Heavyherbs First Grow

its just a matter of time now..Damn i'm getting anxious for you..lol..I really am too..

cool man thanks! hey btw how long do you usually veg, how many days? :cool:
I'm on my phone checkin in from outa town so sorry bout the late response. As far as veg goes, dependining on how you are planning to grow your plants. In a sea of green 7- 14 days at the most. In a scerog I believe til the screen is 75 percent full. I'll double check that though, and post a correction if I'm wrong, and as far as growwing a plant stright up, I let them grow while my veg cycle runs. Using cfl's this past time got them to be 4 feet. This weekend the new ladies will be going in, picts will be posted in my butchers pride journal.hope you all had a happy thanksgiving. Mm a stoners favorite holiday..munchies, munchies, munchies....oh yeah
Butcher hit it on the nose. If you have the room hight wise, veg em for a while. An added note. Remember when you put them into flower they will jump to 2 to 3 times as large as they are when you start. So it if you don't have room start them in flower thinking they will triple in size to be safe.:surf:
thanks you guys, ill keep that in mind, however this dwarf variety i am growing only grew another 4-5 inches taller in the bloom cycle :cool: Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving...im gonna go get some leftovers right now LOL yum yum
Thanks dude, I really like these short bushy plants too....sure wish I knew for sure what strain this is, I was told it was sour diesel but im not sure. :cool:
Hey man thanks for checking in. the girls are doing fine,Its day 65 in bloom today and I started giving them just water a week ago and i water them every 3 to 4 days. I also checked the trichs out and it looks like they are about 10% to 15% amber so looks like another week maybe? Ill get some more pics up soon :cool: im gonna go check out your journal now....btw what happened to Matanuska Valley???? he never answered our questions and just went away, maybe he got his mmj card and has been stoned ever since heheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheehhehee lol
:goodjob:good to hear. I bet those girls are gettin nice and fat right now. The last 2 weeks are the time the thickening up will show everyday.. Can't wait to see how they look.:ganjamon:

Hey Butcher or anyone out there I need your help......today is day 69 of bloom and I just took a bunch of pictures that ill post later, but looking at the trichs I still see mostly white and not too much amber especially from halfway up to the top,and the top colas mostly still have white hairs on them. Is it possible that these girls need to go longer? or should I just harvest tomorrow on day 70? are there strains that take longer than 70 days?
thanks, HH :cool:
yeah brother. If they are still poppin gwhite hairs and cloudy trichs, wait it'll be worth it. Look at my rainbow kush this plant is now on week 15 and just finishing up. this is not normal, yours may just need another week. But I would check the trichs once a day. There is a 3 day window for the peak.so if your checking out daily you'll find it just at the right time. The best part is your flushing so the taste will just come out smother.
Wait it out. Bloom time can vary a bunch. Some may take up to 16 weeks depending on strain and growing conditions. Throw out your calendar and let the plants tell you when the time is right. Easier said than done. lol. Mine are less than 3 weeks into flower and I want them done now. lol.
okey dokey ill wait I guess, but man I cant wait LOL, I had no idea it would take this long. Thanks for the advice guys I really appreciate it ....:cool: ill post the pics later today when i finish burning some cds
ok here are todays pics day 69 of bloom
















hope you all enjoy the new pics....
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