Greenthumb J's BCNL Producer Grow - 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Having just taken a look at the mothers in my bathroom, i notice that Sativa's tallest branches since topping her are now growing PAST the light! gona have to top these two branches as well as about 6-8 others cause they are starting to grow like... weeds :rofl:
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Thanks Radogast! Once i get this new room up and running, i really don't know what my potential could be!! I'm starting the planning of it tonight after i get some PH up from the pet store so i can do Res changes today to all the plants.

i gotta make sure that i do this so i dont dry out the roots again haha
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

:tokin: :grinjoint: :smokin: :bong: :tokin: :roorrip: :rollit:

Hey :420: i hope everyone is having a high Weedsday! I sure am! Got all the water res shit done today. Took a bunch of pictures of the mothers to share with everyone following along.

Got the mothers out of the bathtub today and got a real good idea of just how big they really are. They are HUGE!

I measured my Sativa mother and she is a whopping 40" tall from the top of the rockwool, and just over 3 ft wide! Makes me think my original plan of a 4'x4' scrog is not going to be big enough!! probably going to have to step it up to a 5'x4.5' sized scrog cause this plant is going to get crazy out of hand!!

Heres a picture of the mothers before i changed out the water and topped the sativa:

As you can see, she has grown past the light at this point!

Heres the Sativa by herself before i changed her water and Topped her in 12 places. YES you read that correctly. TWELVE! Like i said before, this plant is going to be one hell of a beast. Still has at least another month of Veg left:

This image is lovely. nice purple on the stalks. I know what some may ask "is the underside of the stem purple as well, sign of a Phosphorous def" i have read up on the discolouring of stems related to deficiencies, and i can assure you it is only on top parts of the stem and stalk. I haven't seen a whole lot of pictures of Malawi gold, but one i did see it looked nice and green and lush, like it was grown like it should be in Africa. I'm thinking my lower temperatures here in BC have accredited to the purple pigments coming out.
It also shows where I topped it the first time.

Next up is the White Widow Mother. I forgot to measure her, but shes got some junk in the trunk haha. Not very tall, but shes going to be a savage bush when she goes into the new flowering room:

Just another angle:

A picture of her stalk in the rockwool:

And a picture of her mycos stained root system. But the bottom is all white and looking like they should:

Heres the ladies back in the bathtub and AFTER i topped the sativa in 12 places:

Just a random picture of one of the branches i topped:

And thats it everyone! i'm done for the night. I have to run to the hydro store tomorrow and get a couple things i've either run out of tonight or am very low on. Like veg nutes, i've emptied out my Grow bottle. So i'm gona go with some HF FloraGrow and FloraMicro as well i need to pick up some more Rapid Start!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

You know what GreenJ ?

You've come a LONG way as a grower since April 1st.



GJ, your plants are about to outgrow your house. You must start 12/12 on those or you will need to cut a hole in the ceiling! :rofl:
I'm really excited about your sativas and the smoke report on those. But I'm most excited about the white widow. I tried WW from nirvana a long time ago, but I was not impressed. I would love to try it again. Make sure to let me know how it does.

I think it was a great idea to top those. Nothing else you could do!

It is so fun seeing the frost and the buds stack up in there. Keep up the great work. BTW, Check your camera settings. You should have a "AWB" or a "white balance" setting. If you do, set it for "incandescent". This will make your flower pictures not so yellow.

+ reps for a great grow so far.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Capn, you're damn rights they're going to be huge, I need to flower them ASAP. I predict the scrog will have to be bigger like I stated in my last post. I will only have about 4.5' of headspace for the two plants to grow so controlling the height, especially on the sativa, will be important.

I will keep you updated on the white widow. It looks amazing so far and smells very skunky. She's a very short plant because the others have taken most of the light. My widow mother I have will be an amazing Harvest!

Thanks for the tip on the camera, I will take a look when I get home, but I hardly know how to use the damn thing as it is haha, guess the girlfriend will have to figure it out again!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I now realize that i'm going to have over 5 feet of growing space from the top of the air-pot until the heat intensity of the light is too much for each plant

Also, i'm thinking soon i will have to put the carbon filter on the box. The problem is i dont see a way to vent the air outside once the Filter collar is put on and the filter tightened on. There has to be a way. Maybe i will contact the grow box manufacturer about this dilemma tomorrow

I will have a picture update of my venting and as well as some drawings of my grow room!

Goodnight everyone!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay so I chopped out the front sativa that looked shitty and I was right to cut it out. I realize it's a lanky long flowering sativa, but with the stress the plant has been thru by now, I've probably added an extra 4 weeks to flowering an I don't have the time to wait for the sativas anymore as I plan to use the box to dry the buds when harvested and trimmed cause of the carbon filter and good humidity it can keep for drying.

So the point of my post; when taking the second plant out I got down to the main stalk left(no branches or bud sites left) then when I went to go pull the root mass out from the others, it found that the roots are so tangled up it the other plants I plan to keep. I'm thinking I'm in some shit now as the plant will probably die, no? Will it grow a new branch from the stem I took off all the branches from? Or am I about to have some dead roots infecting my 1 healthy white widow an 1 salvageable sativa(even tho I said I don't have time to wait for this Strain to finish right now).

I doubt I could pull the widow as it is and put it in with the healthy plants? That would probably fuck up the healthy plants..

I don't know what I should do! The chopped plant is still siting in the DWC until I figure out what to do.. And I have I go work right now! Fuck!!'
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay so i have a late night Photo update. Got some pictures of the sativa chop and the debacle i am in right now.

lets just get to it...

Here's a shot before the chop:

A shot with the stump still in the DWC before i pulled it out(in the front of the lid, left side. Not the tangled one):

The root ball in and out of the rockwool:

This is my current Dilemma. The plant I tried to remove. Cut all the branches, before finding that the roots look like they have been making the sex with eachother and are all tangled to shit. Cant pull this stump out:

Lets end the Post with a postive though.
I was able to get to see my White widow on the left DWC that i have been removing a sativa from, and the Widow looks just fine. A little on the short side, but i stunted them when they were young, so i'm not surprised. I am surprised that i'm not seeing any problems with this plant, even after drying the roots out. Here she is:

And lets end it off with a nice bud shot, GWS 4 weeks into flower now with just a few weeks left to go:

Also, on another good note. my girlfriend checked our hydro bill (electric bill for anyone not in canada haha) online earlier this evening, and our bill for our 2 month period, is only $98, That includes my grow box, my 600w ballast (set @400w), 400w MH bulb and all the other power consumption for a 2 month period.

Thats only $49 a month between my gf and me and my roommate.. not bad if you ask me
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I would try to let the chopped plant live. If you kill it, the roots will die and pollute the res. As long as there is a little green on top it will live.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Thanks Capn. I leave tomorrow morning at like 6am for Bellingham for my flight, I would hate for this plant to pollute the one res and kill my 2 plants i wanna keep.. The one sativa i didn't chop, i figure i can save, but going back to my previous posts, i dont have the time to wait for this strain...right now.

but i dont really have the time to chop that one too.. i will trim it down and see how that works (its touching the glass again cause of an additional stretch after recovering from the dehydration.

Heres hoping that whatevers left on the stalk will be enough for it to keep living until i chop the widow down.

thanks for stopping by an putting my mind at ease before my trip.

Also, I went to the hydro store yesterday and picked up 1Gal GH Flora Grow, 1Gal GH Flora Micro and 1Gal Botanicare Cal-Mag plus. I'm slowly moving over to the GH 3-part formula. It seems to be a popular way to go with the Nutes, and the guy at the hydro store said he loved the 3-part formula too. So once i run out of flower nutes, i'm gona make the switch to GH Flora Bloom.

I will do an update later tonight when i do a res change before my trip! The Sativa mother is getting out of hand after a 12 site topping!! and the Widow mother looks so nice, cant wait to flower her!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay, so a bit of worry here.

I was taking off some lower branches/bud sites on the Widow in the right DWC (not the dried out one) and as i was trimming up the buds to be dried, i noticed what looked like seed casings. Upon further inspection, they do appear to be seeds. Or roundish looking parts of the calyx that happens to have a seed looking thing in the middle? its obviously underdeveloped, but it also could have passed for part of the bud. its strange cause i pulled all the males that were in the box basically the second they showed their sex, and these seeds are Feminized. Guess i will find out when i come back if this plant pollinated itself somehow.

Also in the bud pic of the GWS in a previous post.. it looks like the beginning of a hermie banana. I cant see why as this plant was never stressed and seems to be putting on the buds nicely, although i have read lots about people having fem seeds turn hermie on them.

Back to the suspect seeds in the White widow.. if it was pollinated.. wouldn't it stop putting on bud weight? wouldnt it stop frosting up and growing more bud? wouldn't the pistils receed upon pollination? Maybe i was just paranoid and it was part of the flower cluster.. it was just too round and looked like it was a seed inside a casing. so only time will tell!!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay, so a bit of worry here.

I was one lower branches/bud whites on the Widow in the right DWC (not the dried out one) and as i was trimming up the buds to be dried, i noticed what looked like seed casings. Upon further inspection, they do appear to be seeds. Or roundish looking parts of the calyx that happens to have a seed looking thing in the middle? its obviously underdeveloped, but it also could have passed for part of the bud. its strange cause i pulled all the males that were in the box basically the second they showed their sex, and these seeds are Feminized. Guess i will find out when i come back if this plant pollinated itself somehow.

Also in the bud pic of the GWS in a previous post.. it looks like the beginning of a hermie banana. I cant see why as this plant was never stressed and seems to be putting on the buds nicely, although i have read lots about people having fem seeds turn hermie on them.

Back to the suspect seeds in the White widow.. if it was pollinated.. wouldn't it stop putting on bud weight? wouldnt it stop frosting up and growing more bud? wouldn't the pistils receed upon pollination? Maybe i was just paranoid and it was part of the flower cluster.. it was just too round and looked like it was a seed inside a casing. so only time will tell!!

A Question for Experts Only!

A Nanner does not happen on a hermie plant. You are fine, check out this thread
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Thanks Radogast! I figured it was just part of the plants flower. and it seems like it is cause theres only 2 on the top cola of one bud.. and it was a different plant than i found the suspect bananas, which didn't/haven't opened yet. i think i'm going to pluck them tonight

As for the suspect seed casings/seeds i think i may have found. there were only 2 suspect looking casings in about 10 buds that i removed and trimmed for drying. And again, they could just be part of the structure of the plants flower.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Well i haven't harvested yet! my Widow/Rhino/GWS dwc tub will be done probably the week after i get back from vegas.. maybe 2 weeks. they exploded in growth once the HPS went into the box.. the pistils are starting to turn a nice orange colour. I will get a magnifying lens or a jewelers loupe so i can peek at the thricomes and judge when the optimal time to harvest is. The sativa that i kept looks like its doing okay, so probably another month before that one is ready at least.. maybe 2.. but i dont really have that much time to wait while the other bud is drying/curing and i'm building the new grow cab. I'm going to do a run of clones in the box once i have finished using the box to dry my harvest.

I got about 10g wet drying in my bathroom above the reflector in a mesh sieve. not a test at all.. these were just buds that were below the scrog and didn't look like they were getting much light exposure, and were too big to just trash them. so i figure i will dry em and have them for when i get home from vegas. just a little taster. they are from the Widow.. at least 98% of the buds taken anyways
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay everyone here at :420: heres my last little update before i take off for vegas in a few hours!!

I changed up the nutrient formula for my mothers this evening. Not changing anything for the plants in flower. I will let them finish off the run on the Future Harvest nutes before switching over to the 3-part Gen Hydroponics Flora series. Already got me a gallon each of FloraMicro and FloraGrow, just need me the Bloom formula and i'm good to go. Also added in Botanicare Cal/Mag to each of the mother buckets in the amount of 4.5ml/gal.

This evening i schooled one of my buddies on what i need him to do while i'm away, and thats basically make sure that i dont let the plants in flower go dry again, and make sure that the mother plants are happy with their new brand of food.

When i come back from vegas in a week, i'm going hard on the grow box construction, taking some clones to give to my buddy whos watching my plants when i'm away for payment for being a great guy and helping me out and ordering my new seeds.

heres a little photo shoot of the mothers as they are before i leave fore vegas:

Here's some shots of the Widow mother:


Heres a few shots of the Malawi Gold Mother:

Everything seems to be back on track after my fuck up with the DWC running dry. The one widow in that DWC is catching back up and i swear the Right DWC with the 3 strains in it will all be done like in like 3 weeks. they are looking so frosty and stacking on the buds like crazy.

Tonight i topped off their reservoirs and added some Bud Boom, late flowering additive. Its the homestretch now. A week after i get back i will start their 2 week flush then.... CHOP CHOP! i cant wait. I was thinking of trying some backbuilding, but i will wait till next run.

Anyways everyone.. heres hoping that i hit it big and i come home with some money!! At the very best, i will come home with some memories. I wish i could post some photos of the trip here on 420.. maybe theres a non-420 thread that will allow me to post some awesome photos.. maybe i'll post a pic of a fat joint or something to make it 420 related haha.

Anyways.. I need some good vibes everyone. I am nervous about leaving my ladies for 7 whole days. especially the ones in flower. Heres hoping i come back to some super fat buds that smell so dank and tasty!!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I'm back! Vegas was hot as hell, but i survived a 3 day music festival that went from Dusk till dawn each day with approximately 180,000+ people per day! It was one hell of an experience, but now its time to get back to the task at hand and thats cultivating this cannabis.

My buddy that came over to watch the plants went a little heavy on the nutes on the mother plants.. They almost doubled in size since when i left, but there was some clear evidence of nute burn left a little too long. I think he changed out the water and put less nutes in last visit. I snipped the dead/dying leaves and topped the Malawi gold mother in 15 places!! YES!! FIFTEEN places.. This plant might just take up the whole 9'x8.5'x6' grow box/room. Once it goes into flower, its going to triple in size i'm sure! i'm scared a little bit haha!

Heres a picture i took over a week ago or so:

And heres a shot i took last night when i came home to them, before i topped sativa in 15 places and removed dead leaves:

AS you can sort of see, due to my crappy camera shot, the plants are large and in charge. They are seriously going to overgrow the apartment like TheCapn stated.
The white widow on the left as well showed some signs of overfeeding, but she has grown one amazing looking stalk on that plant. she will pull in a beautiful harvest when the time comes.
Heres an after shot of them:

Onto the Flowering ladies. So the GWS that had the nanner on it pollinated itself, but no other nearby plant. I have checked thoroughly throughout the rest of the plants and none have any seeds growing in the buds. From what i am led to believe, these seeds will be feminized with a small chance of the hermaphroditic gene. Which is nice and all, but i have 9 feminized GWS seeds still sitting on my bookshelf and no plans to pop any beans anytime soon.

Heres some shots of the Rhino/Widow/GWS:


And this is the seeded Bud. I picked 4 out to make sure i was not picking out pieces of the flower. The rest are being left alone:


The sativas are long and stringy and are getting out of control in the box. they just keep growing! I forgot to take a picture and i have to take off to go pick up my dog! i miss that little guy.

I will be back with another update later this afternoon/evening!

So happy to be home! (without a sunburn too!)
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