As recently as a year ago equanimity was a dream I flirted with as I careened through life, reacting to every circumstance with incredible empathy that took an emotional toll. Then I started deliberate waking last December 14, the day I started the thread on optimism. I identified myself at that time as an overly sensitive person.
Less than a year after beginning to deliberately direct my emotional response by simply choosing a thought that felt better at the moment - any thought that felt better - I can claim, for the first time in my life, to have attained such a level of equanimity that it's now more common than empathetic reactionism.
Life is much better with equanimity. It took me taking that deliberate choice to pay more attention to how I was
feeling with the deliberate intention to choose a better feeling thought. Care more about how you feel than anything else - anything else - and deliberately choose to think thoughts that make your blood sing a song of joy as it courses through the blood vessels.
We vibrate. Every cell in your body has a vibratory rate for homeostasis, and that tone is most easily expressed in a state of joy. When you vibrate joy the universe responds by bringing you more joyful experiences. Like attracts like. Universal law. Deliberately choose to vibrate joy, or close to it - appreciation, love, acceptance, curiosity, passion. Watch your life light up.
We think we have to work hard at life to get it right. Turns out the more playful you can be the smoother the current flows. The choice of how you feel is always yours.
You'll get there girl. That big heart of yours is pulling you in that direction.