Hazmat And The Magic Beans


Hey all wutz up? Hope your having a fine high day ;) I'm doing alright...no complaints....nice easy day of work in not so bad weather.

So I'm just going to drop some photoz today since I haven't done anything and neither has she......well besides the mean lean shez showing me 😂.

I'm figuring maybe 2 weeks left with her.... I have roughly 70% red pistilz....so I should start checking trichomes mid week next week just to get an idea of where I am sitting.

But enough chit chat herez what y'all came for.....the picz....they will be a mix of lightz on and off.....and the side wayz pics....well thatz how far shez leanin lol










She sure is fine looking I just wish I could get a whiff of her. Great job bro 👌
To further on the terpinator and the lack of effect.... Everywhere I read is telling me I should see results within 1-5 days.... And this is a statement across the board from the interwebz.... So this is why I'm starting to think it's not a potassium issue and that it is indeed something else 🤔.....what idk 🤷.... Am I gonna fret over it? No absolutely not 😂....she is close enough that it's not gonna break my heart to see yellow.....seems to be "my thing" towards the middle of flower.
Nope haz. It's cause plant hasn't even got to that stage yet. . I got two same way right now. I keep looking at it and seems like it's not sugaring up . Looks just like yours even leaves curling. Idk what it is ether. I tried to find it . Even tested the dirt down at the school. Everything is good. It's just the plant. . Not saying it's yours too. But think about that before you pour bunch stuff to it mess the plant up . Hate have that this late waiting this long. .
Nope haz. It's cause plant hasn't even got to that stage yet. . I got two same way right now. I keep looking at it and seems like it's not sugaring up . Looks just like yours even leaves curling. Idk what it is ether. I tried to find it . Even tested the dirt down at the school. Everything is good. It's just the plant. . Not saying it's yours too. But think about that before you pour bunch stuff to it mess the plant up . Hate have that this late waiting this long. .

No that report I check on the dirt. It's phosphorus is was down. I thought it was potash myself. But it was higher than phosphate was and calcium and mag was low which always is. In my dirt. But I'm letting my plant ride or die.
Yup same I'ma rock out til she's done.... No sense stressing over it.... Just try better next time to prevent this if possible....if not....oh well not the end of the world.
You can tell alot trolling. Alot folks is doing same thing. So not nothing one person doing or all of us got same problem
And not trolling brutha your conversing with a bit of opinion flair lol my favorite troll is asking "are you gonna eat that" on a random ass pic 😂..... On FB I would do it on photos of new Borns..... I think I was the only one to find it funny 🤣
Yup same I'ma rock out til she's done.... No sense stressing over it.... Just try better next time to prevent this if possible....if not....oh well not the end of the world.
I thought on that. I looked at that report. Wish I took it. But he using it for AG class. I thought of something to add with a high phosphate. But everything I thought of was to much . I don't think it need alot just a kick. But idk bro. Hard to believe think these days on years of file cabinets. Seems like. Why I use wood ashes . Seem I remember something years ago that made me do that. But idk can't remember atm.
Hold on. Hold on. What. Are you sure. Maybe it's . A chem. Lmao. Jk. I got money someone says it's cal mag or nitrogen deff. Lmao
She's perking up ....should be great by the morning.... Do this process weekly just don't post the photos often.

Ok so I've been rattling my brain on Google trying to come to a conclusion on what's going on.... And I have three low sulfur (solid fade yellowing bottom up randomly)...lacking nitrogen (progressive yellowing with crinkly edges) ....and possibly a root issue (can show both above mentioned symptoms plus the extra droopy look she has had) since she's a big girl I'm a teeny tiny living space.....kinda like a genie 😂.

So the root problem is unfixable at this stage(will be getting bigger pots)... The other two I can slow it down by adding amendments, which I WILL try to correct this for my personal knowledge on how to spot and treat for future grows. So I hydro trip is in order this weekend....🤩means I can I play the claw game again🤩.

Any way I removed some yellow lower leaves and tied her semi tight so she wasn't leaning all over the place.....and obviously while I was in the tent I took some photos.... For having a problem or two she's still swelling and throwing trichomes like it's her job.










She looks great Happy !
Is that about day 47 flower? Flowers looking great, i wouldn't change a thing imo.

Going to be some great smoke for sure.
Cheers bro
Yup day 47 we have a bit to go but for sure I'm excited for the smoke.
Ok so I've been rattling my brain on Google trying to come to a conclusion on what's going on.... And I have three low sulfur (solid fade yellowing bottom up randomly)...lacking nitrogen (progressive yellowing with crinkly edges) ....and possibly a root issue (can show both above mentioned symptoms plus the extra droopy look she has had) since she's a big girl I'm a teeny tiny living space.....kinda like a genie 😂.

So the root problem is unfixable at this stage(will be getting bigger pots)... The other two I can slow it down by adding amendments, which I WILL try to correct this for my personal knowledge on how to spot and treat for future grows. So I hydro trip is in order this weekend....🤩means I can I play the claw game again🤩.

Any way I removed some yellow lower leaves and tied her semi tight so she wasn't leaning all over the place.....and obviously while I was in the tent I took some photos.... For having a problem or two she's still swelling and throwing trichomes like it's her job.










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