Hazmat And The Magic Beans

Touch high but soil theoretically shift that into a usable range.
So doubtful that's causing any major problems.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thank you I didn't think our water was to off lol I will still check the run off water shortly to see where I am sitting.

I'll check back in with you in a bit.... Again your awesome bill thank you.

Oh can I ask why this small paragraph has contradictive info? Says between 5-7 is good then below says anything out of 5.8-6.2 will inhibit growth🤔 :hmmmm:

Ok after watering to run off and checking it I'm sitting at 6.54 which would be a good range right?


Yes that's perfect.
The range on the statement says 2 things.
5-7 without symptoms of bronzing.
Doesn't mean it's optimal for growth.
Just says it won't cause ribbing or discoloration.
Then it says out of range 5.8 to 6.2 can be less than optimal for growth.
True also, doesn't mean both statements can't be right.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:

Hi all wutz up....howz everyone doing today? I doing great I guess got a lot done at work and we have a much needed storm today and tomorrow bringing rain.....thank the godz...I've been having to water trees at work with a hose 🙄.

Ok onto the lady.... So it's been about 5 days since the terpinator aka potassium sulfate was added to the watering/feed regimen....and I'm not seeing any results of a fix 😑.... Actually quite the opposite....I'm getting more yellowing with crispy ends. Which isn't a huge deal as she has more than enough healthy green leaves to keep her going until dooms day 😆.

But other than the yellowing and crisping I have to say I'm impressed with her over all build.... Chunky nugz with a dazzling frost.... Speaking of it's becoming increasingly hard to take photos with flash as each of the nugz turn into just white blobs with the flash lol.... I guess I can't complain it just means she's frosting nicely :) .

Nothing else to report on....no pest ... No changes to grow environment....nada.

So with that I hope y'all have a great night and I appreciate you for stopping.










frosteh! Nice Hap, have an awesome day
Back in the early-mid 90s I helped to set up rooms and consulted (I learned a lot of things but I was just a helper) for a rather large mushroom cultivation network. From the very first minute, all of the old heads that had been doing it for a bit hammered sterility and cleanliness into my impressionable young mind. When you're screwing around with spores as seed and various animal crap/straw as medium and your miles away from cicvilization and running water, you have to be on your cleanest game.

..... Besides its totally fun! Adds a note of seriousness to growing a good high/trip/stone etc ;)

So many ways that it has paid off for me over the years with other things too. When I became a professional cook, when I became an oil painter and many other things I can't name here lol. :laughtwo:
Thank you gandalf, I'll grab massive and start it ASAP on my other girl who is in early flower still... This one by the time I get it...wait for a dry period to water it in...and then wait for improvement it'll be little if any difference by harvest......am I wrong for having this thought?

Or could I add more bone meal to the next feed? Cuz I do have that on hand. Regardless the answer I get what is needed to complete the feed schedule.
If your ph is off ? Imo she won't pick-up all the available nutrients.
But I would think GF would take care of that.
But if your ph is naturally say 7.5 from the tap terpinator isn't going to adjust that back to range.
I know you have seen this chart but I'll post it anyway.
Also I know there is debate about pH,ing in soil.
I think if you start in the proper range you will get better results. IMO.


Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I seen a video on utube said you can get your soil ph using your soil in 2 bowls. In 1you +vinegar +baking soda (forget amount) in water. You get to know if it’s acidic or alkaline. You don’t get the specifics just ballpark if 1or the other.
I seen a video on utube said you can get your soil ph using your soil in 2 bowls. In 1you +vinegar +baking soda (forget amount) in water. You get to know if it’s acidic or alkaline. You don’t get the specifics just ballpark if 1or the other.
Still looking good there bro.
I seen a video on utube said you can get your soil ph using your soil in 2 bowls. In 1you +vinegar +baking soda (forget amount) in water. You get to know if it’s acidic or alkaline. You don’t get the specifics just ballpark if 1or the other.
Will keep that in mind for future checks :) but per my meters readings I'm in a good grow range almost neutral water is 7.02 and then after watering with food, the run off was at 6.54.....im gonna keep trying to figure it out but I will not stress over it.

And thank you I thinks she looks good to.
What’s your guess at dried weight?
Good question.... I cut off a small lower bud yesterday and after a speed dry the nug the size of a nickel weighed 1 gram .....so if I had to guess with all combined a qp give or take
Good question.... I cut off a small lower bud yesterday and after a speed dry the nug the size of a nickel weighed 1 gram .....so if I had to guess with all combined a qp give or take
Wow, I was thinking that’s a lot but she does have a gazilion buds/ colas. Yeah sounds like a good estimate. How’d she smoke?
Wow, I was thinking that’s a lot but she does have a gazilion buds/ colas. Yeah sounds like a good estimate. How’d she smoke?
Lemony almost orange flavor... Back end plant flavor for sure.. not to harsh for the speed dry (hung in oven on rack @ 170f with door open for about an hour)...burned nice in bowl not to quick.

But a good high....I think lol was already semi buzzed when I remembered it was dry 😂
Lemony almost orange flavor... Back end plant flavor for sure.. not to harsh for the speed dry (hung in oven on rack @ 170f with door open for about an hour)...burned nice in bowl not to quick.

But a good high....I think lol was already semi buzzed when I remembered it was dry 😂
Sounds good,I can’t wait for mine to be ready. The Green Crack has a earthy citrusy skunky smell and my Temple Kush is just skunk 🦨
WYA? I need to see that sweet girl.👀
Lol I'm at work for another couple hours and then I'll be home to update....that's why I've been cruising everyone else's journals 😬 need my green lady fix 😂
Lol I'm at work for another couple hours and then I'll be home to update....that's why I've been cruising everyone else's journals 😬 need my green lady fix 😂
Work smarter not harder brother and have a great day.
Things are looking Greeaaat!!!

Never monitored my PH'd and probably should, supplement with Humic Acid---full power.

Fell a little behind, but have a question (could probably research this on the internet and stuff).

I picked up a gallon of liquefied bone meal a month or so back from my grow shop for $10.00.
Running really low on Terpinator and don't want to drop a bill on another gallon.

Does the Terp provide a massive benefit that bonemeal doesn't?
Things are looking Greeaaat!!!

Never monitored my PH'd and probably should, supplement with Humic Acid---full power.

Fell a little behind, but have a question (could probably research this on the internet and stuff).

I picked up a gallon of liquefied bone meal a month or so back from my grow shop for $10.00.
Running really low on Terpinator and don't want to drop a bill on another gallon.

Does the Terp provide a massive benefit that bonemeal doesn't?
Thanks farmer.... So for the terpinator that is a potassium substitute and I believe bone meal dry or liquid is phosphorus so they are not the same.....I think.

And hey I'm with ya....I only checked the other day cuz bill was curious where I was sitting pH wise.... Other than that I don't feel it necessary...if you grow enough and watch you can basically see the start of an issue.... diagnose....and just adjust without the fancy stuff.

But so far after over a week of terpinator I have seen no change good or bad... So I'm currently not sold on it.
Work smarter not harder brother and have a great day.
I'm having a good day so far....about to leave in a a few minutes and head home to check on things.

And I'm in charge I never work harder than I want to 😂 I guess maybe if I worked harder I wouldn't have to work 7 days a week 🤔😬🤣

Hey all wutz up? Hope your having a fine high day ;) I'm doing alright...no complaints....nice easy day of work in not so bad weather.

So I'm just going to drop some photoz today since I haven't done anything and neither has she......well besides the mean lean shez showing me 😂.

I'm figuring maybe 2 weeks left with her.... I have roughly 70% red pistilz....so I should start checking trichomes mid week next week just to get an idea of where I am sitting.

But enough chit chat herez what y'all came for.....the picz....they will be a mix of lightz on and off.....and the side wayz pics....well thatz how far shez leanin lol










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