Hempy Headquarters

I've never tried any of the other (similar) forum sites. This just happened to stop here first and was so pleased that I had no need to go elsewhere.
The people here are great!
Maxigro and Maxibloom are self balancing. I do the standard 7gms/gal with my CaMg and silica and my 7.5 tap water is 5.8 when done. Maybe it's just luck? Ill have to check the bag.

Which specific calcium/magnesium and silica products do you use with those? Trying to figure out something for my buddy. I think his water's pH is higher than that, but I've got some phosphoric acid around here somewhere, IIRC.
Your thought train has missed the station baby!
You actually want it all to dry out. Your weather seems perfect.
Dry it, dump it, move on with life. Mine sit in the garden forever. Sometimes they dry, mostly they rot.... whatever. Eventually the rootballs make it to the firepit and finish their current cycle of life.

People who have compost piles could probably just throw them in there when they're flipping the pile over. The roots would go the way of everything else organic, and the perlite would be left behind to enhance the rich growing medium that they eventually pull out of the pile. Premixed goodness, lol.

BtW, it's not every day that I find myself wishing for a little bit of your weather, but today (now!)... Approximately 12 hours ago, I was trying to get my mower started (must not have let it run long enough after adding stabilized gasoline for the "pure" to be consumed from the line/carburetor) so I could cut down what has already gotten to almost knee-high in places. So, imagine my surprise, when I stepped out for a night walk about an hour ago... and had to go back in for a couple more layers plus my heavy jacket. Blowing snow. Got home and it was frozen to my outer clothing. Last Autumn - early Winter, really - I thought the Summer would never end. I may have to revise my estimate (to sooner) about when we'll have turned our planet into a copy of Venus.
The daughter starts growing her own this week

I just saw this. Mama has taught her fledgling to fly? Congratulations!

I hope that is going well for her, and continues to do so.
we have been throwing around the idea of smaller footprint HempyPots and using more of them. Instead of LST or Scrog, just let them get some minimal height and then flip to stretch and flower.

Come SOG with Me - 112 Plant - 2 Liter - Hempy SOG

IIRC, he had a couple other journals of the same type before he got banned.

What do you think of the idea of spray painting the outside black and letting it cure a bit to get rid of the smell?

I used to do that, then repaint in white (not for any light reflectivity, I just obsessed about heat soaking). Looking back, the white was probably both unnecessary and 99% unhelpful. Was lucky enough at the time to be able to maintain a decent canopy, so not enough light got down there to do anything.
A little H2O2 isn't a problem for roots

I used to add it to every gallon of solution I ever poured into a reservoir when I was doing the DWC thing.

BtW, a capful or two of 3% H₂O₂ will almost instantly dechlorinate a gallon of tap water.
I have a policy of not asking such questions, and can only assume there was a reason. I only mentioned it so tha no one posted any questions with any expectation that he would be able to answer them (although others might answer, I suppose).

And I am grateful that banned members' threads are left undeleted - for many of them are still of great use.
I planned on using a few wicking holes down the 36" that can be plugged up as the roots get deeper. Several different water tables to use throughout the grow.
The whole assembly will also have a petcock style drain at the very bottom so I can always drain out remaining liquid before adding new nutrients.

I think it should all work.... :ganjamon:
Maybe? LoL
I'm gonna give it a go to see what happens.... In the name of science, of course. I'll post a few pics once I get it built.

If it DOES work, do you have ceilings over 12' tall?
a capful or two of 3% H₂O₂ will almost instantly dechlorinate a gallon of tap water.

So very true! H202 is exceptional at removing chlorination from tap water. Chlorine will outgas when exposed to air, but chloramine doesn't and can even slightly increase. I used to always let my tap water sit exposed for 24 hours to outgas chlorine, but then my municipality switched to chloramine vice chlorine. Several aquarium fish died before I figured out what was going on, and had the water company advise to treat the water with 2 tbsp of 3% H202 per gallon of water before resting it. The fishes were happy and thriving again.

H202 is a staple in my greehouse and plant supplies. I use so much that I buy 35% and dilute it to 3%. If anyone buys 35% ... be careful, it's very powerful stuff. That one extra oxygen atom is not stable and can inform to a person the potency of simple oxygen.

Back when I started the SWICK thread Kronic worked out that the best wicking action is up to 8”, but it’ll still wick decently up to 12”. After 12” there isn’t the root volume you’ll want near the top because that perlite dries almost immediately. That’s covered somewhere early in the SWICK thread.

We all fight the urge to engineer a “better” solution to what’s already working. Lol!

Good find on the 6” PVC. :high-five:
So very true! H202 is exceptional at removing chlorination from tap water. Chlorine will outgas when exposed to air, but chloramine doesn't and can even slightly increase. I used to always let my tap water sit exposed for 24 hours to outgas chlorine, but then my municipality switched to chloramine vice chlorine. Several aquarium fish died before I figured out what was going on, and had the water company advise to treat the water with 2 tbsp of 3% H202 per gallon of water before resting it. The fishes were happy and thriving again.

H202 is a staple in my greehouse and plant supplies. I use so much that I buy 35% and dilute it to 3%. If anyone buys 35% ... be careful, it's very powerful stuff. That one extra oxygen atom is not stable and can inform to a person the potency of simple oxygen.


I wasn’t aware that H2O2 could neutralize the chloramines. Good to know. I was aware that a pinch of dirt in the water for 10 min would do that, but that’s not useful for fish, is it? Lol!
So very true! H202 is exceptional at removing chlorination from tap water. Chlorine will outgas when exposed to air, but chloramine doesn't and can even slightly increase. I used to always let my tap water sit exposed for 24 hours to outgas chlorine, but then my municipality switched to chloramine vice chlorine. Several aquarium fish died before I figured out what was going on, and had the water company advise to treat the water with 2 tbsp of 3% H202 per gallon of water before resting it. The fishes were happy and thriving again.

The funny thing is that I didn't even realize the above for a long time. I just always followed the "you cannot have too much DO in a DWC reservoir" strategy (well, you can, in theory - but the state in which that is possible is not likely to be one that the average grow room exists in, lol). I still believe this strategy is why I had healthy white roots - and healthy plants - even when I saw temperature extremes above 100°F. Well, that and making sure that I had enough airflow for the plants to transpire many gallons of water per day, each. Had some airy buds a few times under those conditions, but you'll have that (or at least, I did). I used to joke that it'd take a mouse an hour to drown in one of the reservoirs. That was exaggeration. Probably ;) .

I suppose all that is why I had trouble, initially, accepting the concept of a hempy. And... Why the growth rate does appear to be somewhat less than in a really well-oxygenated large-reservoir DWC. And why the roots sometimes don't appear quite so white. But I have to admit that passive hydroponics has its place (and one of those places will be in my grow space before very long, lol) . I'm sure hoping I can keep the temperature down, though. It'd be so difficult as to border on the impossible to pour 13+ gallons of water on the hottest days into small containers. (Of course, that would be scaled down A LOT since I'm thinking of using two-liter bottles instead of 23-gallon plastic tubs, but still... ).

My only real question is whether I should use auto-flowering plants grown (obviously) from seed, or photoperiodic ones grown from cuttings. The former offers a big time savings - but I do not have enough seeds left to fill the three eight-hole two-liter bottle racks that I'd like to fill. The latter... The latter kind of appeals to me for several reasons. Not least of which is the ability to (eventually :rolleyes: ) flower 24 rooted clones at a time with no real vegetation period, giving me - in theory, of course - 24 budcicles, all well-behaved. So... six of one, half a dozen of the other, lol. Hmm, there's a thought. But IDK how auto-flower plants in general, and the seeds that I have in particular, will do in a dense SOG like this. I grew a couple of "testers" last year just to get an idea of their growth habits in such small containers. They were in two-liter bottles, but I felt like they would be happiest at only three per square foot, and allowed to sort of "intermingle" with two (or possibly three?) branches each, if I wanted to end up with a dense canopy. And these were in soil, so I would assume that I'd have more growth per plant to deal with if I got serious with this hempy thing.

So... IDK, lol.
After 12” there isn’t the root volume you’ll want near the top because that perlite dries almost immediately

I have a few tips that encourage large root growth in the top third of perlite hempies. I'll try to type up the tips and method involved in-between filling up moving boxes.

It involves several up-cannings, xylem stripping, rooting hormones, node removal, root pruning and frequent misting. It'll make a 5 gallon bucket one big root mass up to two inches from the top. It's not ground breaking stuff, but it is fun to perform if you like growing roots. Back to packing ...

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