H-LOC A Hydro Living Organic Coco Expirence

10 standard Lebanese and 18 of the Shit seeds, you'll like the Mammoth P. I got my chemicals to mix STS today ill mix and spray the girls after supper then flip to 12/12 in the morning. .

Hey! Wow thats gonna be a hunt! I cant wait but ill use it for my other girls a few weeks before flower. Hey congrats! I thought you got a premade mix. Cant wait to see some seeds. Not sure what to expect for me seed adventure.

Whoa!! Did you say sponsored grow? Congrats BF! .

Hey yeah pretty excited, thanks! Just waiting for the stuff to get here and ill start the journal but it will be flowered after the loc scrog. Thinking of using my last 4 afghan seeds, it will be coco/perlite mix. It will be living organic coco again but with mighty grow. Im really looking forward to it and hope mighty grow simplifies my loc with amendments because i know it works just more trial and error. Speaking of witch looking like i may have a k def. I think coco hold and releases k so i dont want to add a whole bunch. I think i have a better understanding for my next grow and may have to pick up something for extra K.
Hey! I appreciate that pw thank you! I saw that too and i will post a link to my journal there once i get the package.

Sts... I sprayed the day before 12/12 at lights off and then i sprayed daily until sacs then once to a few times a week until they started looking ripe.

I dont think i did it right. I never got that far in the tutorial. Lol. I just winged it and did what i did for cs. It seemeed to work but we will see, i think your schedual is better! The way i did it stunts the growth significantly.
Hey! I appreciate that pw thank you! I saw that too and i will post a link to my journal there once i get the package.

Sts... I sprayed the day before 12/12 at lights off and then i sprayed daily until sacs then once to a few times a week until they started looking ripe.

I dont think i did it right. I never got that far in the tutorial. Lol. I just winged it and did what i did for cs. It seemeed to work but we will see, i think your schedual is better! The way i did it stunts the growth significantly.

I think with sts you spray every few days until staminate flowers show. So maybe 3-4 times during stretch. Ill spray tonite and flip tmro.

Got my cob stuff in!!! Just need drivers, ill get them in a couple weeks hopefully.

Wasnt sure about reflectors. Was gonna run just bare cob. Ill build it up and add them if the spread is too wide.
BF, all Corporate and stuff.. Congrats Brother. Looks like i will be on Mighty Grow like a Hobo on a hot dog. Going there now to check it out and support my Bro.


Lol that would be a dream to make a living off growing. Thanks GS!! Hope it works well for my needs and i hope afghan will be a good enough strain for the grow show.

You can go to Fanleafs thread dedicated to cobs and run stuff by those guys.

Ill have to search for that thread! Thank you!

Yyeeaaaaahhhhhh buddy!!! Some exciting gifts for sure. Damnit now I need them also:rofl:

I cant wait to use them. Hope they are worth it! I hope you get them soon but i cant recommend anything until i have tried it. Im excited to build it.
Bru they sure are worth it. I think the most desired equipment for me now is CMH or COBs, have seen some huge nugs being grown with both of these. Imagine what this technology will be like in about 5 years. All the kinks worked out and the price dropped so that normal blokes like me can buy it and not have to sell my one eye snake mayo juice at some clinic while you got 74 kids out there that you don't even know :rofl:
Tomula recommends a uv bulb and i want to add that in with the cobs. Probably not this grow though. So many things to buy its insane!
Those will be solid. Not that the current cobs isn't going to perform but the uv bulbs will help with more stickyness, I think :rofl: man you can trick it out like pimp my ride, we can call it pimp my light, my budlight
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