How delightful to find the air full of the joys of sports participation.
I never competed anywhere, I don't think I have it in me to compete, but I raised a natural athlete, and I was his head cheerleader. Lol!
I can see the value in a beginning scan, and possibly every so many years, but to require one every year is monstrous IMO. The contrast dyes used on my husband when they were preparing for a fistula for dialysis were what eventually destroyed his kidney function. There's so much wrong with conventional medicine, and doctors with God complexes are possibly the worst frustration.
It can be uncomfortable to buck the system, but you have patient rights, and you can always buy more time while you await the inspirational thought on what to do next. I've learned to expect the impossible to occur. I have great faith and expectation.
When I read that first report I realized that I envision your healing brain like a vibrant, happy construction zone, manned by the best and brightest the System has to offer, producing healthy neurons and clearing out the plaque. I honestly don't see deterioration in that vision at all.
Your clones are coming along beautifully. No deficiencies.
Don't you love the learning curve around here?