Growing A Legend: An Auto Tribute To Jack Herer

morning guys, I've also been down that road, my uncles on my moms side where alcoholics and took their own lives because of that. Unfortunately I have that addictive nature to booze as well since my dad passed away before I was eight so you can imagine I was unruly as a teen once booze found me and ive only conquered my drinking a year and 4 months ago due to back problems which booze dosent help fix but when you under the influence of booze almost 18hrs a day.

Conclusion- luckily for me my faith in knowing that I've spent many a night chasing a bottle with this guy 3 years ago paid off and I'm unscathed this morning. After I drove the drunk lady to a B&B for the night and finished up with the cops and this guy I went home..

Got home to find my mom in a state cause the kids said to my mom please do something as our father is going to hurt your son badly.... I was being watched over...:love:
Wow. Some rough stories. I just learned to drink when I joined the air force so you can imagine the lack of restraint that goes with military drinking. I haven't hit the bottle since last year and I don't miss it whatsoever.
Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States ...
now how many thc deaths occur during that same period ... NONE !!! nuff sed
Nuff said. I shoulda been dead ten times over from stupid things when drunk.
I stuck a gram of Kush under my sister-in-law's welcome mat this morning. She'just messaged me and I talked her into accepting a seedling. I'm going to bring her an Early Miss auto in a few days.
Jack Herer Auto Day 105, Day 57 With Hairs

We have been meaning to take this girl down but haven't gotten to it. We have a bit of a busy weekend planned so Sunday night or Monday will be the soonest it comes down.

Holy crap, 28 deg here and I'm sweating me arse off,

So I was out paying my bills today and one of the guys in town that I deal with told me he was in Jamaica the other week and smuggled back some seeds of unknown lineage. So he planted all 18 of them and now he has too many for his space. I offered a trade for a couple of them so I'm going to start back in on a pine hiking stick that's been in hibernation for 4 years. He's seen a lot of the stuff I've made over the years and I think he's eager to get anything that I make. I gave him some trout flies a number of years back, and thing
Jack Herer Auto Day 105, Day 57 With Hairs

We have been meaning to take this girl down but haven't gotten to it. We have a bit of a busy weekend planned so Sunday night or Monday will be the soonest it comes down.

That's not trichs! You sprinkled that with sugar!
Jack Herer Auto Day 105, Day 57 With Hairs

We have been meaning to take this girl down but haven't gotten to it. We have a bit of a busy weekend planned so Sunday night or Monday will be the soonest it comes down.

But it's a seriously beautiful plant man! Congrats on the supreme job!
Here's my JHx so far. She's not even in the same order of magnitude as Van's, but she was still somewhat of an ugly duckling. I've only done a little defoliating on it yet, just some fan leaves, whereas I did a lollipop on my G-13

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