Hello Everybody From Northern Minnesota

My girls may not be the biggest, but the quality fruit on
them makes up for my
'First time auto flower' experiment and mistakes.
I don't have a microscope or a real good camera, but I think thier heading in the right direction.
In the soil June 21st - August 21st today. :yummy:
Mr Sauga, so sorry about not hanging with ya'll. Been working harder than a
'One legged man in a ass kicking contest'. I just need to keep going until mid September. I can't wait to be able to come back here on a regular basis again.
Thanks for the pics John, it looks like you knew what you were doing all along. Too bad about the runt, but maybe it was for the better. Can't wait to see how much improvement you'll have on your next grow with everything you have learned. Soon others will be asking for your help and you'll have the answers.
Work safe out there in the fields bro, lots of large equipment and you want to keep your focus all the time. Talk soon John.
Top of the morning mr.Wick well by golly I do believe it's almost mid September as mr.Sauga mentioned so I'm going to hazard a guess that you almost rolling in the hay and not baling it anymore I hope, we missing your banter in the gardens hey so hurry on back ya hear.....

Hello Mr Smeegs and the rest of my Sister's and Brothers of 420.
What can I say, it's been a hell of a harvest this year.
Everything broke, including my shower. If I made a list of all the high dollar this that went to hell in the last couple of months, people would think that I'm looking for attention.
Moving on, I have missed everyone so much. Things are almost back to normal around here.
The good news, I did harvest my two white widow Auto girls, I got one packed full quart jelly jars from each of them. I know my experiment failed as far as quantity, but the quality was way more than expected.
Other good news for me, I have reduced my muscle relaxer pills (SOMA) by 90% because of the quality of my girls. Thus saving me $ 79.00 dollars a month of out of pocket cash.
Speaking of cash, because of the expense of fixing everything, I was never able to purchase a bigger tent. That sucks, but I did start another grow in which I have kept a complete journal with photos to share with you.
I hope you start transferring it to 420 soon.
I hope this message finds everyone well. Sorry about MIA so long but I was completely overwhelmed. It's good to be back.


Photo is WWA in put into water with full strength Great White.
Dropped in a 3 pm and at 8 am the next morning, this is what happened.
Needless to say it went into the soil then.
Hey John, good to have you back. Sorry to hear about the expenses you incurred over the season. It has to be a tough life...farming.
That Great White must have too much great in it, lol. I don't think I have seen a seed do that before so quickly.
Again, good to have you back. :thumb:
Good to see you back John, remember we're after quality first so sounds like it was a success. Looking forward to your next grow.

Thank you Penny. I have alot of catching up to do.
Hey John, good to have you back. Sorry to hear about the expenses you incurred over the season. It has to be a tough life...farming.
That Great White must have too much great in it, lol. I don't think I have seen a seed do that before so quickly.
Again, good to have you back. :thumb:
When I checked on it, I was totally blown away. Probably never happen again for me anyway.
I forgot how to start a new journal here. How do I start?
The White Widow sure took my non-stop muscle spasms away, but it was sure hard to keep motivated to work.
Anyone know how to take the THC out?
I found out that WW is excellent for muscle spasms even after only one hit, but very hard to stay motivated.
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