Raining tonight, so gonna let that soften up the ground and wait 'til tomorrow. Just gave it a nice little air filter cleaning and all new oil.
Go away rain, I need to play with my new toy! I mean, err, "work"
Anyway, maybe I'll go soak some seeds tonight. Thinking about DTF, ATF and Bangi Haze. DTF and ATF because they should finish up in my short flowering period, and the Bangi Haze takes a little longer, but supposedly is very resistant to mold, so I'm gonna let it run through the first frost and crop the rest at the first sign of freezing temps.
Also, sorry to turn this into a landscaping equipment channel briefly haha
My JHA is doing pretty good, but it just never got too big, so I'm not sure how long it's got to go. It's still got lots of white pistills, but it's also getting more orange ones, and it's starting to smell fantastic. For a plant as small as it is in a big backyard, it makes a strong scent. Also pretty pest resistant, I haven't had a chance to spray it with anything, but I think I will probably just budwash and then use this for concentrates since it's not going to be a lot of smokeable herb, but will make a nice batch of concentrates.