Greenthumb J's BCNL Producer Grow - 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay here you are KJC, those pics i promised hours ago hahah.

heres what some of the leaves look like. I'm suspecting that my light is just too close. I cant raise it anymore unless i take it off the yo-yo and attach it manually to the top of the wood frame. that plus my friends over-feeding combined with the fact i let her go dry for i dont know how long, all i know is the roots absorbed all the water in the bucket and started wilting before i filled her up with a fresh bucket.

Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

i need to give the plant a topping on the tops that look terrible (with leaves that are starting to look like the pictures) and wilting. unless they pick back up in a day or two, the plant will have to get a major topping in order to keep the the height down before my new room is built. that or i need to figure out how to get my light even higher, but that will make the plant stretch some more which i dont want cause i will only have a certain amount of headspace in the new room..
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I figured it was that! i do need to figure out how to raise my lights and/or just top the plant significantly because it will have another almost month of veg time before my new room is built, tested and ready for plants.

This sativa just wants to keep growing!

When are you starting the new Znet4 journal?
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Your leaf damage appears to be from either heat damage or light intensity.

thank you for the quick reply :thanks:
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I figured it was that! i do need to figure out how to raise my lights and/or just top the plant significantly because it will have another almost month of veg time before my new room is built, tested and ready for plants.

This sativa just wants to keep growing!

When are you starting the new Znet4 journal?

I have taken cuttings from my Hindu Kush #3 and placed them in my Aeroponic Fog Cloner to form roots. Hopefully in 14-20 days the cuttings will become rooted clones and be ready to be placed in my Aeroponic Grow System and I shall begin my KingJohnC's Green Sun LED Lights Znet4 Aeroponic Indoor Grow Journal and Review.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay here you are KJC, those pics i promised hours ago hahah.

heres what some of the leaves look like. I'm suspecting that my light is just too close. I cant raise it anymore unless i take it off the yo-yo and attach it manually to the top of the wood frame. that plus my friends over-feeding combined with the fact i let her go dry for i dont know how long, all i know is the roots absorbed all the water in the bucket and started wilting before i filled her up with a fresh bucket.

>>> I'm suspecting that my light is just too close.

Agree. And some strains are more sensitive to this than others.

Thanks for the pics of the WW. Looking great in there. You can't contain them!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

>>> I'm suspecting that my light is just too close.

Agree. And some strains are more sensitive to this than others.

Thanks for the pics of the WW. Looking great in there. You can't contain them!

The WW look even better now and are really starting to stack up. I'm almost at 7 weeks. I'm giving them one more week of a nice heavy feeding on wedneday, then giving them a full 2 weeks to flush after that. Whenever i give the buds a light squeeze to see how they are stacking up, i get the most amazing aroma from my fingertips. Skunky and fruity. I cant wait to smoke some! Some real old school genetics. I remember being a kid walking around and getting that whiff of some really good skunk weed.. you know what i'm talking! about!

Get some Greenhouse Seed Co White Widow, or Mr Nice Seeds Black Widow. The black widow is the true genetics of the WW strain created by Shantibaba (who now runs Mr Nice Seeds and has to call it Black widow due to GHSco having the rights to the Widow name.) yet the White widow that GHSco has is also the original genetics of the strain since it was first released under the GHSco company. Its a nice short plant that loves higher levels of nutes, pretty resistant to heat as my widow mother is displaying. the internode spacing is tight, so loads of branches, and can really be very bushy. All in all, i think once my grow box is cleaned out and ready for run 2, i'm going to do probably 4 WW clones. 2 on either side of the box, in their own DWC buckets i think if i can manage to build 4 small containers that aren't too tall!!

Hopefully the sativa thats in there will bulk up a little bit by harvest time. I mentioned that i think i'm going to let her go one extra week after i chop the WW/WR/GWS. I think i will keep her going and just use whatever she produces for some personal smoke when we get low on our supply. I cant really just chop and toss her if shes making some buds! they will be probably a month premature, but they should still get me baked!

I need to get an actual jewelers loupe so that i can gauge when my harvest window is. unfortunately, money is tight right now, i cant even go get some more compost tea from the hydro store or Rapid Start since i'm out of both now!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Late night Update!

Gave the sativa mother a really good trim today! took off quite a bit, cause its going to be at least a month before she goes into her new Home in the new Flowering Room that will be built over the next month! I will have a separate journal for that!

heres some pics of the Moms!:


This last one here is just what i chopped off her:

Thats all for tonight. I been debating lighting my new grow room with LED's. I can get a couple real good panels for the same price as doing 2 aircooled 600w HPS hoods. I just dont know what to do! The LEDs keep the heat down, but do they grow better larger harvest?
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Late night Update!

Gave the sativa mother a really good trim today! took off quite a bit, cause its going to be at least a month before she goes into her new Home in the new Flowering Room that will be built over the next month! I will have a separate journal for that!

heres some pics of the Moms!:


This last one here is just what i chopped off her:

Thats all for tonight. I been debating lighting my new grow room with LED's. I can get a couple real good panels for the same price as doing 2 aircooled 600w HPS hoods. I just dont know what to do! The LEDs keep the heat down, but do they grow better larger harvest?

>>>The LEDs keep the heat down,
1. We can't air duct LED fixtures. The computer fans pull the heat off the PCB board and exhaust it into the room. So I'm not sure this is true.

>>> but do they grow better larger harvest?
Find someone using the same exact LED fixtures you want to buy. See if you are impressed with their end result. Pay no attention to reseller claims.

>>>This last one here is just what i chopped off her
Sure wish I could have a cut of that!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

>>>The LEDs keep the heat down,
1. We can't air duct LED fixtures. The computer fans pull the heat off the PCB board and exhaust it into the room. So I'm not sure this is true.

>>> but do they grow better larger harvest?
Find someone using the same exact LED fixtures you want to buy. See if you are impressed with their end result. Pay no attention to reseller claims.

>>>This last one here is just what i chopped off her
Sure wish I could have a cut of that!

It was a necessary Chop! she needs to repair, and i had to take off all the crap that wasn't looking good. Everything looks nice again, and she will fill back in so quickly it will be like overnight i swear!.

I'm going to stick with HID lighting. Just got to source out how i can get my hands on the best equipment at the lowest costs possible THAT ACTUALLY SHIP to CANADA, otherwise i have to go local which will get kind of pricey. however the cost wont equal the rewards which will be Tons of sticky greens each and every month.

With the two plants i am doing with the Flowering Room, plus my grow box, i plan to have a harvest every month. Plant #1 will come down one month, and replaced with another plant, Becoming the new Plant #1. Next month, Plant #2 will come down replaced with a new Plant #2. The next month, the 2-4 clones i have in the grow box will come down, replaced by another 2-4 clones of same or different strain. This is my plan. A harvest every month.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

It was a necessary Chop! she needs to repair, and i had to take off all the crap that wasn't looking good. Everything looks nice again, and she will fill back in so quickly it will be like overnight i swear!.

I'm going to stick with HID lighting. Just got to source out how i can get my hands on the best equipment at the lowest costs possible THAT ACTUALLY SHIP to CANADA, otherwise i have to go local which will get kind of pricey. however the cost wont equal the rewards which will be Tons of sticky greens each and every month.

With the two plants i am doing with the Flowering Room, plus my grow box, i plan to have a harvest every month. Plant #1 will come down one month, and replaced with another plant, Becoming the new Plant #1. Next month, Plant #2 will come down replaced with a new Plant #2. The next month, the 2-4 clones i have in the grow box will come down, replaced by another 2-4 clones of same or different strain. This is my plan. A harvest every month.


Sounds like a great plan. I hope you grow DWC giants !
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

>>>This last one here is just what i chopped off her
Sure wish I could have a cut of that!

Ha! Yea right, I'd love a cut of your bubblegum or the OG you chopped yesterday! The sativa in the flower box tho looks like it would be a great plant to flower under optimal conditions, which is a 15' tall grow space haha! Hopefully the Flowering Room will be the right size for Malawi Gold Mother.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Yea that's the plan Radogast. One DWC comes down a month. Until I go full Capn Style with the grow chunks. This way I can really hunt for strains that the gf and myself enjoy, as well as a couple other friends looking for quality meds for their pain.
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Ay Ya! So my GF sent me a picture while i was at work of a notice of a power outage going to happen in my apartment building on July 19. Its during my dark period so i'm not worried about the lights or anything. I just have to get a couple battery powered air pumps from the Pet store for like $14 each i think? One or two for the plants in flower, if they are still up then.

Just checked the breeders suggested flowering time. All the plants are 7 weeks into flower with the Widow having an 8 week flowering time. The Rhino and GWS are both 9 weeks, but they are looking pretty ready to go. I am going to get a jewelers loupe today at a place near the hydro store i go to so when i come back i can take a look at the trichomes and how soon these ladies will be coming down!

Regardless, i think today (wednesday) I am going to start my flush. Its the homestretch! Harvest time here i come!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

So while i was poking around in the Grow Box with the 20x loupe, the GF said she couldn't wait to smoke some, frankly i cant either. It looks so frosty and its really starting to smell very nice. So i snipped a small branch from each of the 3 White strains, trimmed them up and started drying them. They smell and look super good. I cant wait till they are ready to smoke.

heres a couple shots of the branches i snipped before and after I trimmed them:
From Left to right: Great white Shark, White Rhino and White Widow:

Great White Shark:

White Rhino:

White Widow:

A Picture of them all after a Trim:

The GWS and Widow smell the nicest, whereas the Rhino smells like ammonia and cat piss
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

Okay so changed out the water in the mother DWC buckets and took 12 clones from my widow plant. If i have all 12 root and are healthy, then great!, I'm aiming for 8 healthy clones. 2 to 4 i will keep, and give the rest to my buddy who so nicely babysat my grow while i was in vegas. If i get more than 8 rooted clones, even better, since this is my first attempt at cloning!

Heres the Widow mother after taking my cuttings. This side is barely even there!:

I am cloning in rockwool.. Soaked my 1" cubes in PH balanced water and about 2ml Aquashield in 2L of water for about 10 mins while i cut clones. Dipped the ends in rooting gel, split the rockwool, wrapped it around the stem, and tied the rockwool up to hold it together. The clones i took opened up the Widow mother quite a bit, enough to stuff my clone dome in the side of the bathtub to allow the clones to at least get some indirect light and whatever can now penetrate through the canopy.

Here are my pretty happy looking clones. Hopefully they all root and i have some healthy widow clones in 2 weeks or less:

Once the clones that i am keeping for myself are ready to transplant into their homes in the grow box, the plants in the Grow Box will be ready to harvest. I'm thinking i will use the original DWC/top feed hydro-tub that the Grow box came with, and just run a Live environment in my reservoir with loads of beneficials as well as i will brew a Heisenberg Tea for a weekly application. That way i wont run into any Root problems again. I will also put something underneath the water reservoir so that its angled towards the water pump that will automatically pump out the water on my weekly nute changes so that it removes almost all of the water, rather than leaving almost a litre of old used up water.

Anyways, time to relax a little bit!
Re: Greenthumb J's BCNL "Producer" Grow. 800w DWC - First Grow Ever! Multi-Strain

I'm thinking i will use the original DWC/top feed hydro-tub that the Grow box came with, and just run a Live environment in my reservoir with loads of beneficials as well as i will brew a Heisenberg Tea for a weekly application. That way i wont run into any Root problems again. I will also put something underneath the water reservoir so that its angled towards the water pump that will automatically pump out the water on my weekly nute changes so that it removes almost all of the water, rather than leaving almost a litre of old used up water.

Anyways, time to relax a little bit!

Ok.No experience here, just thinking.

If you change out ALL the old water you are removing all the old beneficial bacteria.
In sourdough bread starter and similar cultured environments, it takes two or three cycles for the cultures to reach full potential. You said you are brewing nee teas, but you might want to leave some of your old brew as old "starter."

If you build the drain so you CAN fully drain, that will be a great option in case things go bad. I know TheCapn leaves some water from his previous batches. You might want to check with him and others about when to leave some old water behind.

Peace :peace:
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