Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

Nice looking ladies. Your buds are getting nice and plump. I love the purple color on the NLxBB.
Thanks. I like the purple too.
Looking great Farside, your going to love the BBxNL, I'm smoking some now from last harvest- it's great.
I've had it before. These are the last of the pack from the freebies WSE sent me. They've all had good potency, but I haven't been impressed with the consistency of their autos. This grow was the perfect example. Three plants, one telephone pole, one "normal" plant, and one that won't auto flower.
They survived! :welldone:

Maybe bump the chlorine ppm next watering? ;)

That or up the ppm of S to 180. :rofl:

***Inside joke from another thread folks. In no way am I advocating feeding 180ppm of Sulfur.
Photo update:

Cut this today. Guessing 6-7oz of Northern Lights x Big Bud

This is the Original Glue. Her buds are super dense and still a long way from harvest. She should yield well.

I'll get some pics up later of the Northern Lights x Big Bud that won't auto. She always looked off, but once I fed 1x with Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro and subsequent feeds of FN Nutes, she's really come alive. She definitely likes the extra Ammoniacal Nitrogen. pH must have been off on that one. I was gonna toss her but now I think I'll keep her and fill an entire tent with her. I think she's got 5', 16oz potential.
The non-auto Auto.

BTW, I did buy scrubs and a lab coat so that I can be Dr Farside/Dr Feelgood when working in my "office". I haven't done the graphics for the lab coat yet. I'll wait until after I use it for a Halloween costume. My employer wouldn't appreciate the "upgrades" to the lab coat considering the field I work in.
@InTheShed You'll probably be interested in seeing me try to keep this one alive since it will be the longest grow I've ever done, in soil-less, and using about 25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen. If I'm gonna have a big pH drift problem, this will be the one.
@InTheShed You'll probably be interested in seeing me try to keep this one alive since it will be the longest grow I've ever done, in soil-less, and using about 25% Ammoniacal Nitrogen. If I'm gonna have a big pH drift problem, this will be the one.
If you're using 25% ammoniacal I'm betting you'll have very little pH drift. Or at least I'm hoping that's true! With almost all nitrate mine drifted a little less than a point higher in about two months.
And then there was 2. Spent 4.5 hours in the weed lab trimming, cleaning, doing more LST, feeding, and dropping new seeds.

The corner of dankness.

The Glue Auto

The Non-Auto Auto NLxBB

Fed the NLxBB 3 gallons of FN Nutes. She's now on a 12/12 timer of her own so I don't have to move her in and out of the tent like I have this past week. She's declared sex now so I'm hoping to see buds soon. Dropped 2 Blue Dream and 2 Chemdog photos to start the next photo grow.
...looks like a lovely set of nuggets!

...has lovely chunky spears on it (is there some purple on those buds?).

...a beast!

The Zkittlez filled a 2 gal bucket, and the Gelato was close to a half (about a gallons worth). We also got a lot of great hash material off the trim.

There's a little purple. The thing that stands out to me is the size of the trichs. Normally their finer, but these are like bigger grains of sand.

I figured you'd like the NLxBB. She looks like your plants with a big top and trimmed up bottom.
Photo updates

The Non-Auto Auto is starting to bloom. Hooray!

The 2 Blue Dream photos have sprouted and have made their way to solo cups. One of the Chems was starting to show. It will get transplanted Friday Eve or Sat AM. Hopefully the last Chem won't be far behind. They will reside in the tent with the Auto Glue. Hopefully it will be harvested about the same time these new girls will need upcanned to 5gal pots.
Both the Original Glue's are up. Yeah! 4 for 4 and all have birthdates within 2 days of each other. I'll transplant the Glues to Solo cups in the AM.
Hello farside! Got linked to your journal and gotta say theres 136 pages of quality content to read. Made it to the page 20 already :D

Just startin my new proggy and Ive ordered terpinator as a extra K supplement to be used from a very beginning. (Easier to find 1:2 or 1:2.5 N&K ratios)

So would like to ask you how you liked it? Many product description pages says ”terpinator does not affect on your ppm values”..But in my understanding the 4% K is in catonic form so should be easy to absorb(?) and if recommended doses would be 5-10ml/gallon, then in my understanding for example 5ml/g should provide 54ppm of K or 10ml/g would be 109ppm K + other micros(?)
…So even 5ml/g should show up .1 bump on EC meter or 50-100ppm bump on TDS meter.

Obv thats a small bump yeah, and could be described as ”does not affect on ppm”
But lets say we have a situation where base nutes already provides for example ~100N 20P 120K, and I would like to achieve 200-250ppm of K. Would need at least 10ml/gallon of Terpinator for that. Could exceed amounts cause problems?
Can’t find terpinators label nowhere to see what everything theres in it, nor has the bottle arrived yet.

If youve a word or two about it, would like to hear! :)
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