What's Update — 100% Organic Garden & Brain Rehab — Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to my Beautiful Healing Brain Journal!
Grow N Brain Rehabilitation Behaviour:
WELCOME to all new oil slickers!
Dear 420 family:
Every 3rd journal post I thought I would update you on my progress. Dosing protocol coming right up...and here is some horse power...lol
My therapist says it's time to think about retesting me with a Spect Scan. Argh, don't want to undergo further testing just to have the doctors talk down to me. I asked her if we could change doctors because there are more options. So she is going to start the process to help me change doctors.
Now I'll still have the same medical team of practitioners as they are all located in the same building. But in order to stay with my medical team that I have grown to love and rely on, I have to get annual tests done. But getting the scan is useless to me since the doctors will only try to put me on inhibitors, when I already went on anti-depressants to appease them. That was as far as I was gonna go to meet them half way. I already cut my dosage in half when I started on my oil regiment, which they don't know about...tehehe
It's literally traumatic for me to have doctors who don't care to listen to me, interupt me when I'm speaking and throwing paper across their desks. My family doctor is awesome though, the neuro related doctors have insulted me personally and medically. I'm in such conflict with the doctors because I don't feel they have my best interest at heart. It's either their way or no way. But I need my medical team for support. So I will HAVE to be open to a certain degree.
What's the big deal??? This is my reasoning...
The Brain Spect Study scan dye is HIGHLY radioactive. I'm already allergic to the contrast dye Gadolinium they use for MRI's, so this is another reason why the spect scan is my only option. It's a different dye contrast altogether. But if I'm already allergic to one scan dye, why would I subject my body to even more chemicals. This is counterproductive in my eyes.
This scan is so powerful because it examines the blood flow of my brain. It's my only go-to option for scans unfortunately. I've had CT-scans, MRI's and now the Spect scan.
The dye is a radioactive material that requires me to carry a card around that looks like this (See pic below). I only need to carry it for a week, but it warns the airport staff that if I have to travel, my body will probably glow on their screen. OR that I could me a weapon of mass destruction. Hahaha
Either way, I feel this is counterproductive to the detox I put myself through and only having organic natural supplements in my body. Clean and super OILS yes, radioactive dye, no.
This is what the card looks like...
The science behind my diagnosis... "SHE BLINDED ME WITH SCIENCE"
As we are going through the ALZ videos notes together, I thought I would share bits and pieces of my 12 page Occupational Therapy Assessment AND scan results they did last year, so we can all better understand the brain terms used frequently in the videos.
What is important to know is that ALZ cannot be fully diagnosed in CT & MRI scans unless it's in the final stages where they can see the brain plaque build up and depletion etc. So they had to do an OT Assessment of tests to help pinpoint where the lack of blood flow in my brain is most prominent.
Here are some key parts of my scan and OT assessment that I wanted to share with you so you can understand the brain and medical terms used through the entire Awakening Alzheimer's webinar series. I wish I could share all my medical stuff with you guys but it's just so private that I can't take the risk. But here is the next best thing, scan of the results I could share.
Take my lead and follow by collecting copies of your own tests and scans so you have comparisons to reference over the years it takes diagnose. If they give you trouble, just quote "The Freedom of Information Act" and they will be legally obligated to release them to you.
At minimum, you need the scan AND the OT assessment to show early signs of Frontal Temporal Dementia aka ALZ for younger folks. Don't let doctors tell you there is nothing you can do. Ask for a "Brain Spect Study Scan" and a "R-BANS (BADS) Occupational Therapy Assessment ( ...is a screen battery of 12 subtests intended for use with adults 12-89).
Brain Spect Study
BADS — Occupational Therapy Assessment
What do all these words mean???
I have included a really helpful brain image and how they impact my cognitive functions. It's kinda cool reading about my brain and then finding out where the lack of blood flow is and what part of my behaviour it affects. Now you can see how "visual interpretation" is strong for me because it's located at the back of the brain. Pictures help me learn and reroutes new ways to solve problems in my garden.
All very fascinating stuff...I love learning. Sorry if I bored you at all...blame it on the brain...yeahhh yeaahhh
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?----------------------------
My humble garden of positive change awaits you...
What am I grateful for? "surprises in the mail"
Quote of the week: "THC attacks the pain — CBD works on the inflammation. Long time dosing of CBD will eventually bring down the inflammation thus reducing the need of THC as a pain blocker in the future.
Excerpt from my book that I'm writing: "As I decrease my anti-depressant dose my symptoms have become more prevalent and categorical. The pills are suppressing my symptoms but this means that my OT assessment is not an entirely accurate rendition of my baseline even though I'm almost categorized as impaired. They put me on the anti-D pills before they gave me the tests, which directly affected the symptoms they were assessing. Duuuuh!"
1. Type: Kushie Kush CLONES ( Mother Born March 4, 2017)
Week: 12 veg / 4 weeks flower (Flipped to flower Sept 27, 2017)
Days: 111 (Clones cut June 8 — 22nd = 13 days to reroot.)
Temp: 25
RH: 47%
Strain: Indica
Technique: Cloning, 1 Top, HST & LST
Kushy Kush Clone # 1-2-3 (2,3&5 gallon self-watering pots)
*Still Stackin'
*Sea of Green
*My first grow with NO dificiences
*Deep light penetration from the Dwarf Star. 24 inches closest to the light.
*Had to add supplemental light to cover the dark corner. Furci gave me this idea cause he's got a 48mars too.
2. Type: CBDream (making more oil)
Week: 10
Days: 71
Strain:Mostly Indica
Technique:2 tops & LST
*She is up for a transplant this week. She is stackin' and her canopy is very even. Looks like Dobewan's style of training, which is what I'm trying to emulate but in my own style. Thanks for teaching me DW!
*Thank you for reading and giving feedback. I know we've had a tough week so far. But there are so many beautiful minds here that sometimes we step on each others hooves. If we were horses everyone would be put in a pecking order and all would be grand. But we are people with opinions and perceptions so sometimes we need to nudge each other. As long as it's done is a pro-active way, we can overcome anything. You keep me balanced with your humour and touching animal photos, let's keep things light whenever we can.
*The devil is in the details...hahahaha For HG