H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence




Moved the plants so each plant is under a led panel.


Top dressed some flower girl and more bti bits for fungus gnats.

I also put Z7 in the rez for the girls about to flower.


Here we go with all lights on. I was going to to 12/12 but for some reason the clock on my strip timer wont work. It just stays at the time I set for current time. So I have to get a new one tomorrow or on the weekend. I will add the other amendments little by little




Made some qwet. I'm going to have to buy a gallon from extractahol. I hope what I made comes out alright. Froze some buds and alcohol. Put them together, shake for a few minutes. Dump through a strainer into a bowl. Freeze for a bit then dump through a fine mesh screen into a slick mat. These things are awesome. I can safely evap my alcohol off it. Once it evaporates I should have some great concentrate for dabs.
Nicely done. how many lights are you running in the flower tent?
I am going to bug my hydro store until they stock those Dewey Sprayers you have.:thumb: Keep on growing the green.
Nicely done. how many lights are you running in the flower tent?
I am going to bug my hydro store until they stock those Dewey Sprayers you have.:thumb: Keep on growing the green.

Hey HG! Welcome in! A total of 5 lights just under 800 watts at the wall! Hey man I'm glad you found them as interesting as I did. They really are fantastic, I'm very happy with them. I want to try to do a full grow with them soon. Anyways enjoy the grow. :passitleft:




Here they are! Looks like roots have taken over. One pot had a little root poking through and the growth has started again. I checked my ph and it was high. That's why I have some lock out and burning in my leaves. 6.5 and 7 so I added a little over half a tbsp of soil acidifier and another tsp of sul pho mag. Have to start lst soon. Keep forgetting to buy clips.

Sterilizing my drip system now! They are ready for more waterings then I can keep up with. Terpking has access to a really cool manifold that works well in a low pressure drip system. TK is the man! So nice of him to offer to go out of his way to send me a few and pay him through PayPal. Trying to get them shipped through the hydro shop! We will see what happens but these will save me a lot of space in the tent. Will be nice not having a big circle of plastic in the middle. Thanks again TK!





Looks like another one is about to throw some roots! I'll probably toss the other two and add some nutes soon. Let them grow in the cloner for a few weeks and pop them into coco.
Hey BF. Things are really starting to move forward now with your grow. Aeroponic cloners look fantastic for cloning. I can't wait to have a bash at the old cloning. I need some extra room for a veg tent for a mother and clones!!

Honestly it was no problem at all, if you've got a problem getting them from the online store I'll get them sent out to you pal. I also done a little test for you. I had 6x 2l Evian water bottles each with 2x drippers in and 2x 2l jugs each with 1x dripper in. I tested all the drippers separately and together and If all the drippers are the same length and running the same elevation they will give out pretty much identical water from each dripper. The jugs were getting slightly more at first but I figured out it was because the drippers in the jugs were lower than the ones going up and into the bottles. Once I moved the drippers going into the jugs at the same level as the drippers going into the bottles problem solved. They were all with in a few mls of each other BF and the dripper system is working great.

Keep up the good work ;)
Hey pw!

This is what you want!

Oil Slick(R) Sheet

"100% Resistant to Non-Polar Solvents and rated for direct, long term, solvent exposure. Slick. Sheet is an ideal liner for collection vessels and evaporation dishes"

Hope this helps

Damn good looking out BF, ill grab one and check it out and post my results. Blasting into glass is problematic because i can never scrape all the product from the glass. .

StarKiller OG - Rockwool - Ebb & Flow - 1200W LED - 2016
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Hey BF. Things are really starting to move forward now with your grow. Aeroponic cloners look fantastic for cloning. I can't wait to have a bash at the old cloning. I need some extra room for a veg tent for a mother and clones!!

Honestly it was no problem at all, if you've got a problem getting them from the online store I'll get them sent out to you pal. I also done a little test for you. I had 6x 2l Evian water bottles each with 2x drippers in and 2x 2l jugs each with 1x dripper in. I tested all the drippers separately and together and If all the drippers are the same length and running the same elevation they will give out pretty much identical water from each dripper. The jugs were getting slightly more at first but I figured out it was because the drippers in the jugs were lower than the ones going up and into the bottles. Once I moved the drippers going into the jugs at the same level as the drippers going into the bottles problem solved. They were all with in a few mls of each other BF and the dripper system is working great.

Keep up the good work ;)

Hey TK! Thanks so much. I honestly had/have no interest in aero or hydro. It wasn't till I found these misters that I decided to make the switch. They basically alleviate all the problems I was worried about when growing hydro or aero. They Dewey mister is a game changer in my opinion and makes life easy for cloning. You can even take out the pump from a traditional aero cloner and upgrade to Dewey.

TK! Thank you so much for your testing! +reps. Glad to know it runs great. I'm still waiting for a response but either way I'm not totally ready to pick them up yet. My timer went out and there is a few things I have to upgrade for the grow first. If it doesn't work out I will definitely pm you. Thank you again! I really appreciate that. I really look forward to cutting down on clutter with those!

Hey alright pw! Glad your going to try it out. I think you will be happy with your purchase. I really like the products oil slick puts out. They seem to care. Even though the slick mat isn't for blasting when they found out people were using it for that, they changed the type of silicon used and removed labels for safety.

I want to get the slick pad so badly for trimming my harvest. It's a big oil slick pad basically ment to cover a table. I'll also buy another slick mat for different grades of oil!

Hope it works out for you.
Ordered a new strip timer off amazon. I will flip to flower once it comes in. Checked ph. It's still a little high at 6.5. I also seem to have a K def.





Here are the plants. Some pics had flash on so they look a little lighter.





I started top dressing. I got a little too into it and put everything in except for sea bird guano. I'll put that in once I start seeing buds. I hear that can be hot.

I top dressed a bit more of soil acidifier, a bit more of sul pho mag, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and fish bone meal. I put a little bit less then the directions on the box for gallon containers. Watered it in real well and check for ph again. One plant is between 5 and 6 on my dropper solution. Looks closer to 5 and the other is between 6 and 6.5 closer to 6.5.

When I start my next grow I will start checking the ppm as well. I'm following the box but it's kinda a guessing game. Because I water so often I think these amendments break down faster then in soil. It will be good to have a log, I will check runoff once a week.

The fungas gnats are gaining intelligence!! I couldn't understand how they came back so many of them. When I pulled the pots out a bunch came from the bottom. Not sure if they are just chilling on the fabric or going through the fabric into the coco but I'm pissed! I know they are planning their retaliation on me. They are just hiding out waiting for reinforcements.
No worries :). We'll they certainly doing the trick, them clones rooted so quickly. I bet once they've got some roots going as well with the constant misting over them there going to explode with root growth. The roots always look so white and healthy when I see clones in an aero cloner. That's awesome you can just swap out the pump from a traditional cloner and replace it with the dewey.

No worries pal, honestly was no problem. Was nice to double check and be sure what I thought was working was correct. That's all good, if they don't get back to you just hit me up when you're ready and we will get it sorted out for you. All good, glad to help pal. Yeah i agree with you there, it's nice to cut down on clutter and get everything as neat and tidy as possible.
No worries :). We'll they certainly doing the trick, them clones rooted so quickly. I bet once they've got some roots going as well with the constant misting over them there going to explode with root growth. The roots always look so white and healthy when I see clones in an aero cloner. That's awesome you can just swap out the pump from a traditional cloner and replace it with the dewey.

No worries pal, honestly was no problem. Was nice to double check and be sure what I thought was working was correct. That's all good, if they don't get back to you just hit me up when you're ready and we will get it sorted out for you. All good, glad to help pal. Yeah i agree with you there, it's nice to cut down on clutter and get everything as neat and tidy as possible.

Ah man it will be so nice to not have that plastic doughnut in the middle of my tent. I had to double check when I put my system in again too, I put a cup for every set of drippers. That manifold will be awesome I like how easy it is to expand. I'll definitely have to think this through if I'm going to do a sog. I'll have to see how many pots fit in there.


Speaking of clones. I took out the two that were unrooted. I want to add nutrients but I'm a little nervous. I'm waiting on a drill bit to come in from Amazon and ill make my new cloner. I'll put the clones in there with some nutes and put them in coco when they are a little bigger. They are super white and have hairs growing and stuff. It's pretty crazy to see it progress. I can just imagine it all happening in soil.

Caught that K deficiency early. .

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Hey thanks pw! This organic stuff isn't as easy as just putting AN Into a rez. I hope it's worth the extra work. Glad I had a few grows in before trying this. Hopefully with checking ph and ppm weekly I can stay ahead of lockouts and deficiencies. I have to retrain myself because in the past when I'd check runoff and try to make adjustments I'd run into issues.

Whoa BF, you're moving fast ahead! Great cloner and your plants are looking lovely. Goo eye for the deff and I think they will pick up the pace when they got enough for roots! :bravo: :love: :Namaste:
Whoa BF, you're moving fast ahead! Great cloner and your plants are looking lovely. Goo eye for the deff and I think they will pick up the pace when they got enough for roots! :bravo: :love: :Namaste:

Hey T! Thank you so much! The cloner beat my expectations, I'm actually thinking of transferring the current clones into the "new cloner" only putting 1 Dewey for the time being. Take some clones from the Afghan plant and throw the mom in the tent to flower with the gsc. I should have the new cloner running this weekend. The plants are growing at a good speed for this strain. I've got roots coming out the bottom and sides of the pot but this strain just vegges so slow. Once it starts flowering they seem to move a lot faster.

I'll probably take only one shoot from the Afghan to make into a mother. I don't have many sites to choose from. Just one long shoot I'm willing to cut off. I might try cutting the shoot in half or into thirds and see if they will root.
Looking good bf. I really like the cloning adventure. I'm going to look into building on this summer when it's warmer in my workshop. Mi weather is a bummer this time of year
Looking good bf. I really like the cloning adventure. I'm going to look into building on this summer when it's warmer in my workshop. Mi weather is a bummer this time of year

Hey thanks MI! Glad you enjoyed the cloning adventure. You can always add an aquarium heater if it's too cold in the cloner. Will you start a journal when it warms up?
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