Herbies Gelato Auto - Outdoor SIP

Day 28:

Well she is still taking her sweet time. I think she is looking a little lite in color so I fed her a dose of 1/4 strength nutes from a batch I had for my flowering plants that I watered down to about 1/4 strength haha. If she doesn’t darken up a bit by Thursday I will make a batch just for her that’s a little stronger. I just didn’t want to over do it with the slow release that was built into the random soil I used.

Her reservoir is full and awaiting those roots to hit it! Once they do it is game time!!!

It’s going g to be really close if she makes it to the end before we get to hard frost on the regular ……

Day 30:

Well 1 month in and she is tiny LOL. I think the nutes helped her coloring and she got another feeding today.

Still not much growth. Waiting for this roots to hit the reservoir and for her to take off.

Luckily we are still warm for the next 10 days with the highs in the mid 80’s and lows in the mid 60’s but we do have rain for several days next week it looks like.

Day 23:

Well she is still building her roots :)

I’m sure in the next week she will start to take off a bit more, I sure hope so at least!


Hey Ke0ncp! :high-five: If you look back on your Day 18 pics and then forward to Day 23 - you do have growth! That’s only 5 days. Edit: And to day 30 - much growth! So I think those roots are getting to the bottom and you will soon see her sprout out everywhere! She sure looks to be enjoying the sun… the good life.
:hug:Granny Hugs:hug:
Day 33:

Well seems the little bit of feeding helped darken her up a bit. Hard to tell in the pics. She is also starting to grow a tad as well.

Was gone for the weekend and came home to a yard full of leaves! So not much left in the season!


Day 35:

Gave her another dose of MegaCrop and there is a squirrel that I’m fighting with that keeps digging in the damn sip!! 2 days now I’ve come home and she is on her side!!

Doesn’t seem to bother her much though!

Day 35:

Gave her another dose of MegaCrop and there is a squirrel that I’m fighting with that keeps digging in the damn sip!! 2 days now I’ve come home and she is on her side!!

Doesn’t seem to bother her much though!

You need a pea shooter for that damn squirrel.
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