H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

Hey thanks MI! Glad you enjoyed the cloning adventure. You can always add an aquarium heater if it's too cold in the cloner. Will you start a journal when it warms up?
Probably not. I'm just enjoying lurking about and soaking up the knowledge. After I'm more confident I'll probably have a journal or two. This place is a wealth of knowledge and full of great people
This place is pretty great! All the weed ive grown is because of this place. My stuff is so much better then what I can get from dispenseries and safer! Who knows what pesticides they use and what they are putting in. I smoke a lot and never get the nasty cough anymore.

I think one of the best uses of this site is that new growers can get pretty quick help for their current grow just by posting some pics. A lot of good people here to steer you in the right direction. Whenever you start a journal let me know. I'll be there!

And then there was three!





The gsc is starting to get back into the swing of things. Just need the ph to stabilize more I think. Did a little defol and will flip soon. Just want to make sure they Start growing normal before I flip.



Added the Afghan mom. Didn't take clones. I'll flower her out, reveg, and then clone for the next run.

Added all the amendments except for sea bird guano.



Put up my new timer. I don't think I was giving them the right veg Time. Not that glr doesn't work, I was just turning the lights on and off randomly when my timer stopped so they are back to 18 on! Will flip soon



New timer. Before taping the red light and after. Left the green light. Should be fine.




Need to make either one and apply durning lights out. I'll make this later.
Ill have to read up on them, i got their free sample pack. May keep the insecticides on hand. Some of the other treatment worry me.

Sent from my iPad using 420 Magazine
Ill have to read up on them, i got their free sample pack. May keep the insecticides on hand. Some of the other treatment worry me.

Sent from my iPad using 420 Magazine

I feel you on that pw! 203 is seems potent and kills them in a couple drenches. The 209 is organic, takes more then a few uses but creates a barrier in the plant. I'm not sure though if I want that "bug barrier" In my buds either.

Not sure how I'm going to go with this. Don't want to be huffing pesticides, leaning towards organic though
Hey I can't wait to use it. Says better to use after lights off when the plants cool off a bit. Not sure which I'm going to do yet. One is like a drench that will fix the issue in one or two drenches the other gets watered in every few days and gets absorbed into the plant to make a "bug barrier"
I'm hoping that the organics, are not contributing to the bug problem ? I've seen a few in the veg. tent, but nothing in the two bloom tents, yet. Yet, is the main word here !! Ha !!
I'm hoping that the organics, are not contributing to the bug problem ? I've seen a few in the veg. tent, but nothing in the two bloom tents, yet. Yet, is the main word here !! Ha !!

It's hard to say for certain. One thing I know for a fact is they came with the coco. For some reason every bag of soil or coco I bought last year had a bunch of gnats come with it. Free of charge! That Afghan plant had such a bad infestation I had to let it dry out. I let it get bone dry since its just in veg after 3 days I watered again... Gnats! Flying every where from the water. I tried minimal watering which I can't do anymore. Getting ready for flower tried BTI and yellow sticky cards. Hopefully the drench works. I'll probably do it today or something
if I water with no runoff, then I start getting the gnats. I'm gonna pick up some of the donuts, just in case. I'm gonna start watering with just phed tap water with no runoff, for 7 days. Wife checked on grow 10 mins. before light off, and it was 97 degrees in the tent, and the thermometer was off to the side, so it must have been 120 at canopy level, so I'm waiting for 9pm to come, so I'll know if there's any damage. Intake was 37F last night. WTF !! Probably monitor them all night tonight !! If there's anything to monitor !!
if I water with no runoff, then I start getting the gnats. I'm gonna pick up some of the donuts, just in case. I'm gonna start watering with just phed tap water with no runoff, for 7 days. Wife checked on grow 10 mins. before light off, and it was 97 degrees in the tent, and the thermometer was off to the side, so it must have been 120 at canopy level, so I'm waiting for 9pm to come, so I'll know if there's any damage. Intake was 37F last night. WTF !! Probably monitor them all night tonight !! If there's anything to monitor !!

The mosquito dunks work, just a pain to break up. I had to use a hammer and bag then sprinkle over the coco. Went with mosquito bits but they only seem to work for a few days max. Hey man keep me posted on your grow area. Wow! 37 out over 90 in? Hope your able to get to the bottom of that quick! I wonder what could cause that.
Well, I've had the window closed in the room the tents are located, and 5 days ago I started 12/12 in another tent in the same small room as the lec tent. It was fine as long as it was in the teens and 20s, but for last two days it's been in mid 30s at night. So the lec tent is sucking air from an open window, in an adjoining room & exhausting back into the same adjoining room, so I figured the heat build up in the tent room wouldn't matter, because the open window air would dominate, but I was wrong. I put my window back in, blowing out, and that helps a lot. My theory would have worked if tents were air tight. Ha !! hard to find one these days that's light proof. If I had this secret jordin in a room with a lot of light, I'd somehow have to cover the opening with tape. it's in a dark closet now.
Well, I've had the window closed in the room the tents are located, and 5 days ago I started 12/12 in another tent in the same small room as the lec tent. It was fine as long as it was in the teens and 20s, but for last two days it's been in mid 30s at night. So the lec tent is sucking air from an open window, in an adjoining room & exhausting back into the same adjoining room, so I figured the heat build up in the tent room wouldn't matter, because the open window air would dominate, but I was wrong. I put my window back in, blowing out, and that helps a lot. My theory would have worked if tents were air tight. Ha !! hard to find one these days that's light proof. If I had this secret jordin in a room with a lot of light, I'd somehow have to cover the opening with tape. it's in a dark closet now.
And what brand of coco are you using ?
Making some more tea. 3 litres RO, 4 tbsp EWC, 3tsp BSM. Will strain in about two days.



Here are the hydro clones... I still haven't given them any nutes. They are getting just water and z7 a water conditioner, the heat mat is off and they are just making roots! The color is still so green, I can't believe the results I got from this! Very happy with these clones. I tried cloning this strain like 4 times with no success until now.

I went to get the final stuff for my upgraded cloner but the plexiglass cutter at Lowe's was lost. I prefer home depot anyways, so I'll go on Saturday or Sunday. Once I have it built I will transfer 4 to 1gal fabric pots, I have to pick up 3 more from the store. 1 will go into a small container to be a mum and the rest will go into the new cloner. I'll put the cloner in my little box to flower in. Excited to see how it performs even though light in my box is limited. Will go to the nursery on the weekend to pick up pots.








Here are the plants. They are a little burned but that's fine. This is all giving me a better idea of what to expect for next grow. I will add amendments early and little by little but the growth is good. Once I see more growth from the Afghan I'll flip. Probably next week at the latest.
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