Hello Everybody From Northern Minnesota

Good news, I moved my little tent into another room, put the dehumidifier in the room. Set it to 40 RH within 30 minutes the tent went from 65 RH to 40 RH.
Problem solved! :cheer:
You're right Mr Magoo,
I had to go back to the first field and start over cutting again.
Unfortunately it was supposed to be sunny and windy for four straight days. After I finished cutting, surprise! A rough thunderstorm appears, a $3,000.00 loss. Bummer! :confused:
Tough one John, sorry to hear that. Every dollar counts these days and we need Mother Nature on our side sometimes. I hope that's not a regular occurrence and more of an isolated problem you face.
You're right Mr Magoo,
I had to go back to the first field and start over cutting again.
Unfortunately it was supposed to be sunny and windy for four straight days. After I finished cutting, surprise! A rough thunderstorm appears, a $3,000.00 loss. Bummer! :confused:

Ouch mr.Wick I know exactly how you feel, when my brother bales hay and Mother Nature pays an unexpected visit can wreck havoc on the finances.... Sorry to hear bout that mr.Wick...
Finally, for now I'm the master of my domain. This was taken on hour after watering. What is the very best RH for flowering inside. MH say at flowering my lights should be between 12"-20". Where do you adjust your lights please?

Thank you and Green Day's for All :ciao:

If they say 12-20 I would start at 16 and see how they react. Drop it down another inch in a couple of days if all looks well. I'm not sure if autos stretch but keep that in mind.
Hey thank you for your input.
That's my problem, don't know if Autos stretch. I guess I'm going to have to do some research. Mr Bilbobud probably would know, I think he's hang a Party with Autos right know, isn't he?
If they stretch, I definitely want to make them.
At least I got the environment handled for now anyway. Still don't know what the perfect RH is. At this point I think all I would have to do is put the magic number into the computer on the dehumidifier. Too bad it's more kilowatt hell time. Lol Last indoor summer grow for me. Next year going to get them ready early and shove them outside. :cool:

Well, . . . It's beer thirty somewhere. :drool: Ya'll enjoy the day. :D

John :ciao:
Sorry, I just can't help it. Hahahaha
That's my problem, don't know if Autos stretch. I guess I'm going to have to do some research. Mr Bilbobud probably would know, I think he's hang a Party with Autos right know, isn't he?
If they stretch, I definitely want to make them.
I see what you are saying. I was referring to them growing into the lights if in fact they stretch. I just meant you may have to adjust the lights as they do.
Still don't know what the perfect RH is.
This is what I have found regarding the RH John. RH of 60-70% in veg and in flowering a RH of 40-50%. The hardest thing is trying to find consistent information here but for the most part I would try and hit the low end of 40.
I see what you are saying. I was referring to them growing into the lights if in fact they stretch. I just meant you may have to adjust the lights as they do.

This is what I have found regarding the RH John. RH of 60-70% in veg and in flowering a RH of 40-50%. The hardest thing is trying to find consistent information here but for the most part I would try and hit the low end of 40.

Hey man thanks, it's at 40 now I'll bump it up to 43. In 24 hour's I have dumped 3 1/2 gallons of water from the monster dehumidifier down the commode.
It's sticky here. :eek:
Hey thank you for your input.
That's my problem, don't know if Autos stretch. I guess I'm going to have to do some research. Mr Bilbobud probably would know, I think he's hang a Party with Autos right know, isn't he?
If they stretch, I definitely want to make them.
At least I got the environment handled for now anyway. Still don't know what the perfect RH is. At this point I think all I would have to do is put the magic number into the computer on the dehumidifier. Too bad it's more kilowatt hell time. Lol Last indoor summer grow for me. Next year going to get them ready early and shove them outside. :cool:

Well, . . . It's beer thirty somewhere. :drool: Ya'll enjoy the day. :D

John :ciao:
Im not sure on auto stretch tbh brother. Im working under a theory that they will continue to grow a fair way through flower but if they are on the same light schedule it wont be a vrazy stretch like what you see on photoperiods. Ill soon find out if thats true though lol
Hey John! You really got that environment dialed in now brother. Your plants will thank you! Just saved yourself a lot of headache not having to worry about powdery mildew or mould. Well....not as much anyway! Lol. I just planted my first auto as well. Northern lights. Gonna put her outside I think. Wish me luck buddy! Keep up the awesome work!
hey hey mr.Lawjr you getting around good man, that's how you network and get to know folk what a cracking family hey...

top of the morning to you mr.Wick autos are a funny bunch I've only grown autos once but from personal account and watching the other guys busy with autos generally speaking once they hit flower mode that's when they get their stretch on and there's no holding them back even the cabbage variety of autos some of the guys n gals in Brooklyn Sunrise comparative grow have got going...
Finally, for now I'm the master of my domain. This was taken on hour after watering. What is the very best RH for flowering inside. MH say at flowering my lights should be between 12"-20". Where do you adjust your lights please?

Thank you and Green Day's for All :ciao:

Each light will be different John. Seems that most LED manufacturers recommend somewhere in the 18" range in flower. Much different if you use the Quantum boards or similar technology.....for instance, my light runs 6-12" above the canopy with no issues. You can't run most LEDs that close, it will fry the plants.

My recommendation is always experiment with it. Set it at a certain height and see how the plants react. Give them a few days and then move the light a little closer if you don't see any signs of heat or light stress. When you finally get the plant to the point where is shows a little sign of heat or light stress, back it off an inch or two and you will likely have found your optimal height.

RH in flower.....I find best in the 40-55% range but again if you have lots of air movement you can go higher with no issues (just keep the fans on and you will be fine)
Thanks mr Stank I appreciate you're response and will try just that.
Unfortunately, I'm in-between hay stuff so really can't set around to chat at this time. I would also like to thank Mr Smeegs, Mr Magoo and Mr Bilbobud and anyone I may missed on my too very short visit.
well ladies and gentlemen, time to go outside and climb on again, my John deer that is.
Green days to all.

I rented John Wick last night. I realized I hadn't seen it yet when you joined.. Good movie, but...WTF! Puppy noooo!!!! They should warn you.
I rented John Wick last night. I realized I hadn't seen it yet when you joined.. Good movie, but...WTF! Puppy noooo!!!! They should warn you.

Good morning Ma'am. Yep that's the tear jerker part isn't it. I think they put that in the movie so the audience would have some rage towards the little Russian punk. Now, go get JW chapter 2, and watch it. JW chapter 3 is coming in 2019.
I can't wait. Gun porn. :green_heart:
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