Heirloom's A Little Bit Of Everything - 2016 Journal

I have what I believe to be a medical transport small jet that flies under 400 ft over me. Can I shoot it for being in my private air space because I'm offended every time it buzzes me?


In NM, AZ, CA and TX I would think drones would be a common place tool that ranchers, BP and Sheriffs would employ to their advantage, not be scared wild west cowboys. You can monitor acreage far easier. But hey, what do I know, far more fun/cool to be a cowboy. I lived on the border for almost 20 years. I remember being able to simply step over a barbed wire fence and be in Mexico. How times have changed.

SG - Never did the boats other than toys in the pool, nothing really cool. I did race buggies when young. Then got into gliders, planes and then helis. Build the gliders and planes from balsa kits. Now I'm having another childhood and dropping good money for a Phantom 4. The Galaxy tablet goes with it.
We haven't had a single issue with CKS when ordering. Longest it has taken was 7 days. One week. Now it does sit in the ISC for a good portion of time. I don't know if you had been doing this, but you can take the tracking number and put it into the usps tracking. Then it'll update it instead of using Canada post.

We even had a package opened by Canadian customs and nothing was missing. The only thing I didn't like about the transaction was the fact that I asked for the breeder packaging to be sent seperate and they got all snippy and said that they can't do that until the United States changes the laws and they are doing us a favor.

Strong genetics and great germination rates. Don't give out "freebies" but always get a couple extra (7 when you order 5).

Hope it works out for ya.

Oh and the phantom...good choice my friend.
Good afternoon everyone, wow, miss a couple days , woosh, lots goin on. OK first off, i'm Canadian, and second , i do not like our border workers at C.C.. I have many stories of things gone missing from trackable packages , to envelopes of cash, also trackable , that just vanish. I've had items get held up for 10 days at Can. Customs and , or U.S. Customs. Shipping between the two countries can sometimes be a pita for sure.
Wanted to comment on your situation Bumble, my brotha , you guys must be on edge all the time down that close to the border. Lots going on , and ya , you better be packin, cuz if you aint, the bad guy is! You keep it together down there Bumble ...sounds a little too tense for my liking. just how close the the Mex. , US border are you? Cheers gang....I'm 100% Canadian but love all my US friends , makes no difference to me where any one's from. Everyone have an awesome day , cheers.:circle-of-love:
We haven't had a single issue with CKS when ordering. Longest it has taken was 7 days. One week. Now it does sit in the ISC for a good portion of time. I don't know if you had been doing this, but you can take the tracking number and put it into the usps tracking. Then it'll update it instead of using Canada post.

We even had a package opened by Canadian customs and nothing was missing. The only thing I didn't like about the transaction was the fact that I asked for the breeder packaging to be sent seperate and they got all snippy and said that they can't do that until the United States changes the laws and they are doing us a favor.

Strong genetics and great germination rates. Don't give out "freebies" but always get a couple extra (7 when you order 5).

Hope it works out for ya.

Oh and the phantom...good choice my friend.

Hiya Nis, my tracking shows it's processed through a facility in the west. But never left, apparently. I went with the $30 shipping route, so I'll get a retry if it's a no show.

Yeah, they state they only ship breeders packaging to Canadian customers. Probably snippy because it's a never ending repeat issue.

We just need to change our laws. That's all. Get off our arses and change them.

Almost decided to up it to an Inspire, but in hashing it out realized I only wanted it because of the oh so cool transforming from take off/land to flight config. Awful lot to pay just to have a transforming quad. I considered their hexacopter too, for it's payload capacity.
Good afternoon everyone, wow, miss a couple days , woosh, lots goin on. OK first off, i'm Canadian, and second , i do not like our border workers at C.C.. I have many stories of things gone missing from trackable packages , to envelopes of cash, also trackable , that just vanish. I've had items get held up for 10 days at Can. Customs and , or U.S. Customs. Shipping between the two countries can sometimes be a pita for sure.
Wanted to comment on your situation Bumble, my brotha , you guys must be on edge all the time down that close to the border. Lots going on , and ya , you better be packin, cuz if you aint, the bad guy is! You keep it together down there Bumble ...sounds a little too tense for my liking. just how close the the Mex. , US border are you? Cheers gang....I'm 100% Canadian but love all my US friends , makes no difference to me where any one's from. Everyone have an awesome day , cheers.:circle-of-love:
Yep, custom officers seem to be a breed of their own. Have a good friend, 30 years hauling cargo through the US/Can border with a very reputable company. Hassle-free on your side, but the US side always gives an attitude on his way back in. And he's an American! Go figure.
And yes, we are close. About an 80 mile trek through dry desert gets you to the Mexican border. And they(illegals) walk it all the time crossing over. Most just are looking for water as they pass through but it's not that simple these days. Are they Mexican illegals looking for work(not good) or a more aggressive illegal, looking to honor his God(way not good). A lot of retired military and ranchers around here. Propaganda spreads rampant and has stirred the pot. The government does little to help secure the border and border patrol is spreading thin. So it's the good ol boy system around here and it's been that way for a long time. Long story short about drones. When we first got here in 04/15, I told a neighbor I was thinking about getting a drone for Christmas. He said, if ya fly it over my place ( he has a small air strip of 100 acres and 2 single engine planes, retired military and a militia member) I'll shoot the sum bitch down! After 3 other neighbors heard about me wanting one, also called me to let me know their opinions on it as well. Needless to say, I didn't get the drone. Not because of their respective opinions, I've just got too many hobbies already! But that's how it is out here, I believe from Arizona on down to the tip of TX.... So we smoke a big fatty and relax.

Peaceful blazing...
I have what I believe to be a medical transport small jet that flies under 400 ft over me. Can I shoot it for being in my private air space because I'm offended every time it buzzes me?


In NM, AZ, CA and TX I would think drones would be a common place tool that ranchers, BP and Sheriffs would employ to their advantage, not be scared wild west cowboys. You can monitor acreage far easier. But hey, what do I know, far more fun/cool to be a cowboy. I lived on the border for almost 20 years. I remember being able to simply step over a barbed wire fence and be in Mexico. How times have changed.

SG - Never did the boats other than toys in the pool, nothing really cool. I did race buggies when young. Then got into gliders, planes and then helis. Build the gliders and planes from balsa kits. Now I'm having another childhood and dropping good money for a Phantom 4. The Galaxy tablet goes with it.
Yes my friend, that is my take on it as well. Grew up in a border city, and spent many a Friday night as a teenager with my buds drinking in Mexico! We'd walk back to the states and wander back home! Oh the weed. Columbian Gold for pennies, just tuck it in your sock and walk across ! I do believe those days are gone. I wanted a drone a while back but after most my neighbors were a bit weary of drones, I opted out! The main ranchers fly their own helicopters, so do border patrol. And since we have White sands missile range a lil further east, it truly is a no drone zone. It took a getting used to, this doomsday prepper attitude out in these parts, but your life is yours to live, just don't infringe on mine is the attitude I give. Most stay to their own. I'm all tattoo'd and don't fit the mold out here, but I'm a survivor and have homesteaded my property from nothing. And have gained respect by being respectful. We keep to our own and it's working so far! I truly enjoy your journal as it is a break from my environment. So informative and real. Thanks for letting me take up some of your page. See you soon...

Peaceful blazing...
RoorRip :thumb:
Huh. Well to each their own. I would really sell the neighbors on the cost saving and personal safety aspect. They can shoot down drones, so can illegals....who will also shoot at helis and planes. And drones consume far less AV fuel, lol.

Now, being too close to White Sands is another issue entirely. I wonder how far out the no fly is. I'm gonna have to go look now. Newest drones are coming smart so that you cant fly in no fly zones or above legal ceiling. If I took the Phantom 4 to the end of the local run way, it wouldn't get off the ground. If I flew it towards restricted space it will stop at the GPS boundary. I don't mind those limits. It may save my stupid arse some day, lol.
Speaking of corrupt Customs Officers, I have a friend who is a border security consultant and works all over the world. He was telling me about some border office (I think it was Khazikstan, or something) where, when they detain possible smugglers, before conducting any body searches, they would lock the person by himself in a small office that also served as the coatroom for the officers.

They knew if the person was carrying any drugs, contraband or other stolen items (I guess, smuggling religious icons is big, too!) the person would inevitably get rid of the evidence by hiding it in one of the officers' coats.

They never knew which coat(s) it might get put in, but this was basically considered a "bonus" for the officers! :rofl:
Huh. Well to each their own. I would really sell the neighbors on the cost saving and personal safety aspect. They can shoot down drones, so can illegals....who will also shoot at helis and planes. And drones consume far less AV fuel, lol.

Now, being too close to White Sands is another issue entirely. I wonder how far out the no fly is. I'm gonna have to go look now. Newest drones are coming smart so that you cant fly in no fly zones or above legal ceiling. If I took the Phantom 4 to the end of the local run way, it wouldn't get off the ground. If I flew it towards restricted space it will stop at the GPS boundary. I don't mind those limits. It may save my stupid arse some day, lol.

That is amazing!

I doubt that I will ever see one out here where I am, but if I do...considering all of the points brought up and new things I've learned here...I will certainly think twice about them.
It's going to have to be perfectly clear to me that they are up to no good, and I would likely go find the "operator" first.
How far away can the operator be from the drone?

Good morning Heir and all!


It depends on the equipment used and terrain. I've seen them go for many miles in open desert or water, but remember they are limited by battery life. Not many are capable of being in the air more than 30 minutes. You have to figure they want their drone back. So figure a max of 15 minutes flight at full speed...maybe average 30-35 mph.... about 8 max radius miles IF they have super bitchin high power transceivers and clear line of sight. That's worst case. In reality, probably no more than 2-3 miles radius from you. Out of the box mine has (er...will have) a max range of 5km, or 3.1 miles. I can boost it to over 5 miles (clear line of sight) easily with simple slip on parabolic dishes over the transmitter antennas. Several hundred more for a special high gain antenna would net me more.
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