Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

Yay! You're back! :party: :party::yahoo::yahoo:
Well, I’ve been pondering the best way to update what’s been happening over the last couple weeks and I haven’t liked any of it, so I’m just going to jump right back in.

Here’s a group photo to get things going

Honestly, it’s such a lawless jungle in here, they’re all mingled in together, the ones that look like they’re getting close are deep in the back and they’re a lot of floppy sisters in here. I’ve been having quite a conundrum on how to best deal with checking trichs.

Candida has been showing amber pistils more and more, so I assumed she would be finishing first. But you know what they say about making assumptions.... hiding back in the right corner, Nightingale really shocked me when I snapped some trich pics a couple of days ago and she looked about ready! But my unsteady hand left a lot of blur in the photos, and I wasn’t quite believing what I was seeing. I do have the tendency to see what I want when it comes to harvest trichs. ;)

I had to decide if I was ready to attempt the shift about and get Nightingale out of the corner.. and then, if she isn’t ready - will I be able to get her back in? The answer is, yes I pulled her out, and no - I can’t get her back in!! :eek: Luckily I’m fairly certain she is ready. She’s sitting in a dark room awaiting chop, unless you all think she needs more time? I can just shove her in and zip it shut! :laughtwo:

I think they are mostly all cloudy, which is what I’m going for. She is a CBD 1:1 so I’m thinking she’s ready? What do you all say? I sure would like to have more space and she is the friggin most beasting of them all. But I don’t want to rush it, so honesty please. :)

I also got some pictures of the Candida trichs, so I’ll be making another post for her later. She’s not quite there, but dang close.

I’m so glad to have you guys back again, even though it was my own fault I missed you in the first place. :hug::love:
Looks like chop time to me!
And that tent is awesome...lots of great harvests,right around the corner....
Nice to have you back,HH:yahoo:
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