Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Good. I will do that. I rushed the potency on the GG seedling all through veg more than ever and it took it happily. I find it pretty hard to screw up with MC in veg... but just give me time. :p
So far with MC the big issue has been under feeding plants.
That is where my thinking was about six months ago. I was having real trouble with yellowing leaves and I knew @MrSauga was really pushing the limits so I tried that and went up to about 8 g per gallon MC with my White Widow I think it was and got the same results so then I followed Emilya's recommendation which was to go light on the nutes and that didn't help either but she uses that Vylyx or whatever it is volcanic soil mix which is supposed to cut your nutes in half which might have been why our mileage varied.

So I have been all over the board with this stuff but too little wasn't the answer so maybe just a little bit more than recommended. I would really like to grow four plants giving each a different dose of MC to really dial it in but I don't want to waste a generation growing the same thing because growing different strains seems to be a lot more interesting and fun. I will do that though; slowly push this one with the MC until I stop getting dying leaves.
As long as you don’t see obvious signs of nute burn I’d raise it.
Okay. I went from 5 to 6 g per gallon this watering so I will hold it off there till I can see if the leaf dying gets better or not and if not I will raise it to 6.5. And I'll keep going until I either get less dying leaves or signs of burn. Dr. Seeds says that this is a heavy feeder.
And it sounds like it is to.
OK, I will treat it like one. :headbanger: But try and not go overboard.

My big nagging question with MC is, is there a sweet spot that is very narrow, or does it not exist at all. I can get a nice crop but never get to the end healthy. Some say dying lower leaves are part of the life cycle but others say no. I have gotten some really great yields but never really figured this stuff out. I'm not complaining, I'm just going to keep trying till I answered this riddle.
Some chemovars will go yellow and drop leaves no matter what you do. It’s all genetics.
That is what always seems to happen to me. I guess I will try and balance the MC best I can and accept some leaves will die. This plant all the uppers are still good so that is a good sign so far.
The original Pink Kush would drop virtually all its leaves by harvest time. Not a thing you can do to stop it from happening.
Interesting, good to know, thanks. You sure know your bud. :)
On day 23 since flipping my Gorilla Glue is starting to get a little bit stinky and sticky and a fair bit of trichomes developing on the sugar leaves which is great news for this stage. With that good news and the size of her, I am really looking forward to seeing what kind of a harvest I get. Should be a good one.

Here is a pic of a gorilla glue bud and an exploded view of the same bud to show the triches.


I decarbed 2 ounces of Northern Lights to do some testing with ethyl alcohol tinctures. I was thinking my last tincture experiment was Northern Lights when in fact it was my 1:20 plant. That experiment gave me a 17% yield in weight from a bud cured to 60% humidity after six days of soaking.

So since it looks like a week is enough I will soak one-half ounce for a week as my standard and one for a day one for an hour and one for five minutes and see what the shortest time is to get the maximum yield so I can avoid as much chlorophyll as possible.

I have read that ethyl alcohol extracts chlorophyll because ethyl alcohol has a polar charge but from my reading ethyl alcohol has a neutral or no charge? I have to do more research on this but I'm starting to doubt if switching to a different solvent would give me less chlorophyll. I may switch to isopropyl alcohol just because it's cheaper.
Hello Homer, What strain did you order for your Sativa Grow. Just curious! I am going to guess and say that you are going to harvest 10oz of bud from that beast of yours. Especially with a light like yours, you can dial it in where you like and put it on cruise control. Cheers
Hello Homer, What strain did you order for your Sativa Grow. Just curious! I am going to guess and say that you are going to harvest 10oz of bud from that beast of yours. Especially with a light like yours, you can dial it in where you like and put it on cruise control. Cheers

Hello, BudShark. I ordered, Super Lemon Haze Feminised Seeds, through Seedman and I forget the breeder but it is the one that bred this strain so it should be original for my Sativa grow.

I certainly should be happy with 10 ounces but I'm hoping that will be the lower limit because I already got 10 ounces off my Northern Lights Plant and that was only in a 5-gallon pot with a much smaller plant. I was sure I read on the Dr. Seeds site that Gorilla Glue was only a moderate yielder but I checked today and the Dr. Seeds site seems to have changed and now they say it is an ultrahigh yielder so I don't know what to expect.

When I had two NL plants in separate 5-gallon pots that I did not veg as long as this plant I got 13 ounces under the same light. So yes I would be content with 10 ounces but I admit from past harvests I would be a little disappointed. Anything over 13 ounces I would be thrilled with. Not that it really matters because I gave away 10 ounces a couple weeks ago to some friends because I'm running out of freezer space. But it's just fun to do better with every grow.
If getting rid of the chlorophyll is what you want have you tried doing a cold rinse? Everything Frozen product and alcohol only leave them together for 5 minutes or so and in the freezer. Then filter also doing that in the freezer. Used to make honey oil that way with isopropyl it leaves pretty much all the chlorophyll behind.

I did try a three-minute cold rinse pretty much based on Sweet Sue's journal but I didn't think I extracted very much but I'm not certain because I had not thought of my system to weigh my resin yield yet from my washes. I only leave the house to go shopping about once a month and they didn't have any isopropyl alcohol last time but I found it really interesting that that's how they make honey oil because I didn't know. Back in the day people really used to love that stuff.

So since I have 95% ethanol here already I think I will do that test I talked about with four different soak durations with ethyl alcohol, weigh the results and that will be a good baseline to see how well the isopropyl alcohol works in a cold rinse in comparison because I will use the same Northern lights for both.

Thanks for the info oldsmoky, that was very helpful. Pennywise also has been trying to get me to switch to isopropyl so there must be something to it but the only reason I haven't tried it because of the damn virus. But it's coming.
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