Group Grow - Autos Only - Seeds Must Be In Soil By The 25/07/2017 Latest

Awesome video king. It's funny you have plants all over hidden

Ya i still worry about thiefs but not the law now as I'm staying within my limitations respectfully ..
One of the concerns is salt build up over time. This foto shows an urn where I dump used potting soil from past seasons. You see the salt ring at the bottom leaching through. It's a valid concern.

That's my MAJOR concern about using this big clay pot. It's covered in nutrient salt stains, so I assume there is a salt buildup within the contianer's walls, too. And it's too big for me to boil out in white vinegar, then repeat in distilled water. Maybe I should save the pot for some random non-cannabis outdoor plant. IDK.

Soul, I'm in awe of your experience and your seed bank!

Experience comes with time. I am certainly far from an expert, just an average guy. I learn new things every day.

As for my seed bank... Having just realized last night that I'd left almost all of my seeds in my hot attic for a couple of weeks... You ought to be laughing and shaking your head at me, and only awed by my monumental stupidity. And the vast majority came as a gift when I was able to visit a dear friend. Except where noted, I have one of each, so it's not exactly a seedbank. I've given them to other people, and will continue to do so as long as there seems to be a need. Others will end up growing more of them than me, lol (assuming they haven't been cooked to death :rolleyes3 ). Sadly, my paranoia level combined with today's general legal climate prevents me from offering them up to anyone but my local "in real life" acquaintances. So, unless you know an annoyingly cranky ol' hillbilly, I can't help you - but ask around amongst your local "circle," and you might be pleasantly surprised. People end up with seeds they received as freebies and aren't interested in, either because the description doesn't fit with what they're looking for or because they only received one of a given strain and only grow one specific strain per grow. And you might discover that someone really wants to try something that you have, so they'll end up offering up one of their favorites in return. You never know. If I lived in California, I'd probably be regularly swapping clones back and forth instead of occasionally trading (or donating, or receiving as a gift) the odd seed or two.

And... some of the best - as in personal top three, ever - bud I ever produced came from the few un-crushed seeds (out of a thousand, lol?) that I found in a lid of MexiBrick that cost less than the average quarter-ounce did at the time. I still kick myself for losing that strain. Sometimes, jewels really can be found by digging into a pile of <BLEEP> :laughtwo: .
Don't trust it.. Just do the right thing , get a new pot and your mind will be at ease aswell .. As for me , iv got aphids sigh.. Got no idea how they got in but they did ! They really small but all over my pots , going to get garlic cloves and make a mix with warm water and cinnamon. Mix in my soil and just keep cleaning my pots 3times a day with a dish wash liquid and water mix.. Only until they gone ! Going to do a spring clean 2morow so everything is squeeky clean, should solve the problem.Luckily none of my plants are flowering otherwise I would of been really pissed off.. Will post pics 2morow of everything ! Only spotted it 2nyt out of nowhere
I have always read that the salts on the outside of clay pots is harmless. The dissolved salts wick to the outside.

Really? I haven't read anything one way or the other (and am willing to be educated on the subject). I just saw the stains and knew they were nutrient salt buildup. My fear is that, with the damp soil in the pot, that some of it might... leach... into that soil. And I have no way of knowing exactly what's in that buildup, of course, so I worry that it'll spike certain nutrient levels, maybe cause a pH issue.

I'd love to use the pot. The look of a thing doesn't concern me.
Really? I haven't read anything one way or the other (and am willing to be educated on the subject). I just saw the stains and knew they were nutrient salt buildup. My fear is that, with the damp soil in the pot, that some of it might... leach... into that soil. And I have no way of knowing exactly what's in that buildup, of course, so I worry that it'll spike certain nutrient levels, maybe cause a pH issue.

I'd love to use the pot. The look of a thing doesn't concern me.
Maybe get some CLR solution and wipe it down with a rag drenched into it. Clr is supposed to take salt build ups away
Hmm. I've never used the stuff, but I think I might have once seen a gray bottle with CLR on the label in Mom's basement. I wonder if it's still there. I'll have to look next time I'm down there. Thanks for the suggestion.
Germinated: 7/22/2017
Strain: THC Bomb (Auto)
Lights: 1000W LED
Soil: Custom mix (potting mix, perlite, bone meal, worm castings)
Grow house: 3' X 6' X 8'
Nutrients: Advanced Micro/Grow/Bloom/Bud Candy

Hope to see some monster plants from this group!
I'm growing in a raised bed soil outside. I've read that the salts from chemical use will build up in the grow site over time. I suppose growing indoors in pots wouldnt be as great a concern.
This is a pivotal grow for me... I bombed pretty bad on my first grow. Stunted all my plants during veg and they never grew more than 11" tall. Stayed healthy the whole grow and budded flawlessly... Just small. About 20 grams for 3 "Early Miss" auto plants.
I think I'm dialed in now, I'm stoked to see what happens.
This is a pivotal grow for me... I bombed pretty bad on my first grow. Stunted all my plants during veg and they never grew more than 11" tall. Stayed healthy the whole grow and budded flawlessly... Just small. About 20 grams for 3 "Early Miss" auto plants.
I think I'm dialed in now, I'm stoked to see what happens.

Ask away I'm growing that myself bud
Ask away I'm growing that myself bud
Hell yeah! I will pick your brain for sure. I was so frustrated with the yield of my first plants so I ordered my next group of seeds based solely on high THC and high yield. Seems like THC Bomb will be a good fit.
Now that I actually finished my grow room (I rushed my first grow) I plan on growing multiple strains starting 4 plants every month. THC Bomb starts tomorrow, Doing a White Widow early August and Glueberry at the end of August.
Hell yeah! I will pick your brain for sure. I was so frustrated with the yield of my first plants so I ordered my next group of seeds based solely on high THC and high yield. Seems like THC Bomb will be a good fit.
Now that I actually finished my grow room (I rushed my first grow) I plan on growing multiple strains starting 4 plants every month. THC Bomb starts tomorrow, Doing a White Widow early August and Glueberry at the end of August.

Sounds like s good line up man
Wishing for a better second round for ya bud..
I was "a bit late" at dropping my seed into water to soak. Kept telling myself I needed to get to it - after reading one more thread :icon_roll . So I got it into the cup... 15 minutes ago. It may or may not open before the 25th (today) is over. Is that in California time, lol? That'll give me a little extra time, I suppose.

If it opens before the deadline, it's going into 75% Happy Frog / 25% perlite. Either an 18-ounce Solo cup or its final pot, I'm not sure yet. Looks like the clay pot won't be used for this one. I have one five-gallon bucket, but I'd like to save it for a different use. I have a couple of houseplant pots, but they're fairly small. I also have a two-gallon bucket.

If I knew I'd be growing under 18/6 or 20/4 the entire time, I'd go ahead and use the five-gallon bucket (although I'd have to go with about 37.5% Happy Frog / 37.5% Ocean Forrest / 25% Perlite - which I could do regardless if it's a better mix for this strain? IDK). But I'm almost positive I'll be going with 12/12, maybe as early as the 1st of August. My plan is to take cuttings tomorrow and when I'm sure that at least most have them have rooted, either immediately switch to 12/12 or within a week. These clones will be in SMALL containers and I probably should try to keep any vegetative growth to a minimum; the flowering stretch will be bad enough.

So probably a two-gallon bucket. I'll take a closer look at my largest flowerpot and if it looks like it might be larger than two gallons, I might try to determine its actual volume - and, if it is near three gallons in volume, I'll use that. So my final container will be at least two gallons and possibly up to three gallons in size.

Limited container size, reduced light schedule, guessing at pH by looking at the plant ( :irolleyes3 )... I don't even know what kind of harvest to expect from this Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel Auto. It looks like 62-65 days is a popular harvest window for the strain, with some going 10 or 11 weeks. And there appear to be two phenotypes, one described as "single cola," and the other shorter and a little bushier ("branchier?").

To top or not? I've generally been against topping my plants. To encourage branching - and to discourage a center cola that stands "head and shoulders" above the rest of the plant, I tend to tie the very top down as low as I can (within reason, but below as many nodes as I can get it without fear of breakage). This forces the plant to redistribute certain auxins that ordinarily accumulate in the top to the lower branches, and causes them to assume behavior of that top (IOW, to grow). But that's with phototropic plants. Topping appears to be popular with auto-flowers, yes? Can someone give their thoughts on the matter, please?

That's it for now. I really hope this bean opens TODAY. Err... Failing that, I hope it opens, lol. But I want to be part of this group auto-flower grow. It's giving me the motivation to chop up my big overgrown plants for clones and dispose of the mothers. If they were indicas or even merely indica-dominant, and if I had decent-sized containers, I'd extend the vegetative light schedule in order to see what I could yield from the Cream Caramel Auto. But I'm already worried that I'll see the clones stretch to five feet (approximate height of a pretty intense LED, so that would be... bad). The Jack Herer is supposed to be 60% sativa and the Kali Mist is supposed to be 90%. Not sure about the Huckleberry I've seen it listed as 50%/50% and "mostly indica" - and I guess there is a Huckleberry from Elemental Seeds and an Oregon Huckleberry. No idea which I have. Not as concerned about it, either; if they become too tall, I'd be annoyed, even upset - but I wouldn't go into mourning.

Everybody wish me - and my Cream Caramel Auto seed - good luck and quick germination. Send positive vibes through the æther and all that, if you would. It's probably around 82°F in the room, but will be likely to go up some when the sun is beating down.

Go, seed, go!:popcorn:
Just going to pick up some medicine and then I'll be updating .. Seem to be getting the aphids out with a soapy clean in and around the pots, will feed the soil a round of garlic and cinnamon infused water so anything in it will perish and from the cinnamon they will not want to make a home in my soil the lil bastards haha !
TorturedSoul - I love doing a bit of LST to my indoor plants and topping my outdoors.. I feel like I have more control over the growth with the LST indoors and when I grow outdoors im not really worried about the size or structure of the plant ! But at the end of the day it's all up to you, love your informative updates .. Keep them coming bud ! Will update in the next 3hours
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