Growing A Legend: An Auto Tribute To Jack Herer

CFL with a tin foil hat?
Yeah, but got rid of all my old cfls aside from my big hundred watters. I'm trying to keep heat output at a minimum because this apartment &^%/# sucks a big one... Trying to keep all heat sources to a minimal just to keep it under 90 F in my living room.

Anyway long sorry short I wanna try the leds, they're like 6 bucks for a box of 4, and should be like 0 heat output, and be enough to get a small cut to show me sex... I hope.
Pulled Baby Jack yesterday into time out
I'll hang her today and get some Glamour shots

Think it's about day 179ish, seems like it anyways
I have managed to find another 4 good looking seeds in the flower so far. I’m excited about these first couple weeks, it was such a different speed than non-autos I’d grown before.
Welll it's harvested!

I lost track of the official amount of days long ago, it seems like everyone else's was all finished up before mine. I washed it in some lemon juice and baking soda and then hung it to dry this evening.

Got the cloner setup for the ATF, hoping it turns out female. I'm running it 12/12 right now, because I don't want to take too long to both root + make flowers, so I'm hoping just rooting on 12/12 will do both in one so I'm not waiting 2 + 2 weeks for it to root AND flower.

Pretty fancy right? :D lol well it should work for an ultra-low power, no-heat ( aside from the heating mat ) sexer setup. Crossing my fingers it's a female, because it's growing FAST. Note the cinder blocks for scale.

(10 days ago)

Also, made a big ol salad for the worms. Egg shells (rinsed), kale, chard, apples, celery and spinach.

Dense and sparkly Fert! Looks great. How's it smell?

Man I really need to check on the worms :oops:.
Pretty skunky, the coffee tones that I was getting aren't really there so much now.

I bet your worms are fine, I forgot about mine for a couple weeks and thought they were all out of food and dead, I went to go put that salad in and they were crawling all happy.

Also I gotta say I nailed the harvest window on this. The trichomes are straight up opaque white, very few amber. Hopefully it smokes better, but still letting it dry some more.
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