Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

Day 13

Dirty floor and all. Cleaning my pool after work was a bigger priority. It's going to be 91 tomorrow and I'll be off work.

Day 19

The last 2 days they've really started to take off after I fed them the 8's. Hit them with the 10's tonight.

Sorry @Trala , the floor is still dirty.

Day 21

Was doing some other work in the lab today. Decided I'd clean this tent floor just for @Trala . Took out the liner, transported it to the big sink and even broke out a scrub brush. It's so reflective now that the bottom sides of the leaves will get sunburned. I washed the Tent Chicken's™ red Solo cup altar and reassembled everything.

That's one clean solo cup! Reminds me I need to clean the bathtub...

I normally get tub duty, but the wife did ours yesterday. #winning
Day 22

Topped and removed some top fans off all but the back left. I'll let her go a bit more and see if she can catch up with the other 3.


HERE you can find the info on Farside Nutrients Fertilizer™ aka FN Fertilizer or FN Nutes. The double entender is intentional. Life is a little marketing, although if it were my goal to someday make it commercially available, it wouldn't be the best business practice to give away the recipe. The short answer is, It's a blend of salts of my own devising.
Oh my days!

That growth is AMAZING!

Thanks Trala. I'm sure cleaning the floor is what kicked them into overdrive. I owe it all to your OCD eyes. :rofl:
@Pondwater HERE you can find the info on Farside Nutrients Fertilizer™ aka FN Fertilizer or FN Nutes. The double entender is intentional. Life is a little marketing, although if it were my goal to someday make it commercially available, it wouldn't be the best business practice to give away the recipe. The short answer is, It's a blend of salts of my own devising.
Ah it’s a salt mix not organic ? That’s links broken bro
Thanks Trala. I'm sure cleaning the floor is what kicked them into overdrive. I owe it all to your OCD eyes. :rofl:
Look I wasn’t gonna say, but yeah. I basically saved your grow. Members in here get so twisted over ppm, pH, ECG, N, S&M and CalMag when really all they need to do is clean their floor.

Any you’re welcome :)

Day 37

Been a rough stretch at the Farside homestead, but the plants haven't cared. They stretched a lot themselves. I need to get in and clean up the bottoms on these but all I've had time for is watering.

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