Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

I don't know if this helps.... But bill and you are correct the p600 would not be an equivalent would be looking at the bigger models for sure.

I don't know if this helps.... But bill and you are correct the p600 would not be an equivalent would be looking at the bigger models for sure.

Yes thank u for that my mate trying to tell me get led after seeing that no thank u
It would definitely be downgrading. Can you tell me why you want to get rid of the HPS?
Cost alot to run.. alot of heat too and was thinking is better
Might be sorted once get filter and fan ordered on Tuesday and buy some more small normal fans too maybe edit: can't have tent closed...
You're flowering with the tent open?

In terms of replacing the HPS, you want roughly 30 wall watts per sqft in flower. Not watts listed in the description.
Yes only when lights on close at light off but gets way too hot closed ovb when light on
Is that ok like ovb ino loseing out in the light bouncing off the entrance when open I guess that's downfall...
One these?? Sorry if coming across daft

If you leave the tent open for 12 hours you obviously don't need a filter!
Huh going to get stronger isn't it and once got filter and tht won't the heat be lessened so can have it closed as ino what your saying the smells just openly coming out anyways edit or would u mean for the air to be fresh
You don't seem to need to hide the smell of cannabis, so why do you need a filter?
I smoke 247 however it's a diffrent smell and gets strong I'm guessing and easily distinguished
Still don't understand it but okay. If everyone in your house knows you're growing and smoking cannabis, who are you filtering for? Do you exhaust to the outside?
Neighbours and I don't have exhaust atm but would be to the fresh air I'm guessing I dunno in the shed I'm new to this spend too much on buying the stuff
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