This statement main make me pretty unpopular, also. Look... If you can't show enough respect for someone who is going so far out of her way to help you... Then show some respect in return and do as she asks. If you are asked not to private message her while she is not online, respect that and don't do it until you see that she is back. And these pink pictures... I'm sorry, that's just lame. If you can't see the true color of the plant, or anything else in the picture, how the hell do you expect to get help? Especially from someone who has said numerous times that the pink and purple pictures give her a migraine headache! Come on, folks! Show some respect and some appreciation, will ya?I love that you guys care so much....
Little issue to discuss...One more thing, I will no longer be able to help people make oil who insist on pm'ing me to help them make oil when I took much needed sick days off and they know it. I volunteer my time and need my health to come first.
Plus I won't be able to provide help to those who insist on posting pink pics knowing how much they trigger my brain. This might make me really unpopular fast but I'm tired of making sacrifices for those who would not sacrifice for me. It's just weird to say but this is my journey too.
My health comes first. It sucks that it has to be like this, but you guys know my struggle is daily.
It gets really hard to say no but I guess I have to draw the line in the sand. I'm sorry I just have to be careful.
Thank you for the well wishes I rec'd my friends, I hope to have the lights on soon so I can stare again.
Much love family, you guys make it hard to stay away.
* steps off his soapbox and strides back to his chair, exasperated.*