First Time Growing - Advice Welcome

Just watch for if it Shemales and if she doesn't you will be fine.

I feel like sometimes the hardest part is the last 4 weeks. It takes fierce restraint to get it just right. The plant is changing how it is working and what it is doing and the nutes need to follow. The last 2 weeks are very different then leading into them. You want a little stress on them so they work hard at protecting the flowers. But not so much as to slow anything down. Riding Nutes on the low end is a big benefit to that end. For that matter good throughout. As long as everything is regularly given it is hard for deficiencies to show up even if running low. Running high does not help.

It is the same in soil. It isn't even a cannabis thing it is just how plants work.

You will get there.
Whats a shemale look like?
So a hermi can happen a few ways. people don't generally know unless they see seeds or "nanners" (short for bannana which is a name we apply to deformed male parts that sometimes arise in female plants.

If you don't want to look up what nanners look like you can check out my journal I posted some recently of a weak plant that got too much heat stress and turned on me.


That plant does not look like it made roots. Were there any showing when you put it into dirt? Or, did you get it already potted? I don't see any new growth.
Canyon, you hit the nail on the head!
The plant progressively got worse until even the smallest blades were curled & dead. I removed the plant from the pot today and found that it had no roots at all!

What a wasted effort...
Maybe it's for the best. I think I jumped the gun on this. Since I have no a/c and the summer temps are approaching (up to 88 today), I think it'd be best if I wait until the weather cools off this fall before attempting a grow. If I try now, I'd be fighting a losing battle with the summer temps. In addition, I have a lot of researching to do to prepare for my "real" attempt. :)

Thanks for the help.
And I did learn from the experience!
Once in a while I get something correct.

Southern California is an easy place to buy good clones. Why not get one or two and work with them while you learn. Just think, you kept a plant alive for a rather long time with no roots. An established clone or two should be rather easy to keep going until you can get them in a better environment.

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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