Greenthumb J's BCNL Producer Grow - 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

Lights come on in less than 5 mins and i took a peek inside the box...... I have to say I dont have a good feeling about the survival of my plants in the left DWC. The Sativas are looking like they are dying off, and i didn't get a chance to look at the Widow thats in the same DWC tub.

The left tub looks like its okay tho. I really hope i dont have to scrap the 4 plants on the right!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

I think they are recovering.. some of the tops are twisted cause they got dehydrated, other tops look okay actually. Its mainly one plant of the 4 thats in the left DWC that is looking limp and wilty and some of her leaves crisped up as she dried out. The 5 plants in the right DWC are putting on the buds
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

I took a quick peek into the flowering box when i got home from work today and looked at the plant in question. No doubt it doesn't look healthy. Guess i will see what it actually looks like tomorrow.

I really dont want to have to scrap another plant.. maybe multiple plants... Would be quite a disappointment. a huge disappointment actually. The Malawi Gold is what i'm most excited to smoke and i've damn near killed them i think!

Although when i go and flower out my two mothers, they will be a significant harvest for sure! The Sativa mother will probably be close to 1LB harvest with the Widow mother hopefully pushing a half LB

will update in the morning with some pictures
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

I've never done DWC and don't think I ever will. The potential for disaster is so high. I respect all those who try an especially succeed. I consider those who master DWC and hydro like cannabis mad scientists. I'm sorry for your potential loss that really sucks. I admire your effort.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

Check your root system. Is root rot possible? There is a problem diagnosis thread on this website somewhere with a ton of info.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

I've never done DWC and don't think I ever will. The potential for disaster is so high. I respect all those who try an especially succeed. I consider those who master DWC and hydro like cannabis mad scientists. I'm sorry for your potential loss that really sucks. I admire your effort.

I agree the potential for disaster is high, but that goes for any method of growing cannabis. Once you learn how to grow a certain method, it isn't as daunting of a task as you once originally thought. For me, i think growing in soil would be ridiculously difficult as i dont like the idea of mixing different parts of dirt and soil additives and all that jazz, AND having to do all that in an apartment! Just my opinion tho, just like your opinion on DWC.

That being said, i've never grown in dirt and you've never grown DWC. Each of us would think that the growing method we haven't tried would be difficult. For DWC all you need is a PH pen and water temperatures to stay consistent so no root rot develops. Other than that, i havent done ANYTHING special to grow my plants. Other than put a scrog into my box to control canopy height. My only issues have been that the plants are thirsty as fuck and i overlooked keeping enough water in the DWC tubs.

HAD I NOT OVERLOOKED THIS... i would be smooth sailing right now. i would harvest my Widows and Rhinos in about 5 weeks ( i still will cause they will be ready) But i have stunted my Malawi gold CLEARLY by letting the roots dry out too much. IF the one plant that is super wilty DOES rebound, then i probably added another 2-3 weeks of flowering time to the Sativas due to stress.

So far that has been my only problem. Keeping enough water in the DWC... I would say thats a relatively easy problem to overcome. Next DWC grow i plan to get a bunch of sensors that measure PH, EC, PPM, water temp as well as my water levels so i never dry out my roots again while i'm not at home.

My other issue i have had (again a super easy one to deal with) is having too many plants in my flowering chamber. (haha oh no! not too much weed!!!) Original design of the grow box comes with an 18 site DWC/top feed 35 liter water res with the 18 site lid on top (picture earlier in the journal)
Its a great idea, but once you have 18 mature plants, its hard to change water res if not impossible to properly clean it out. Thats why i went with smaller DWC tubs so i could clean them properly. Since changing to 12/12 the plants have taken over my scrog and i can no longer take the DWC tubs out of the grow box. I just remove most of the water, and top it back off with fresh nutrient filled water with a PH of 5.5-5.6 so that over the next couple days the PH can fluctuate and allow proper intake of all nutrients at different PH levels. Some are taken in at lower PHs and some at higher levels of course.

Let me tell you, as my very first grow, this has been a breeze. Asides from MY OWN fuck ups (i.e. getting drunk and trying to work on the garden AND letting the roots dry out in flowering box) i would suggest to everyone to try growing in DWC. At least a couple times. You really will see how easy it is to maintain once everything is up and running. And if done properly, you will see some incredible growth and results.

I thought about doing soil grows once i move into a house and out of my apartment, mainly to see the difference in ease of growing compared to DWC. But i just dont like the idea of having to cart huge bags of soil home from hydro store when i could just mix up some nute filled water and add it to a bucket and let my plants feed on that. Seems MUCH easier to me IMHO.

But hey, different strokes for different folks, right?

To each their own Calyx Hunter, but honestly, DWC isn't all that scary or hard to master. Just like i'm sure soil isn't either :laughtwo:
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" grow. 800w DWC - first grow ever! Multi-Strain

Check your root system. Is root rot possible? There is a problem diagnosis thread on this website somewhere with a ton of info.

i have actually checked the roots. Problem is I use a black powdered form of mycorrhizae fungi that makes my roots look like they have been dipped in crude oil, so its hard to tell if there is any root rot. I use a high amount of Aquashield in my water res which has actually eliminated root rot completely for me in the same grow months back, so i'm pretty certain that my water res is full of good bacteria. Its just one plant that is taking its time to recover. The other 3 plants in the same DWC are looking okay The two other sativas in the DWC are looking like they are rebounding ( i did a defol the day they wilted, so they could just be very very stressed out) and the White widow thats in the same tub looks to be just fine. I will let it ride i think unless i start to see the other plants start to take a turn for the worse, i will most likely have some root issues at that point. But my water in the res looks like soy sauce, roots are stained that are older roots but tons of new growth from the root mass. So we will see how they recover, if they do.. I will have to chop 3-4 plants from the right DWC if they dont turn around.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Sorry I just do not know much about hydroponics :( I do think you should trim all your lower growth that isn't receiving light. I think you will see a big improvement from that.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Sorry I just do not know much about hydroponics :( I do think you should trim all your lower growth that isn't receiving light. I think you will see a big improvement from that.
I agree, i think the plants will put their energy into producing buds rather than stretching and growing new fan leaves

I was also wondering when you were planing to remove all the lower growth bellow your SCroG screen?
KJC, i actually did a HUGE defol on wednesday. Removed MOST of the growth below the scrog, but still have lots left to clean up. My great white shark plant i couldn't bring myself to taking off the lower bud site as i just love the way it looks, but i know they are just going to be airy popcorn buds. Not too shabby for a quick dry and a test when the time comes tho so i'm still undecided if i will take them off. I should mention its literally only 2 bud sites that i've left below the scrog on the GWS, all the other branches and fans have been removed.

The widow/rhino/gws are starting to frost up a little bit on the right DWC tub. some tops have to be bent over as they are getting close to the glass inside.

I think with the height restriction in this grow box, i'm only going to run clones in it from now on. I dont think a Capn-style grow would work in the grow box at all as i plan to veg out a beast of a plant for 2+ months, and the only way i could manage a 2+ month vegged plant in that box is if i fluxed it to the brink and kept it very very short.

I got 9 GWS beans left over from my expensive seed order. Like i mentioned, i love the look of this plant, and so far its been the fastest to produce buds and they are forming nice and quick. I think im going to do 2 of these plants in the grow box once i've cropped the plants that are in there. Going to top and Flux them and see how much i can get from a 2+ month veg time and some serious fluxing. This site sure is one hell of an inspiration!!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I been slacking with the pictures i know. I haven't gotten a memory card for my camera so i can only take like 4 or 5 photos before the memory is full, then upload then delete then take 4 pics and repeat. Its discouraged me from taking any photos, as well as the poor shape the sativas are in.

But i swear i will get some photos up in the morning. I need to document the terrible shape these plants are in and if i should chop the one in question before it starts to mess up the rest of the plants that will probably be okay.

Also right now i am in the process of hunting out some new strains to grow. Looking to buy some single Fem seeds of some high THC strains. Considering Bomb seeds THC bomb, Humboldt's or Greenhouse's Chemdawg (I'm thinking Humboldt. Went with GH seeds before and didn't have a good time) Barneys Farm's Pineapple Chunk and BC Bud Depot's GS Cookies. however, on the single seeds site i'm looking at for seeds in canada, the GS cookies are sold out. I could always fork out the $150 for 10 fem seeds direct from BCBD, only if a buddy of mine wanted to go halfers tho.

Thoughts on the strains i've considered? Any suggestions for high thc % strains?
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

There are gsc seeds on attitude bank I believe, might not be much price difference. Thc bomb is a high thc strain. Any Bruce banner strains will be also. There are tons :D
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

There are gsc seeds on attitude bank I believe, might not be much price difference. Thc bomb is a high thc strain. Any Bruce banner strains will be also. There are tons :D

I've looked for Banner strains actually and cant seem to find any in seed form. Just checked Attitude seeds and the BC Bud Depot GS Cookies are sold out as well. Cali Connection has a GSC in their catalogue, 6 seed pack available, but for 70 euros which is like $105 CAD but BCBD version they have looks to die for! for an extra $45 i'll get 10 seeds instead of 6 if i bought through BC bud depot.

So far in my cart on the site i'm using i have x1 Pineapple chunk(fem), x1 Chemdawg(fem) and x1 THC Bomb(fem). Was already considering the Black Widow from Shantibaba, who was originally breeding for Greenhouse Seed Co, that KJC suggested.

You way want to give Black Widow a try, it is the original White Widow by the original breeder Shantibaba. mr-nice-black-widow-seeds

I had actually thought about the Black Widow like you suggested KJC, since the White Widow i got from GHSco is not the original Widow that Shantibaba developed. GHSco i do not ever plan on purchasing their seeds again after reading some online forums and comments from Shantibaba himself about Arjan and GHSco and their dedication to making money rather than producing top quality genetics and medication like Shantibaba was. Very interesting read nonetheless.

So I'm thinking that the sativas are going to make it after all. They haven't been drinking much water since wednesday when i dried the roots out relatively good, but today i peeked inside the res and the water level is down 50%. So i'm thinking that they are on the rebound as they are starting to suck up those nutes and it looks like they are stretching a little more still too. might have to take some tops off again.

The left DWC is coming along very nicely and starting to frost up on the tops. The Rhinos and 1 GWS are looking to be some promising smoke.! i will update with some pictures shortly i promise!!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay heres some pictures like i have promised but have slacked on uploading.

First lets start off with how sad the sativas are looking right now:

those pics were taken a couple days apart. Either way the plant in the front doesn't look too happy.
Here is a shot of her stalk. I topped her early on and shes grown into one hell of a bush. I really wish i hadn't dried her out:

a glance under the scrog on the right side. All cleaned up:

And some random shots of the RIGHT DWC with Widow, Rhino and GWS in it. The Bud shots are of the GWS and the closest rhino to the growbox door:

I will post some pictures of the mother plants later when i check up on them!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

okay like i promised, heres a picture of the two mothers.. White Widow on the left, Malawi Gold on the right.
The White Widow is 81 days from seed and Malawi Gold being 74 days from seed:

They will veg out at least another month to two months depending how quickly i can build my new flowering Box. Thinking i will put the Malawi Gold mother in the Box so i can harvest and cure her before the end of the year.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Flower Box Plans:

SO my plan is to build a small room that is going to sit in my supposed living room which should actually be the dining room area (not even remotely disturbing my current living room actually).

Dimensions: about 8.5 feet tall and approximately 5-6 feet wide (so i dont have to crawl under a plant to get to the other) and approximately 8 feet long.

-My goal is to flower TWO plants at a time in here.
-My idea is giving each plant almost a 4'x4' space to grow in.
-Each plant will grow in a scrog.
-Scrog will allow plant to grow vertically as it stretches in flower, as there will lots of head space, but keep the canopy as even as possible
-Each plant will be topped as needed to fill the scrog which will be about 4'x4'
-Thinking 2 reflector hoods w/ 600w MH for a further veg (i'm thinking close to a 4+ month total veg time possibly) before switching to 600w HPS for flower.
-The box will take in cool air directly from my 11th floor apartment window.
-Oscillating stand up fan will be used to create constant airflow and keep canopy temp as low as possible
-It will vent it out a different window, complete with large CF for odour control, 8 feet to the right.
-Not going to do LED i dont think as I am too new to bother different lights and all that shit. Stick to the basics for now before i get into the super high tech gear.
-I plan to flower out my 2 mothers i have at the moment in the new box. By the time the box is ready, they probably will be pushing 5+ months of veg. I will do the Widow first cause she doesn't take as long, and i want to veg out the Malawi for a total of around 5.5-6 months, cause she will bring one hell of a yield.

Thats just me spouting off some random ideas. Maybe i will get around to drawing some blueprints before i head to vegas.. Give TheCapn something to think about when we plan my CapnStyle grow
-Will then use the box to dry the chopped harvest, then dismantle before moving at the end of the year.
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