Graytail's Cupwinners in High Brix Soil - 4x4 - 600W HPS - Perpetual

Very nice plants:bravo:
Lol, sure, I take the plunge and you tell me I'm only halfway there. Ok, I'll trim some more on Sunday, when I take 'em out of the room again.

It's hard to be objective, but I think I'm starting to see an improvement over the mineralized soil already. The Jamaicans look particularly good.

I should be adding the recharge in the next few weeks, right? The latest instructions aren't clear on that. Just topdress it when it's time? How long between that and the Cat drench?
They look much better graytail and you should notice the tops look a little more healthy too usually the couple days following the clean up. That lower stuff can create problems down the road so its better to give it a brazilian bikini waxing like doc said before flowering. Have a great day GT.
They look much better graytail and you should notice the tops look a little more healthy too usually the couple days following the clean up. That lower stuff can create problems down the road so its better to give it a brazilian bikini waxing like doc said before flowering. Have a great day GT.

I appreciate the encouragement, shotta - it's good to have you keepin an eye on me!
Use the Cationic drench in week 3 of bloom....that's a good start. Once you start growing with the kit you'll learn which strains like it which week, etc.

The recharge can be done in the first or second week of bloom. Feel free to add some worm castings as well.

Other than that, spray with Brix weekly, and stress as needed.

The updated instructions are in my signature.
Thanks, Doc.

I also neglected to thank you for getting that Transplant right out to me - was just a matter of days - just in time to feed the new girls.

Pictures man, I L-U-U-U-U-V pictures!!! Most definitely SUBBED...:geek:
LOL, thanks Reg, I'm the same way - loves me some pictures.

I read your journal from those first days of yours. I'll have to see what's been happening lately.

Thanks for the reps! :thanks:
Things are looking great and you did a good job with the trim, not to much, not to little. The plants thrive when you trim them, it makes them stronger. :thumb:
I'm feeling a lull in enthusiasm these days. I've only been at this since early April and it's been a mad dash getting everything sorted out, so something has always been on the verge of happening, everything new. At the same time I've been jugggling growing schedules and trying to keep plants alive in three different soils. Whew. Now I have a couple jars of very good cannabis and the next plants to be harvested don't look like anything I'll want to smoke. Huh, sort of a new perspective for a guy who's been smoking whatever brickweed he could get his hands on for the last 25 years. I'm already getting all picky and unimpressed. :cheesygrinsmiley: The next harvest after the Keralas will be the Hawaiian Snow 4-5 weeks from now, so until then ... meh.

I get to work with Doc's kit though, so that'll be fun to watch. I recharged the soil in the potted flowering girls yesterday with the mineral amendment included in the kit, along with 2 lbs of worm castings each. I spread the amendment evenly across the top, covered it with worm poop and carefully watered a quart over all the soil. I had slow watered them the day before so the soil was already wicked and saturated. Next week, I'll give the Kerala3 a shot of cationic drench, and the JDs will follow a week later.

I'm puzzled about the growth rates of this batch. It looks like they're all going to be short, despite the fact that I vegged them much longer than their sisters/mother. Kerala3 looks like she's going to end her stretch between 25-30 inches, as short or shorter than her sisters, who only got 16 and 28 days of veg, 4 and 7 inches tall. This one got 74 days of veg and was 10 inches tall when I finally flipped her. The JDs slowed a bit in the last 3 days, so they aren't going to break much past 30 inches either. Their mother went into 12/12 at 30 days and 7 inches and finished at 31 inches with a single cola. These cuts were flipped at 60 days and 10 inches tall. This batch of seedlings is slow, too - they're as tall at 3 weeks as the previous batch were at 2 weeks. But everyone looks healthy!

Here's the weelky update. The Keralas look bad - everything I hate to see in a finishing plant. I'm toying with the idea of making kief and hash oil out of one. and using that to dust the buds on the other one. Cook up some thin hash oil, dip the buds in it and dust them with the kief. Like breading chicken - egg wash, flour, set aside to dry. The solvent would continue to evaporate, right? And the resin remains should glue the kief to the buds ... I think. Does anyone know how this is done? Seems like it could make the Kerala worth fooling with - nice party favors, y'know?

Here's her devine ugliness, Kerala1, soon to be kief and hash. I've been trimming dying buds and I was shocked to find I had a dried ounce already, so she'll be a good yielder, at least.

Kerala1 - 107 days - 91 Days 12/12 - 70 since pistils





And her sister, who's looking ok I guess. She has good hard buds and she's a little sticky - we like that. These are the buds that'll get encrusted.

Kerala2 - 105 Days - 77 Days 12/12 - 69 days since pistils





The Hawaiian doesn't look all that great, but she's stable at least and the brix readings are steady at 13/15. I gave her a topdressing of 2 lbs worm poop, azomite and some granulated mycos. She's gotta hang in there and grow calyxes for another 4+ weeks.

Hawaiian Snow - 107 Days old - 91 Days 12/12 - 57 since pistils





Those were the remaining plants in mineralized soil. The rest are all in Doc's kit and lookin' really fine, especially the Jamaican Dream cuts. I finished their trimming and I think they do look quite fetching.

JD1 - 78 Days - 18 Days 12/12 - 10 days since pistils









Kerala3 - 102 Days - 36 days 12/12 - 17 since pistils





White Panther - 20 days old




Caramelo - 18 days old - What's up with the droopy habit?!




JD3 - 19 Days




And the SLH reveg is coming along nicely - no issues!


make sure you use a drinking water safe or camping/RV hose.


LOL! I thought you were serious on the first couple reads.

Ya ... I don' remember my parents being concerned about playing in chlorinated hose water! (Oh Gawd, CHLORINE!!!!??)

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