Hempy Headquarters

I tape it when I soak my perlite, but un tape it when I drop the seeds

Why ya kinda spray or water them slightly a few times a day
I too germinate my seeds in hempy solo cups. I make my 1/2" hole up about 2.5" from the bottom. When ready to germinate a seed I put tape over the hole and start adding 1/4 strength nutrients until the perlite is "floating" and almost overflowing. I let it sit for about 3 hours during which time the perlite will absorb the nutrient rich water. After the soaking time I remove the tape and let the excess drain out the hole below. You're not ready to make a shallow hole and drop in your seed. I spray the inside of a clear solo cup with tap water to keep the humidity level high near the top of the cup where the seed is sprouting. As a rule I have a sprouted seed in 3 days.

Mist or water till they pop, and at 2nd set of leaves 1/4 nut watering couple times a day till they hit the reservoir

^What Chris said^

The seed initially has enough food to sprout and keep it growing until it has at least one set of true leaves. The little round cotyledon leaves will start to turn pale/yellow when it’s time.

With hempy, the plant will feel the fertilizer right away. Don’t start feeding too soon, or you may stunt the seedling.
2ml Bio Thrive + 1ml of CalMag + 2ml Bio-Root + 1ml Bio-Weed Per Gallon to soak your perlite and fill your reservoir. The perlite wicks up the nutrients keeping the perlite moist which is all the plant needs.
A very important tip when growing with perlite. Wash all the dust off before planting in it. Not as important for germination. But I used to do a half arsed job of rinsing off the dust and would find a really slimy mess of white gunk at the bottom of my hempy pots. Now I do a thorough job rinsing a little at a time and adding the clean stuff to the pot. Not good for the roots to be in that slimy stuff.
A very important tip when growing with perlite. Wash all the dust off before planting in it. Not as important for germination. But I used to do a half arsed job of rinsing off the dust and would find a really slimy mess of white gunk at the bottom of my hempy pots. Now I do a thorough job rinsing a little at a time and adding the clean stuff to the pot. Not good for the roots to be in that slimy stuff.

Already on it!
I rinse mine in a wire mesh colander with a handle on it. I fill it about 1/2 way and rinse and shake and rinse and shake till I see just clear water running out the bottom.
i prescreen my perlite and vermiculite dry then use the colander rinse as well.

i still end up with some sludge.. :rolleyes:

i get kind of grumpy over the fact about a third of the perlite winds up being straight flour or too small to be useful. wind up paying for a third that is unusable.
i prescreen my perlite and vermiculite dry then use the colander rinse as well.

i still end up with some sludge.. :rolleyes:

i get kind of grumpy over the fact about a third of the perlite winds up being straight flour or too small to be useful. wind up paying for a third that is unusable.

I never loose that much at all, maybe a small % at most
Bluter, that's like buying a high priced potting soil and pulling sticks the size of my finger out of it or huge chunks of bark etc.
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