Hello Everybody From Northern Minnesota

I think it's all about the trich color John. Less cloudy and more clear gives you one effect, and more cloudy/less clear gives you another.
Here's a little clippit I found
"If you are growing mostly Indica hybrids, it is better to harvest your plants when the resin glands are completely developed but not fully ripen – before they turn amber – unless you want to be glued to your sofa."
Wow, congratulations to Mr Sauga, Blew Hitler and Norcaliwood for some fantastic photos. :adore::drool:
I think it's all about the trich color John. Less cloudy and more clear gives you one effect, and more cloudy/less clear gives you another.
Here's a little clippit I found
"If you are growing mostly Indica hybrids, it is better to harvest your plants when the resin glands are completely developed but not fully ripen – before they turn amber – unless you want to be glued to your sofa."
Thanks, gonna try with this current grow.
Hello John wick welcome to 420 magazine

Thanks Iceman, I just saw this. Been cutting, and baleing hay for the last 5 weeks. I apologise for not getting back to you sooner.
Time to get something done around here folks.
I'm going to try and start my new journal sometime this week.
I'm busy getting ready for winter still, where I live it went from summer to winter.
Mother nature forgot fall.
Have a great day folks and thank you the warm welcome back.

Good morning Ma'am, ice on the deck, not frost this morning. What about you?
Just frosty for me. Too damn soon though. Lots of rain here. Feeling bad for the guerrilla /outdoor growers.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

You can use the Report feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Of course! How you been mr wick?

Thank you Mr Magoo.
I've been doing great with the up grades I purchased, except giving .50 to much worms and bat poop nite,, in which I had to do a flush. Lol
Of course! How you been mr wick?

We have a new member @zZcommandoZz and he's trying to figure out what to buy for his new airflow system. Maybe if you get the time, stop on by.
on top of that he has a problem with gnats and I don't know how to deal with that
Gnats I would recommend Mosquito bits. Very easy to use and if you stay on top of it, works very well in eliminating gnats. Air flow is the key to keeping them out of your grow room.....but if they make it in your pots, the mosquito bits work excellent.
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