Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

I can attempt but I don't know how reliable the results will be. My pH pen is a cheapo, I'm out of calibration solution packets, and it's not stored in storage solution.

I did throw in a caveat on the

As I recall, pH meters are logarithmic and not arithmetic in their differences, like the Richter scale. So 2 points is WAY off.

Below 7 and above 5.5 is why we correctly store and calibrate our pH meters. :cheesygrinsmiley:

LOL! Do as I say, not as I do.

At least when I calibrated my meter in the past, it seemed to be off the same amount in all the different solutions.

The post on making your own solution was several years ago.

Let me explain it in this way, by a story...

In the late 80's, I used to show American Quarter Horses on a semi-professional level. By that I mean that I showed against Pros that were employed by multi-millionaires that paid all the bills and just watched, rather than ride the horses themselves. I owned, rode, and competed against them, but on my own dime. The owners of the barn I rode out of were Jewish, and had fled Germany (him) and Russia (her) to escape the Nazis. They ended up in Argentina, where they met. Ironically, that's where lots of Nazis also escaped to after the war, but that's not the point. In Argentina, these people only had chicken to eat. They ate it every meal. They vowed that if they ever got out of Argentina, or were of better means, they would never eat chicken again. Obviously, they made it out of Argentina, and they kept good on their promise. To drive the point home even further, they would cook a chicken every other day and feed it to their dogs. In their words, "Chicken is dog food." My pH meter, and it use ,abuse, or lack of storage conditions, shows my utter distain for the monitoring of pH. My goal is to use a buffered substrate, find the proper balance of N sources, and never have to worry about pH or measure it. The only reason I have used it in the last 4 years is because people have asked me to check something.
I was just looking at this again and noticed that 115+28 don't equal 150 total N. Please explain!

Probably too much cutting and pasting in my spreadsheet and F'd a formula.
I was just looking at this again and noticed that 115+28 don't equal 150 total N. Please explain!

Actually it was a bad entry in the data table, for MSU. The total N should be 13.2, Nitrate 12.5 and .7 Ammoniacal. I entered .07 for the Ammoniacal by mistake. So it should have been 115.74 + 34.26 which does add up to 150.
Well I did a thing today. I spent $120 buying all the salts I need to concoct my own fertilizer from scratch. It will be designed for water with an Alkalinity of 75-150ppm. Originally I thought of naming it Chika-Boom-Bloom, but decided to keep it a bit simpler. The new Farside Nutrients® lineup will consist of 4 products, all liquid stock solutions made from the salts. They are:

FN Micros®
FN Silica® (Previously known as Faux-Tekt®)


They breakdown as follows:

A full strength dose looks like:

Now I just have to wait for them to arrive before I put on my lab coat. Surely didn't need to spend the extra cash right now since I still have plenty of 3 different nute lines on hand, but I enjoy crunching nute numbers a little too much. The numbers from the proposed product mix have been dancing in my head for some time. Soon it will be time to test their viability.
A little too much! And we are definitely going to need to see you in the lab coat, or at least a sleeve and gloved hand for proof.

:welldone: on your own nute lineup!

I need this lab coat in my life!

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Until then you may have to settle for a BBQ apron.
Congrats on that difficult takedown, but it certainly gives the neighbors some room in there! You might even be able to lower the light now. :)

Yes the light was lowered to 55k for everyone else now.

All but one of my salts came in. The other will come in tomorrow. So maybe later tonight I'll make some of the FN Nutes.
Hey Igor, what do you think the shelf life will be? Do you anticipate any settling of the products? I can't wait to see how the FuckiNutes work.

Igor is good. Just don't wanna be referred to as Dr Frank N

The shelf life should be the same as any commercially produced products.

I do not anticipate and settling/fallout. 1) I am keeping the Calcium in separate products from the sulfates and phosphates. That's why you often see multiple part liquid products, they don't play nice with each other in concentrates. 2) I'm not making real strong stock solutions so I doubt there will be any issues with the liquid reaching its saturation point.

I'm still waiting on the Potassium Nitrate, so I can't make FN A tonight. Its supposed to be here tomorrow. So on with FN B. For it we'll need Potassium Sulfate (28.49g), Monoammonium Phosphate (28.49g), and Ammonium Sulfate(37.99g). I measure out each powder and add it to a pot.

To that I add 32oz of distilled water. It didn't even need any heat to dissolve, just some stirring. Boom, 1qt of FN B. I won't bother with going over the FN Silica since I already did a detailed instructable for it (see Faux-Tekt thread).
I can't wait to see how the FuckiNutes work.

So far so good! And I have the same brand of ammonium sulfate...did you notice it's 22% S and not 24?

LOL that's how I read it every time I saw it!

I see it says 22% and I'm not sure how it's not 24% since every other source I find says ammonium sulfate is 24% S. I mean it's a chemical formulation, like saying water is not 2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen.

The FN Nutes® deal was intentional. Life is a little marketing. Maybe I shouldn't give away the recipes in case it's successful and I wanna take it Nah, I've always tried to show people ways to save cash.
This AM I mixed up a quart of FN A by combining 47.49g of Ammonium Calcium Nitrate, 47.49g of Potassium Nitrate, and 94.9g of Magnesium Nitrate, with 32oz of distilled water.

I proceeded to feed all the photo girls, 5ml FN Silica, 10ml FN Micros, 10ml FN A, and 10ml FN B. This I would consider a standard full strength dose. Next time I make FN Silica I may dilute it more so that it's a 1:blushsmile:1:1 ratio across the board.
The updated state of affairs at the Farside compound:

It's been several days since the photo girls got a taste of FN Nutes. They haven't died, which is a good start. There is some continued late in life fade despite being fed 150ppm of N. I'm not concerned, I just see it a life stage thing figuring they've got about 2 weeks left. The buds are getting firmer and heavier which is making them look a little gangly.

The photo group

Gelato Bud

Two Zkittlez buds

On to the autos. Last week when I fed them, I changed things up a little. Rather than feed MSU, I gave them a feed of Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro. It was really to see how the back right NLxBB would respond. She's never looked right, having lighter green foliage on the upper parts of the plant. More than the typical lighter color of fresh growth. The good news is that she's getting a little darker shade of green now. The bad news is that her Original Glue tentmate didn't appreciate the diet change as much. Foliage Pro doesn't have as much Calcium and now I've got some spots on what was a pristine plant. Live and learn I guess. The back left NLxBB is getting closer to the chopping block. I'll be able to spread things out a bit more soon. I need to make a decision on how to handle the back right plant. She still doesn't appear to be going into flower automatically. I'm thinking I'm going to have to take her out of the tent and put her in the closet for 12 hours a day so I can get her flowering. That or I could just toss her when I harvest the others. I was leaning towards tossing her, but now that she's getting greener up top, she's looking more like a keeper. The autos got their first taste of FN Nutes today.

The autos

NLxBB bud
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