HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese - Herijuana Jack 33

Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Touche! I agree, the dry n cure IS most important. I wish I had the resources to build and equip a room just for the dry, with RH and temp controls. I should be taking notes from you since you have more exp.!:high-five:

I don't know about taking notes from me:rofl: Yeah I wish I had the space for something like that as well. I also wish I had more room to grow, but we deal with what we got and make the best out of our small spaces. :high-five:
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Day 37








Feed today last week veg nutes
5ml Grow Big
5ml Cal/Mag
2.5ml Pro-tekt
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Looking good HMG, you've got some fantastic growth going on in there.

I'm thinking my next grow might be in soil... did you have any problems switching from hempy to soil? What were the problems you were having in the hempys?

Thanks TS, I don't know about fantastic, I think I am still having problems with my water.:scratchinghead:

I had no problems going from Hempy to soil. I just rinsed the perlite off the roots and stuck them in the soil.

I could not keep the PH stabilized with the combination of tap and RO water.
My tap water can come from one of six wells.
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33


I'm still creepin' around in here... Following the grow, they look pretty good, but you might be right about the water issue. Is it just the pic or do those leaves look like the veins are really dark and the tissue in between looks much lighter? I think I read that could be a nutes/pH problem.

I'm so new to this tho, don't take my word for it...I've never grown in soil, only soil less mix. But I did have my own nutes/pH issues with this last grow.

Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33


I'm still creepin' around in here... Following the grow, they look pretty good, but you might be right about the water issue. Is it just the pic or do those leaves look like the veins are really dark and the tissue in between looks much lighter? I think I read that could be a nutes/pH problem.

I'm so new to this tho, don't take my word for it...I've never grown in soil, only soil less mix. But I did have my own nutes/pH issues with this last grow.


Sqwheels great to hear from you again. Congrats on your harvest.

I think that the MH might be playing on the way the pics look. Here are a few from today outside the tent. You can see the problem that I am experiencing.

Anyone who could help me with this problem I would greatly appreciate it. I am wanting to flip them to 12/12 next week.



Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

I had a very similar, if not exactly the same issue on my last grow. I got so much differenty feedback on what it might be, that I just went with a big flush, and started cal/mag in low doses. Here is a link where I always like to start my search for answers to deficiencies and toxicities...Plant Abuse Chart

You can also post your problem here, and usually get a pretty decent influx of people to help...Problems, Pests & Disease Control - 420 Magazine

To be honest, it looks a lot like mg def to me.:goodluck:
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

I had a very similar, if not exactly the same issue on my last grow. I got so much differenty feedback on what it might be, that I just went with a big flush, and started cal/mag in low doses. Here is a link where I always like to start my search for answers to deficiencies and toxicities...Plant Abuse Chart

You can also post your problem here, and usually get a pretty decent influx of people to help...Problems, Pests & Disease Control - 420 Magazine

To be honest, it looks a lot like mg def to me.:goodluck:

Thanks for the link Q. I put it in N.W.Green help thread he thought it looked like a zinc def.

This is the same kind of problem I had with my Hempy buckets. I feel strongly that the RO water that I was purcashing was very bad I do not have a way to test TDS or anything other things except PH. I never had these types of problems in my first grow which was soil and my bad tap water, so I am going back to PH'd tap water.
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Today I watered with just PH'd tap water 6.7 in and 6.7 out

BC confirmed female kind of hard to see in this pic but I think you can see clear enough.

Tied them down a little with some bottom trimming to get ready for flowering in the next couple of days.





I also took a couple of small clones from each plant on 8/10. They still look great right now, no wilting or anything. If they take I will show the process that I used since I do not have room for any kind of cloner this may be able to help people in the same kind of situation.

I know my plants do not look the best and probably would be a good idea to get them completely healthy before flipping them. Do to height restrictions I need to get them flowering. Any comments or advice will be greatly welcomed.
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Man, I'm not sure what your idea of a healthy looking plant is, but bro, your plants look great! Stop selling yourself short! I mean, those little spots are barely noticable. As long as you get things dialed in, and prevent the issue from going any further, you'll have a great grow, and likely, a great harvest! Just mho, but I really think they look fine buddy. I've seen MUCH worse, and even seen much worse looking plants give up a nice harvest, so don't fret too much about it!
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Man, I'm not sure what your idea of a healthy looking plant is, but bro, your plants look great! Stop selling yourself short! I mean, those little spots are barely noticable. As long as you get things dialed in, and prevent the issue from going any further, you'll have a great grow, and likely, a great harvest! Just mho, but I really think they look fine buddy. I've seen MUCH worse, and even seen much worse looking plants give up a nice harvest, so don't fret too much about it!


I think they are a little more noticble to me just cause I see them all the time. Hopefully I am on my way to getting them dialed in.

With all the great resources here at :420: I think that I should be able to pull off somewhat of a good harvest. :high-five: Thanks again for making me take a step back and keep a positive attitude +reps for you kind sir.:adore:

Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Ah thank you kindly for the reps good sir! I just know how much it helps to have positive people around me, and try to help others see the positive as well. But I wasn't just humoring you, your garden really does look great. I know guys who struggle their asses off to keep plants looking that well. So give yourself a little pat on the back for what you've done, too.
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

Ah thank you kindly for the reps good sir! I just know how much it helps to have positive people around me, and try to help others see the positive as well. But I wasn't just humoring you, your garden really does look great. I know guys who struggle their asses off to keep plants looking that well. So give yourself a little pat on the back for what you've done, too.

Yes a positive outlook is always the best. I have noticed how this community here at :420: has so many positive people willing to help their fellow grower.

Much :green_heart: here.

:thanks: I will give myself a pat, just a little one though :laughtwo:
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

42 days since they came above ground. Today is day 1 of 12/12.





Feeding today per gal
7.5ml Big Bloom
5ml Tiger Bloom
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

They look beautiful, HMG! VERY healthy if you ask me!!:goodjob:


Been away several days, horrible plumbing problems here at home. I completely agree...your plants look really good.:yahoo: :welldone:

Your last update, you said 42 days above ground, did you plants these from seed? I thought you brought home clones...sorry I forget.
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33

They look beautiful, HMG! VERY healthy if you ask me!!:goodjob:

Thanks Quix, I think that it has been a positive move going back to my tap water. I'm going to start adding somw molasses in to the mix now as well so we will see where things go from here. Do you use molasses at all?
Re: HMG's Hempy Grow 2011 Blue Cheese, Herijuana Jack 33


Been away several days, horrible plumbing problems here at home. I completely agree...your plants look really good.:yahoo: :welldone:

Your last update, you said 42 days above ground, did you plants these from seed? I thought you brought home clones...sorry I forget.

Sorry about the plumbing, that's always a shitty thing to have to deal with. :rofl:

Yeah these were seeds, I took a couple of clones from each. I took them on the 8/10 still no roots as of yesterday.

:thanks: for the kind words.
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