for me to be too critical of this strain considering the shabby treatment she got from me but I think if it was a powerhouse genetically it would have performed a little better despite my ineptitude. Her buds are bigger than they seem in the pic because that plant is really tall.


Here are the next generations; my NL from Sensi Seed is outlined in yellow and the arrow is pointing to the cutting I took from the main branch to start its training in its biodome. All the rest of the greenery is my OG Kush from Dinafem. I am pretty happy the way it is spreading out nicely in anticipation for my new Mega Light I won.



I would start setting up my light tomorrow but I have to let the city into my house to change a water meter and I am going to clear my growing stuff out of the basement when they come so I can’t set up till I get that done. I will call them on Tuesday after the holiday and hopefully, they can come within the next few days. If it weren’t for that I would now put the OG Kush under the budding light but I am going to wait until the city people come so I can do everything at once. Next on the list is to wire up the dimmer that the great people at NextLight gave me free to go with my MegaLight. They have been great to deal with.

Here is my Dinamed plant now all alone under the budding light. She even has a bit of nute burn around the edges of her leaves and she never got over the recommended max of 6.2g/gal so I am being much more prudent with my nutes.


Lots coming up in the next while; setting up my MegaLight, trying to make a female plant produce pollen and pollinating its clone to make S1 seeds!!! Just got to get those pesky city folk out of my hair first!!!:p
I let my Critical plant from Royal Queen Seeds hang to dry out for a couple of days and today I harvested the buds. I got a little over 4.5 ounces but it has over 70% moisture so I figure it should come in around 4 oz. when cured.

As George Castanza would say, that is in the meaty part of the curve, not showing off and not falling behind, lol. I only had one of these seeds being a freebie but I don't think I will be getting any more. Sure, I didn't treat is so well but I screwed up my first NL plants on my first grow a lot worse and they came out mega sticky. This Critical plant is not very sticky or stinky and only had an average yield so despite not helping it by overfeeding it and burning it with my lights my incompetence I doubt accounts for the poor results alone. So I would not recommend it.

Can’t cry over spilled milk so I am looking forward to how my OG Kush buds out and my NL from Sensi. The guy from the City is coming Thursday afternoon to change my water meter so once that is done I will be getting my MegaLight set up!!!


Still a big bowl of solid bud.

Yes, it is Penny and I hope I don't sound like I am complaining because I'm not, I just expected this strain to do a little better is all. Just makes me more excited to see how my OG and NL buds out. :party:
Meds are meds so good work Homer! I’m eager to see how your NL turns out and what your Mega looks like!

Hope your well buddy

Thank you, Dutch. I am excited to get my Mega up too. The City guy comes Thurs but I have friends coming over on Friday so it may be the weekend.
NL is usually a winner

Yes, and being from Sensi I am hoping for some nice sticky buds and not so concerned with quantity. This plant has some pretty unique characteristics too; where the cotyledon open I usually get just a leaf on each side but this plant had branches sprout out of the cotyledon node and the fourth node I usually use to train on every other plant I have grown has had 2 branches at that node but this one is the only plant I have had that had four branches on the fourth node!! Don't know what that means but it is different.

If I sound like I am complaining about my results it isn't that I am some kind of malcontent but instead since I was a chronic smoker for about a decade in my youth I do know what primo bud is and I am simply not there yet. I have a long way to go to have the stinky sticky crystally bud I prized in my smoking days so I am not complaining because getting there is a fun challenge. But I do like to do better every grow!!
Yea I’ve never seen it before.

That is a real surprise Penny because you seem to have seen just about everything else bud wise!! :oops:

The plant wanted to make a unique contribution to a winning journal. :laugh:

I still think it was some kind of clerical err, lol... :p
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