Growing Against Alzheimers - A Purely Organic Experience

If this is your nug, I think you owe it to this young lady to have a coming out party. Like maybe entering her in Nug of the Month.

Go Girl!

She is a beauty!

Peace. :peace:

That contest has a dry or cure rule. It has to be deemed smokable too I think. If still growing it wouldn't qualify.

But she could enter it with 29 others in the Creme de la creme thread. Pays to read those rules....errr guidelines also.
You know I had to look then, I thought I'd lost a day :rofl:

Little millie is staying this week, ain't she just the cutest thing?

That frost is crazy, NotM worthy for sure

Yep, I agree. Trimmed dried and cured... beautiful. I was thinking your plants had an almost HiBrix amount of frost on them!!

I've been wanting to ask you, a couple of times here you and others have talked about stacking your buds, as if this is something the grower does, or can do, or should do. I thought 'stacking' was just something that happens, i.e., the plant does it. Am I missing something here...?

On a different tack, your discussions about changing ones brain have led me to wonder if you're familiar with a writer called Donna Jackson Nakazawa. She's a science journalist who focuses on health/medical science and has suffered from neurological and auto immune conditions so ended up writing a lot in that area.

Her research is great and she brings different approaches together really well in her analysis. Two of her books in particular might appeal to you: 'The Auto-immune Epidemic' and the 'Last Best Cure'. The second one is where she writes about rewiring ones own brain.

Your garden is looking mighty mighty G. Very inspiring.

Hi Amy,

Your book recommendations have really made me take notice.....think I'm going to read both....thank you very much! :thanks:
Yep, I agree. Trimmed dried and cured... beautiful. I was thinking your plants had an almost HiBrix amount of frost on them!!

I’ve been wanting to ask you, a couple of times here you and others have talked about stacking your buds, as if this is something the grower does, or can do, or should do. I thought ‘stacking’ was just something that happens, i.e., the plant does it. Am I missing something here...?

On a different tack, your discussions about changing ones brain have led me to wonder if you’re familiar with a writer called Donna Jackson Nakazawa. She’s a science journalist who focuses on health/medical science and has suffered from neurological and auto immune conditions so ended up writing a lot in that area.

Her research is great and she brings different approaches together really well in her analysis. Two of her books in particular might appeal to you: ‘The Auto-immune Epidemic’ and the ‘Last Best Cure’. The second one is where she writes about rewiring ones own brain.

Your garden is looking mighty mighty G. Very inspiring.


*Thank you Amy, I appreciate your support. I know how difficult it can be.

*It's actually called "Tip Spreading" to achieve bigger bud formations. Plants will stack themselves for sure. But when you gently spread the tips you are opening the bud site for more light to enter. By spreading the tips, it creates a zigzag in your stalk, thus allowing buds to stack on each other. It promotes stacking even more and reduces space between nodes too. I hope this is a better explanation than my photos.

*I'm going to research your book recommendations. It sounds just like me...Thank you kindly.

*Also, did you know that collodial silver is used to boost our immune systems, it's the same thing we use to reverse sex for breeding of seeds. I'm gonna get it soon, and I was researching it and it's also used to fight infections and auto-immune diseases. So yah, I'm gonna give it a go, it says it should help within a week to notice a difference.

*I appreciate your energy from akin. Your plants look great and your tent wire protector is genius. Thank you for sharing your research with me! big hug:thanks:
*It's actually called "Tip Spreading" to achieve bigger bud formations. Plants will stack themselves for sure. But when you gently spread the tips you are opening the bud site for more light to enter. By spreading the tips, it creates a zigzag in your stalk, thus allowing buds to stack on each other. It promotes stacking even more and reduces space between nodes too. I hope this is a better explanation than my photos.

Brilliant, thanks. That brings together 2 things I'd understood as seperate so understanding the link there is great. I'll be coming to you for tips on tip spreading when the time is right .

I'm going to look into that colloidal silver option. I know some people who add trace elements of silver to their family drinking water for immune support. And the connection between hormones and immune function is immense and only just becoming understood as such so something that can manipulate hormones in a plant will certainly effect hormones in a person! I'll ask my herbalist and doctor about colloidal silver...

*Thank you Amy, I appreciate your support. I know how difficult it can be.

*It's actually called "Tip Spreading" to achieve bigger bud formations. Plants will stack themselves for sure. But when you gently spread the tips you are opening the bud site for more light to enter. By spreading the tips, it creates a zigzag in your stalk, thus allowing buds to stack on each other. It promotes stacking even more and reduces space between nodes too. I hope this is a better explanation than my photos.

*I'm going to research your book recommendations. It sounds just like me...Thank you kindly.

*Also, did you know that collodial silver is used to boost our immune systems, it's the same thing we use to reverse sex for breeding of seeds. I'm gonna get it soon, and I was researching it and it's also used to fight infections and auto-immune diseases. So yah, I'm gonna give it a go, it says it should help within a week to notice a difference.

*I appreciate your energy from akin. Your plants look great and your tent wire protector is genius. Thank you for sharing your research with me! big hug:thanks:
If your going to use cs to make fem seeds theres a few sprays on the market that work a lot better. But for its health aspects cs is awesome
Yesterday I took 2 clones from my CBDream, it will take a maximum of 2 weeks to establish roots. In the meantime, they are comfortable in their new digs for now. Pics soon.

-------------------May I share?----------------------

Noise to the left, light from the right, dark in my brain brings on the fright.

Do I follow my instinct, my vision is distinct.

Walking in the dark, feeling for the wall, my skins dry like bark, as I trip and fall.

Burns, scrapes, cuts and bruises, makes me crave a vacation on princess cruises.

I make meaningful friends, not sure when I offend, hoping they understand my brain is on the mend.

Am I doing okay? My thoughts decay, when I relay, how badly I don't want to stay, cray cray.

Dealing with high anxiety, is not a small task in society, questioning my every word insanity, fighting the disease frantically.

There is so much I wish to happen, instead my brain is busy mappin', how to find the end of the maze, without succumbing to cognitive craze.

A little girl who carries her soccer ball, just wants to be accepted by all.

There is a little fire that burns inside, a campfire girl with badges and stripes on the outside, who just wants to keep her flame going, and her thoughts flowin'.

To follow my own advice, is like hitting my head twice, when I should be nice to the wheel spinning by mice.

I cross my fingers for luck, could this get me unstuck, my hopes and dreams alive, everyday i wake up and strive.

Thanks to the Brainiacs who follow, your promises never hollow, I wish you the best, our friendship I invest.

I whisper hope, to my frontal temporal lobe, stuffing my brain like turkey, retraining my brain is the key.

I have so many dreams, past careers ripped at the seams, can I be the best me, with genuine sincerity.

Learning and sharing information can be bossy, strip away the attitude and smile glossy.

Humbly and happily I share my heart, hoping to be kind and caring from the start.

Love G
I like your chances. :battingeyelashes:

All those former lives that were ripped away, they were stepping stones to the brilliance ahead for you. I have no doubt that this is true for you. You've taken control, and you're on the cusp of discovering that the diagnosis isn't the sentence you were trained to believe it was.

When you really catch the truth of how powerful your ECS is you're going to start breathing much easier.

You're path is bright and true. It's such an honor to be here with you. :hugs:
Brilliant, thanks. That brings together 2 things I’d understood as seperate so understanding the link there is great. I’ll be coming to you for tips on tip spreading when the time is right .

I’m going to look into that colloidal silver option. I know some people who add trace elements of silver to their family drinking water for immune support. And the connection between hormones and immune function is immense and only just becoming understood as such so something that can manipulate hormones in a plant will certainly effect hormones in a person! I’ll ask my herbalist and doctor about colloidal silver...


I'm here for yah whenever I can be. I'll try to find some info for you on tip spreading in the meantime. Hopefully I'll remember. hahahaha

It's so funny how we come across things by researching and never thought anything about silver/distilled water. It's applicable to so many of us. I wish I could start so many threads about my research, but my brain can't handle it right now. So I have to literally purge my information here so I can go back out and feed on more knowledge. Does that help you as much as it helps me?

I'm glad you made it to my home. I always imagine this is kinda like how I would great people face to face. Come to home and here is how I would service your every herbal and hostessing needs. It's such a lifestyle to chill and heal. We have to become a whole from the fragments left in our mind. We fill those gaps with natural supplements and nutrients because it gives us our humaness back from a bitter cold world. That is only my impression, sorry I rambled. tehehe. :Namaste:
dang,'re kicking ass...! Rap on, you rock....
I like your chances. :battingeyelashes:

All those former lives that were ripped away, they were stepping stones to the brilliance ahead for you. I have no doubt that this is true for you. You've taken control, and you're on the cusp of discovering that the diagnosis isn't the sentence you were trained to believe it was.

When you really catch the truth of how powerful your ECS is you're going to start breathing much easier.

You're path is bright and true. It's such an honor to be here with you. :hugs:

*I take great stock in your words, while I just sit here blindly. I pray that you are right. That I am that person you describe. I just wish for so much. Times being tough, I always have to ask if I'm doing okay. How can I improve or make things better. Kindly, thank you so much. I'm scared as heck, but I never give up. BIG HUG:hugs:
I am sorry that you must bear the pain of the battles that you must fight.
Know that you are not alone and we can all help each other with the scars
that we all share on some level.

Sometimes I write to help myself too.

Some days I feel haunted. Almost like dreams of another.
Caught in a wave of emotion. Static from the abyss.
Feels like there is something to say. Lost in the mist.
The meaning is unclear. A dream that is fading.
My mood darkens. The anxiety persists.
I can do this all day. You get the jist.

Goodbye dear friend.
Please come back every now and then.
It is so hard to speak when you are gone.
The words go dark. My mind goes numb with fear.
I will know when you are back again.
The words will once more, begin to appear.

I don't know where I go.
I don't know what causes the changes.
I know that I am left in a shell.
To live in my own personal hell.
I'm lost somewhere on these pages.
A ghost, speaking from his cell.

There appears to be no pattern.
It can sometimes be hard to cope.
I emerge from a daze. Lost and conflicted.
But at least then there is hope.
I just waste so much fucking time.
Healing from wounds that are self inflicted.

Though the words this time have brought their darkness.
I can literally feel their cold starkness.
This is not a case of a lost soul swan dive.
For the words are burning so very brightly.
My soul is awake. I feel alive.

Cheers friend.
Again you reward us with a brilliant thoroughly educational update.

And your ladies look absolutely delicious!

Frosted and jealous.

Not really jealous. PROUD!

Your opening paragraphs are a mirror of my trials and frustrations.

I cannot tell you what works or didn't.
Beyond medical marijuana's evident healing and therapeutic properties.

Our brains are like fingerprints. Wired to us for eternity.
Every one an individual blueprint of our learning capabilities.

Genetics, Freewill, learned response, and instincts programme the use of our brain.

Short version....
I was borne an exceptional child.
I was neither right handed or left.
Nor ambidextrous.
I didn't crawl...I walked
I didn't babble...I talked
I never cried nor felt pain
I saw the world differently

I was considered "Slow" as a child.
I was bored easily.

I never studied....i read and remembered

I've had an excellent and exciting life!
One day 9 years ago "I knew something was wrong"
No one listened!
All I received was Opinions.....No answers.

2 years later my brain broke. I was a clean data. Followed by 4 years of living hell.

Than the dreams came! First the childhood memories.....unlocking the data stored on microfiche. Converting it to digital.
My brain is firing different. New pathways, direction change, reroute....awakening!

I don't Fear, Hope or Pray......

I know I have this beat....and TIME I have.

G2HM, you are where I was....
I am where you will be....

This is NOT a death sentence.
We all heal in unique ways.

Some better than are in the "some better" category.

I came to the 420 community for something else.....and found you!

This journal is perfect....It is your journey.

Now that all knows a little about me.
My presence as a friend is to Aspire you!

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