What’s Update – 100% Organic Garden & Brain Rehab – Nov 10, 2017
Welcome to my Beautiful Healing Brain Journal!
Grow N Brain Rehabilitation Behaviour:
WELCOME to all new Oil Slickers!
Dear 420 family:
It’s no secret I’m having a tough time physically brainiacs, from my accidents scraping and bumping into things, to dropping my drinks and tripping on floor coverings. From migraines to sitting in the dark. From burning my fingers to blisters by grabbing a glue gun. Didn’t occur to me it would be hot. (This is why I can’t use the stove or oven without my hubby around)
I may be all scuffed up but I’m accomplishing things I’ve never done before. This is the new me who powers through the physical barriers to remap neuro pathways and complete the project with stars. Regardless of how I get things done, I’m figuring out problems if I take my time.
This is basically like my previous soccer career, I play a great game and walk away with a few scrapes and bruises. That's all I have to think about, then my injuries become awards for Aplus effort. So when I soaked our bed with tea and scraped myself, my husband looked at me and said "soccer injury" amidst my frustrated tears. And it made me smile. If I'm going to regress into the past, let it be during the best years of my youth soccer career.
In the meantime, I just have to keep busy, learning more about Neuro Genisis and improving my oil recipes. It's amazing the amount of information I'm retaining. So what, I couldn't remember my age today, I'm in the middle of my first non-deficiencies harvest, cloning, finally getting my groove on. I'm doing what I love...my first admirable harvest. My husband is so proud...I do it for him...
I’ll be the one with scars and stars. Either way, I’m alive, what do I care? I’m having the time of my life.
I’ll get into more detail next time as to what's a happenin'. This time I promised notes from Episode 4. Here we go...
More of my notes from the “Awakening Alzheimers” webinar serious.
Episode 04 | The Importance of Sleep
Peggy Sarlin – Hostess
Dr. Bruce – Expert on Sleep
1 poor sleep – level 1 slow down
get mean, over emotional, thinking slow down
Chronically Poor Sleepers are sleep deprived
Without Sleep – Immune function decreases
The more sleep deprived the more cancer cells can thrive.
Need balance.
Purpose of sleep – growth hormone emits, REM organized better.
Chronic Poor Sleep – go without sleep for 72 you won’t get ALZ. Genetic propensity can be affected by sleep deprivation. Sleep is still mysterious, early stages of knowing what sleep does.
Sleep Architecture – particular movement structure from stage to stage, one cycle 90 mins, average 5 mini cycles of sleep and all differ. You need 7.5 is average, for development and growth. If you wake up early which cycle you wake up in will short change their cognition. You need to complete 5 cycles to be rested. Disrupting sleep will disturb cognitive function.
Sundowners – become agitated when the sun goes down. Light therapy for particular wave length of light, emit 460 nano blue light. Provide light at night to prevent sleeping in a agitated cranky way.
Doesn’t affect everyone, but will benefit from light exposure, all natural light, no side effects. Meds change inner system causing insomnia because of side effects, multiple awakenings etc.
Melatonin – Can help, but maybe not. It’s a hormone. What’s the quality of the melatonin, pharmaceutical made. Sold in an over-dosage format. Needs to be done in a controlled doctoral environment. 50-60 melatonin reduces in the brain. Take small dose, ad 90 minutes wait before sleep, will keep you up.
Melatonin – Make sure right dose from reputable company
- before going to bed
-doesn’t interact with the other medications, beta blockers
-careful not mix meds.
Magnesium – Calming effect. Wash off banana cut off the tips, cut in half, 2 cups of boiling brown banana, into your teapot.
2 processes to sleep
1. Sleep drive - Adenosine builds up
2. Circadian rhythm. Core body temp rises. Choose bed time wisely. ALZ patients nap a lot during the day, and affects their sleep. Stay up and have a routines time for bed.
3. Hydration – breathe out almost a litre of water, drink a bottle of water first thing in the morning.
4. Direct natural Sleep to reset circadian clock. Take a walk daily. Exercise improve the quality of sleep.
5. Coffee is not good. Level of caffeine is must be monitored.
Caregivers sleep is important.
Even if you’ve been up all night, throw off your brain.
You don’t get to catch up on sleep.
You won’t make up for it, because it only happens in cycles over-night. Can’t make up for the past lost cycles.
Sleep apnea is a major issue. Disturbs breeding, not adequate amount of oxygen.
Stops breathing, heart slows down, brain makes heart to speed up, high blood pressure no pills to treat. CPAP at sleep. Or give oxygen, mouth guards, for upper and lower opens pathway.
Restless leg syndrome – iron deficiency
Don’t drink – try to go sugar free means no sugar
Protein vs carbs vs fat – never go to bed hungry, more agitated, “hangry”, prevents sleep. Lack of nutritional and environment is disruptive to sleep. SUGAR promotes insomnia. (ESCANDOLO!!! Hahahaha)
Recommended sleep habits
Set a routine of waking up and sleeping time
Sunlight every morning, 15 minutes.
---------------------WHAT ARE MY THOUGHTS?----------------------
*I wonder if plants have cycles of sleep?
*I never thought you couldn’t make up for sleep lost, it’s just gone.
*I laughed when I heard “Hangry.”
*I wonder if the Beastie Boys were sleep deprived when they wrote “No SLEEP till BROOKLYN!!!” Duh duh duh, hahahahaha stop it brain!
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?----------------------------
My humble garden of positive change awaits you…
What am I grateful for? “my medical team is working so hard for me right now, it’s humbling that they are advocating for me.”
Quote of the week: “It’s so hard to ask for help.”
Excerpt from my book that I'm writing: “if we only use 11% of our brains throughout our lifetime, there has got to be way to reroute brain processes to compensate for complete darkness...”
When I started the “Energy Distribution” experiment with these Kushy Kush Clones, I needed to know what type of training provides the best result in my limited environment. Now that I have the plants finished respectively I’m stating officially Clone #1 is the best result. In fact, SweetSue predicted that one too.
Isolating your colas to direct the energy rec’d by the lights to the buds up top. Also growing 8-10 stalks was an equal balance of size and result. Very happy with my experiment and now you can see how I’m applying my knowledge to the CBDream at the bottom of this journal.
1. Type: Kushie Kush CLONES ( Mother Born March 4, 2017)
HARVEST TIME early next week
Week: 12 veg / 6 weeks flower (6 week flower genetics)
Days: 124 (Clones cut June 8 – 22nd = 13 days to reroot.)
Temp: 25
RH: 45%
Strain: Indica
Technique: Cloning, 1 Top, HST & LST
Kushy Kush Clone # 1-2-3 (2,3&5 gallon self-watering pots)
Comments: Flash On
*GROUP PHOTO Light off
* Clone #1 Light on
Light off
* Clone #2 Light on
*Amber Trich’s on top. Light off
*Duuuuude check dis out!
* Clone #3 Light on
Light Off
2. Type: CBDream (making more oil)
Week: 12
Days: 86
Strain:Mostly Indica
Technique:2 tops & LST
Comments: Flash On
* There are 2 clones I’ve been eyeing, and will take them off this mother this weekend so I can send the mother into flower asap. This is the most labourious work ahead of me, but my honey is working so I need to keep busy and safe. Garden work couldn’t be more fun and safe in my eyes.
*The next time you see her she will not have her skirt on. She will be bottomless.
*Late Veg – Ready to take 2 clones.
*Stacking your individual flowers will create beautiful colas if I’m lucky. What a beautiful lady, Belisima, Belledonna!!! She's got it going on in all the right places. hahahaha I'm a lover and a fighter...
*Thank you for reading and giving feedback.
How can I thank each and everyone of you for keeping me on task and helping me keep my health stable through organic friendships? As I divide my time on the computer it seems like I miss out, but when I get back there are so much love. This virtual world is not one you can fake over time. The longer I spend time with you guys the better person I become. Humbly, thank you for putting up with my demands and disabilities. I HUGS YOU GUYS. Now I'll leave you with a smile...
My brain says..."I donut know how you could be so crueller when you dessert me in the middle of the chocolate bar."