Herbies Gelato Auto - Outdoor SIP

Ok well I got a random hair up my ass today and decided I’m going to try and pull off a quick outdoor SIP grow using the @Herbies Seeds Auto Gelato that won from the June GJOTM. Thanks again to @420 for these amazing contests and thanks to @Herbies Seeds for being a sponsor oh and their AMAZING skills at hiding seeds in their. It took a few emails with them before I could even locate the seeds in my package!!

Anyways, seed is going to take a swim for 24 hours, 5 gallon SIP bucket is already made up with a mix of FFOF and some random organic stuff the wife had in the “greenhouse”

Seed will go into the sip tomorrow and as usual I will use @Emilya Green The proper way to water a planted pot method.

SIP will live in the “greenhouse” until I feel she can take direct sunlight and then into the garden she goes.

The greenhouse is a lean too off the back of the garage that is walled with recycled pallet wood, the front is all recycled single pane widows from and old 1890’s house and the roof is clear green corrugated fiberglass.

Going to feed her MegaCrop starting at .5gr/gal and .22 gr/gal of epsom salt and work up weekly/biweekly as needed.

Well I think that’s about for now. Be back tomorrow with some pictures :)
Ok seed was cracked today and there was just a slight tail. In she went into the sip along with a good spray down of the soil.

Here is the most exciting picture I took all day long:

Looking at this picture, I should have grabbed some perlite to mix in there… FFOF is all at the bottom and around the grow bucket insert so that part should drain well.

Also it’s REALLY green in that shed hahaha

I hoping by Friday I have something breaking ground. Also just thought about it, if things start cool off too quickly I can pop her back into the greenhouse.

Well there is nothing really to ramble on about here at the moment.
Ok well I got a random hair up my ass today and decided I’m going to try and pull off a quick outdoor SIP grow using the @Herbies Seeds Auto Gelato that won from the June GJOTM. Thanks again to @420 for these amazing contests and thanks to @Herbies Seeds for being a sponsor oh and their AMAZING skills at hiding seeds in their. It took a few emails with them before I could even locate the seeds in my package!!

Anyways, seed is going to take a swim for 24 hours, 5 gallon SIP bucket is already made up with a mix of FFOF and some random organic stuff the wife had in the “greenhouse”

Seed will go into the sip tomorrow and as usual I will use @Emilya Green The proper way to water a planted pot method.

SIP will live in the “greenhouse” until I feel she can take direct sunlight and then into the garden she goes.

The greenhouse is a lean too off the back of the garage that is walled with recycled pallet wood, the front is all recycled single pane widows from and old 1890’s house and the roof is clear green corrugated fiberglass.

Going to feed her MegaCrop starting at .5gr/gal and .22 gr/gal of epsom salt and work up weekly/biweekly as needed.

Well I think that’s about for now. Be back tomorrow with some pictures :)
Thanks for choosing Herbies Seeds and for the shoutout! We're thrilled you're using our Auto Gelato for your SIP grow. It sounds like you’ve got an awesome setup going, and we’re excited to see how it turns out. Keep us posted on your progress—we can’t wait to see those pictures! Best of luck with your grow! 🌱✨
Day 1:

Well today is officially Day 1 as we have a little sprout that broke the surface this morning.

Hard to see in this pic but trust me she is there :)

As mentioned, the plan is to leave her in the greenhouse until she can handle full sunlight and then into the garden she goes!

Will update in a couple of days once she is actually showing herself.
Day 2:

And she is taking off. She might get a bit long legged in the greenhouse and she is certainly reaching towards the light.

Oh well that’s the way it’s going to roll. She will be in full sunlight soon enough :)

Day 4:

She is getting a little direct sun for an hour or so. I need to get a fan into the greenhouse to help ward off any dampening. Fortunately there is air movement outside right now so she is getting a little movement.

She seems to be cruising along just fine for now, though a tad stretchy, which is due to the filtered lighting she is currently getting.

Well thats it for this one today :)
I need to get a fan into the greenhouse to help ward off any dampening.
Damping off is one of three or four fungi and is effectively countered with fresh worm castings. A light layer on the soil surface and well misted in will get you done! See if your wife has some kicking around.

I'm not an auto grower, but I do like me some SIPs, so I'm in!
See if your wife has some kicking around.
I will have to take a look. If not there is a spot up the street that does :) thanks for the advice!
I'm not an auto grower, but I do like me some SIPs, so I'm in!
Yeah autos aren’t my jam either, however free beans and a hair up my ass to try and get in an outdoor grow. Figured this late in the season those free @herbie seeds would work just fine for the mission at hand :)
Day 5:

Well I forgot to put her back into the greenhouse yesterday and she is doing just fine, its not getting cold over night, overnight lows are around 63° and daytime is about 80° and its going to get HOT by the end of the week so she might not go back into the greenhouse as it will be over 100° in there for sure.

Where I have her she gets about 1.5 hours of mid day sun and everything else is indirect. Will leave her like that for now.

I need to read the bag of organic media that I used and see what's going on with the added nutes that they put in there or what is going on with that so that I have a better idea of when to start feeding her.

She is going to get fed @Greenleaf Nutrients MegaCrop 1 part with an addition of Epsom Salt for Mg, a silicate solution to help with cell structure and Ammonium Sulfate to bump up the NH$+ just a tad. Will ph my tap water to 6.3 after all additions are added.

Should be a fun ride and I am hoping I can squeeze this out before the snow flies!!

Todays pic:
Day 5:

Well I forgot to put her back into the greenhouse yesterday and she is doing just fine, its not getting cold over night, overnight lows are around 63° and daytime is about 80° and its going to get HOT by the end of the week so she might not go back into the greenhouse as it will be over 100° in there for sure.

Where I have her she gets about 1.5 hours of mid day sun and everything else is indirect. Will leave her like that for now.

I need to read the bag of organic media that I used and see what's going on with the added nutes that they put in there or what is going on with that so that I have a better idea of when to start feeding her.

She is going to get fed @Greenleaf Nutrients MegaCrop 1 part with an addition of Epsom Salt for Mg, a silicate solution to help with cell structure and Ammonium Sulfate to bump up the NH$+ just a tad. Will ph my tap water to 6.3 after all additions are added.

Should be a fun ride and I am hoping I can squeeze this out before the snow flies!!

Todays pic:
I love babies!! Happy Tuesday!! 😎✌️
Day 13:

This girl is really dragging her feet about doing anything soon!!


I’m hopping she decides to pick up the pace soon or she might not make it before the temps get too cold!
Day 17:

This poor girl is still trying to figure it out!!!

We are forecasted to have great weather the next 10 days with overnight lows in the lower 60’s° and highs in the mid 70’s° so I am leaving them out of the greenhouse moving forward. Full sun at that, well as much of it that she will get in her location, which will probably change.

Anyways that’s it for now.


Day 18:

Well she had her first full day outside. It was sunny all day long and hit about 80° and she did great.

I also filled her reservoir by top water today in hopes that she will hit the res soon. Though I am probably being a little anxious on that one as she doesn’t even have a true set of leaves yet!

She really is taking her sweet time about getting on with it!


Day 18:

Well she had her first full day outside. It was sunny all day long and hit about 80° and she did great.

I also filled her reservoir by top water today in hopes that she will hit the res soon. Though I am probably being a little anxious on that one as she doesn’t even have a true set of leaves yet!

She really is taking her sweet time about getting on with it!


Throw some spring 77 shows on for her. She will be up and dancing in no time.
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