Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

Day 33 post flip

Doo Dee Doo...just humming along. Everyone gets fed 10ml of each FN™ product, about 3/4 gal a day to top off the reservoir. Temps have been on the cooler side but tomorrow they are supposed to get back to normal for this time of year.

Day 40 post flip

Warmer temps and I can see a color change from the 3 that were lighter. The back right is now the same tone as her sister in front. The Alaskan Purples are turning, of all things, purple. If it's good weed, and has good color too, I'll have to put on the regrow list and do it proper. These didn't have much veg time because they got overrun by older tentmates.

looks like you are going to have a few hours of work in your harvest

What is everyone's average time to harvest a plant? I'll average 45 minutes to an hour and 15 depending on if I'm hand trimming everything, or using the bowl trimmer, and if I have the son's help or not.
What is everyone's average time to harvest a plant? I'll average 45 minutes to an hour and 15 depending on if I'm hand trimming everything, or using the bowl trimmer, and if I have the son's help or not.
2-3 hours for me.
I didn't include clean up which can be another hour or two. After a big harvest I clean out the tents, dust, make the bed that's in the lab, etc. 4 plants with cleanup is 6 hours and that's with help.
Sure but he asked about your plants, not you!

Sometimes those sticky trich fingers are just what the doctor ordered after 4 hours of trimming. The added friction is on point :rofl:
Day 48 post flip

Kinda overfilled them when I watered last night so they were peeing out the overflow hole. Made a mess, but hey, it's only water, with some FN Fertilizer ™ of course.

No wonder these idiots can't build a choo choo train for a mere $20 billion — they can't even spell rite*.


I live in California…still. :-(
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