Haight Solid State vs. H.G.LED

Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Thanx, man the ladies are looking luscious.:welldone:


I don't know how you cure, if, for some reason you hang whole plants, the total dry weight/plant would give better #s, but wet weight wiil work. In very simple English, I'm looking to measure the ratio of finished product to total [above ground] plant mass. I call it the treasure/trash ratio. We smoke bud, not stix or leaves, the ratio gives you the percent of total plant mass that is bud, a measure of productive efficiency. I want to grow as much treasure and as little trash as possible. This is why I want to breed my purple dwarf, she don't waste time and energy making stix. The grams/watt-hr calc. measures how efficient we are growing bud in terms of electricity:goodjob: I want to measure how efficient the plant is in growing bud, and this calc. does that.

Thanks for explaining. That seems like an interesting and useful parameter, so I'll do my best. My usual sequence is chop, trim large fans, snip buds off main stem and dry until ready to jar and cure.

If I saved the main stem for later weighing, would that work, or does the plant need to dry intact?

With regards to your nuteburn,
More is not better past a point, the flat part of the curve represents luxury consuption [waste] and once you begin downsloping on the right, you're doing damage [and wasting $]. IMO, the middle of the curve is the [optimum] place to be, not too much waste, not borderline over or under. This curve applies for all parameters, and is useful in decision making. [If you want to really fine tune, the vertical line marking the point of diminshing returns on the left is a good upper limit.]

OK, and how would I know when I'm at or approaching that line?

On that chart, between "deficiency" and "optimum", there's some wiggle room, so are you saying that as long as there aren't any frank signs of deficiency, it makes no difference where you're at in that zone?

I find it hard to believe that plants would respond and grow the same within the boundaries of that range, although the vitamin analogy with humans that Soniq mentioned does help.


Good stuff!

thanx again for this, your doing a public service.

thanks, I hope this grow will be useful to the community ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Plants take what they want, not all you shove at them. They are not geese being funnel fed for foie gras. Let there be enough, and just a bit tart.
I raised some good ones on city water 250ppm, plus 500ppm salts. 750 @ 5.9.
I'd been seeking lean-side feeding before I'd seen that chart; Earls' aero shuttle.
To find 'how much they can take' is to whack them till they choke, IMO.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Thanks PG,

Soniq's vitamin analogy and your comments are helping me get my head around the concept.

It's really not a difficult concept to understand, just radically different from what I've thought in the past.

thank you brother ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Hey Setting Sun a quick question, I would of done this in a PM but I think the answer may be useful for others too. :ganjamon:

I lack experience big time, but at day 47 is purpling in my fan's and sugar leaves, good, bad or just normal for the strain maybe? It has been cold here but nothing special and the other little girls aren't. Or should I continue to throw bloom nutes at that hungry girl? She has no amber I could see with a 30x loupe, so still has time til finish.

I figure this is a nute thing as I have been letting her chew on herself and she is doing a pretty good job....almost want to nute her up and see how long she will grow but....I need the medicine so I actually just want her to finish soon. So along with the purpling question let me ask just one more.

What can I do to hasten her descent into amber?

Sorry for off topic questions brother.

:peace: peace from the mountains.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Is it a strain that is known to purple up?

According to the chart and this "new think" I'm getting my head around, there's nothing you can do to speed her up.

If this way of thinking about nutes and uptake is correct, and I suspect it is, then the plant will use what it needs and be done when it's ready to be done.

All this time I thought I was pimpin' and manipulatin', and turns out they were playin' me, lol.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I only see leaves purpling when I cut off nutes and go to water only.
A Northern Lights I had would almost turn black.
I have a hash plant pheno that purples as soon as I go to water only, but she has sisters that yellow and go brown. Yeppers a different pheno.
I hope this helps you.
At 47 days, she still wants nutes or she's in a state of lock-out.
Setting Sun is correct, there is no way to speed up rippening.
Some do believe dry Kool Bloom will. I just think it helps fry plants. very potent chemicals.
Fogive the hiwayman in me Setting Sun.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I only see leaves purpling when I cut off nutes and go to wateronly.
A Northern Lights I had would almost turn black.
I have a hash plant pheno that purples as soon as I go to water only, but she has sisters that yellow and go brown. Yeppers a different pheno.
I hope this helps you.

Well I am on molasses water only (tiny bit of blooming nutes last watering to see if it would head off the purpling), so yeah that answered my question. I won't stress about it then as it is happening on schedule.

And the parents are most likely Sour Diesel and (not sure which and neither is provider) cherry bomb or cherry bomb indica. That was the only strain he grew (and discarded) recently that hermied, actual hermied. Figure since mine threw true hermi balls, it pretty much has to be that mix.

:peace: brothers.

Oh and on your edit, I was wondering how you guys deal with nutes at the end. I see my new schedule for Dutchmasters has me giving a small quantity of bloom nutes til the very end until flush I guess. Should I be doing that with Lilbit, wasn't gonna flush her til she showed a decent amount of amber as I am growing organic (mostly) and haven't decided which school I belong too...the flush or no flush crowd:ganjamon:. Trying flush this time...the light crushing my baby last time made my decision for me last grow.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Towards the end of bloom, I choose a couple of internode spaces between buds on each plant and observe them every day to see if the spaces are getting smaller or not.

Looking at the whole plant to judge whether buds are still swelling doesn't work very well for me, but keeping my eye on the same couple of spaces on each plant does.

I also note how much water the plants are uptaking, because their metabolism starts to slow down near the end of bloom and that's another indication that chop is near.

These signs, along with trich color, give me a pretty good idea of where things are at and when to flush.

Organic nutes or not, I do a very thorough flush with RO water about a week before harvest and then just let them dry out until I chop them.

The flush and the week drying out takes care of any off flavors from the nutes, so I give nutes up until the flush.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

Towards the end of bloom, I choose a couple of internode spaces between buds on each plant and observe them every day to see if the spaces are getting smaller or not.

Looking at the whole plant to judge whether buds are still swelling doesn't work very well for me, but keeping my eye on the same couple of spaces on each plant does.

I also note how much water the plants are uptaking, because their metabolism starts to slow down near the end of bloom and that's another indication that chop is near.

These signs, along with trich color, give me a pretty good idea of where things are at and when to flush.

Organic nutes or not, I do a very thorough flush with RO water about a week before harvest and then just let them dry out until I chop them.

The flush and the week drying out takes care of any off flavors from the nutes, so I give nutes up until the flush.

Thanks Setting Sun, that eased my mind on the flush situation, I just didn't want to flush her then have her keep growing and water down the buds with low thc fluff grown on top...she is anything but that right now :ganjamon:.

I can't tell on the pictures, but have you squeezed a bud? They look dense but am wondering if you have checked?

:peace: brother.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

OK, and how would I know when I'm at or approaching that line?

On that chart, between "deficiency" and "optimum", there's some wiggle room, so are you saying that as long as there aren't any frank signs of deficiency, it makes no difference where you're at in that zone?

I find it hard to believe that plants would respond and grow the same within the boundaries of that range, although the vitamin analogy with humans that Soniq mentioned does help.

Good stuff!
thanks, I hope this grow will be useful to the community ;)

beware of charts with no scale. lol. seems this chart is better for illustrating a point more than a plan of action to do anything.

Plants take what they want, not all you shove at them. They are not geese being funnel fed for foie gras. Let there be enough, and just a bit tart.
I raised some good ones on city water 250ppm, plus 500ppm salts. 750 @ 5.9.
I'd been seeking lean-side feeding before I'd seen that chart; Earls' aero shuttle.
To find 'how much they can take' is to whack them till they choke, IMO.

what I would take form that chart, and your statement, and my own experience:

listen to what the plant is telling you, not some chart or schedule.

dynamic systems are unique.
only experience will teach you where the bounds lie.

you have stayed inside of them the whole time I've known you SS. no worries sir green thumb.

*earls aero. . . 420fied as well. rocked out a killer harvest never exceeding 400 ppm RO. damn tootin. but aero may be a better delivery system than others too, so that should be taken into account
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

what I would take form that chart, and your statement, and my own experience:

listen to what the plant is telling you, not some chart or schedule.

I find it hard to imagine doing it any other way.

Recipes don't work for me in the kitchen either ;).

When different strains have varying nute requirements, and even individuals within a strain, the manufacturer's schedule is for me at best a rough guide.

thanks bro ;)
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

True that, but I think the relatively stable nature of geography (recent seismological events notwidthstanding) lends itself more to rigid navigation than the variables we deal with in the grow room.

I use the schedule as a rough guide, but I won't turn left if I'm pretty sure I need to turn right, and I try to be measured and conservative when I'm flying by the seat of the pants.

I'd rather know how to react when one of my plants is overly sensitive than stare at a chart and wonder what went wrong.
Re: 420 Consumer Reports Competition - Haight Solid State vs. Hydro Grow LED

I'd rather know how to react when one of my plants is overly sensitive than stare at a chart and wonder what went wrong.

That's where there is no substitute for experience. Thank you for sharing your skills in this journal. I have learned a lot the last couple of months, not just about LEDs, but about growing in general.:bravo:
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