Monday, January 13, 2025

Granny420 Grows Multiple Strains In Soil Using ViparSpectra XS1500 And Vivosun Tents

Well, today I will begin my mini quad lining! I am at Day 21 for the 8 Fat Bastards that are shooting out their 5th nodes, so they are ready. The Day 21 Blueberry Cheese is also shooting out her 5th node but she will only get topped today because I want the lowest branches to grow for clones off of her.

I am a complete newbie to the quad method, so I hope I do this right.

As far as I can tell, the first steps of quadlining is to:
1. Cut off all the bottom 2 nodes of true leaves and any shoots on them. And of course, the single leaf that originally begins the plant, but it really is not included in the quad method as a node.
2. Top the plant above the 4th node.
This leaves two nodes leaves and shoots to grow. These will be LST trained after their first shoots grow out a bit, I will deal with reporting that as they grow.

I can do these two steps all at the same time, or trim the bottoms, leave a couple days to recoup and then top. I am choosing to do both at the same time.

Don’t know if this will be the true #quadsquad method, because I’m doing a mini version. My goal is to have at least 4 nice colas at the top (up to 8 max) when I flower them. However, with a true quad plants are vegged longer and can produce massive plants with a lot of top colas (gorgeous!). Some take up entire 3’x3’ or 4’x4’ tents!
For me, I’m using 3 gal pots when I transplant and because I am growing a number of plants, each will have to be controlled on how wide they get.

I will be back later today or tonight with pics of what I am doing and after my cleaning work is done for the day. I’m sure I will make my rounds of other’s journals during the many breaks my body will need. See you then!

Good day Granny!

Would you believe that RR denied me entry to his party just because I brought along my blow torch!? :oops:
Hey GDB! :high-five: Just how big a joints did you have rolled? 4 foot blunts??? :rofl::laugh::rofl:
:hug: :hug::hug::love::hug::hug::hug:
Hey GDB! :high-five: Just how big a joints did you have rolled? 4 foot blunts??? :rofl::laugh::rofl:
:hug: :hug::hug::love::hug::hug::hug:
I thought RR might've had some furniture in there that I could smoke.
I thought RR might've had some furniture in there that I could smoke.
That party really kicked my ass....came down with a nasty ass cold. I'm not feeling too rosey today. :(
I thought RR might've had some furniture in there that I could smoke.
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:
That party really kicked my ass....came down with a nasty ass cold. I'm not feeling too rosey today. :(
Oh no! Sure hope you get feelin’ better Mr Roseyman! :hug::love::hug:
I hope you feel better. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
Not good. You'll feel better soon, hopefully! 🖤
:high-five:Look at all the wonderful wishes for you honey! :high-five:

Morning everyone! :love::hug:Have you all recovered from the big party at RRs? Woot Woot!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Thank you, Miz Carmen! :high-five: My body feels like I joined an exercise group of 20 year olds, and then tried to keep up! EEK! But I am moving and hopefully my muscles will loosen up!:cheesygrinsmiley:

I think you must have your soil and nutrients dialed in! Now if the bugs and birds leave your girls alone, you’ll stay looking fabulous! :hug:

:thanks: You are so sweet!:love: :high-five:

Hello Mr MedScientist!:high-five: Sure good to see you! You beat me, cuz I was 111 after 9 holes!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Morning Mr Dust man!:high-five: Always a wonderful pleasure to see you!:cheesygrinsmiley:

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

Oh no! Sure hope you get feelin’ better Mr Roseyman! :hug::love::hug:

:high-five:Look at all the wonderful wishes for you honey! :high-five:

Thanks 420 family you guys and gals are the cream of the crop. The best of the best. My spirits are definitely lifted.

I will be editing in red to correct the mistake I made so others may learn.

Light change, back to Only way to learn is doing. I learned here! I will still have the X that begins the quad and I will get it right on the next plants.60% on older girls, 50% on shorter girls. 14” above tallest plants.

Watered today. First time saturated to run off and I don’t think the Fat Bastards liked it much. The Blueberry Cheese don’t seem to mind as much. However, they look way droopy in the pics and this is why.

On to my mini-quad beginning!

First pics of the girls in groups.
Day 21 FB (8) and BBC (1) (BEFORE)

I did notice the lowest leaves were yellowing. Probably natural, but also cuz they are being shaded by upper growth. Not for long! EEK!

Then a group shot of the 4 shorter girls putting out their 4th node.
Four on left. Day 21 FB(1). Day 16 BBC (3)

They are all enjoying the good green life!

Since I’ve featured FB#3 thru my journal, I will begin my mini quad with her.
FB#3 Insides BEFORE Doesn’t show real well, but she was growing out her 5th node set at the top.

FB#3 MINI QUAD BEGINS Pic of Insides AFTER removing the bottom 2 nodes of true leaves and their shoots (plus the first single leaf and its shoots) AND topping her above the 4th node.
The first single leaves (above the seedling oval coty’s) are considered the first node. Thus, I removed one node higher than what I should have, I removed 3 nodes, not 2. I don’t think it will effect too much in the quad tho. I learned and will do better on the next plants. :)

Which leaves the 3rd and 4th nodes, which will grow 4 shoots, 2 for each side of the nodes. From the top, you can see how they will each have great light from above.

And BBC #1 got topped. I need BBC clones, so I will remove the bottom two nodes after I take the clones from her. I will probably do this after I up pot these girls to 3 gal bags.
BBC #1 Day 21 Topped.

Group shot. DAY 21. FB (8) AFTER beginning quad and BBC (1) topped.

A lot less leaves. I yanked the bandaid off by cutting all this! I’ve never done this before.

I think that’s it for this afternoon. Got a start and bet things begin to move fast in a couple day, as soon as they recover from all I put them thru today!

Lovies to ALL!

I don’t know why the below pictures are repeated here, but hey, whatever! Can’t remove them.



Light change, back to 60% on older girls, 50% on shorter girls. 14” above tallest plants.

Watered today. First time saturated to run off and I don’t think the Fat Bastards liked it much. The Blueberry Cheese don’t seem to mind as much. However, they look way droopy in the pics and this is why.

On to my mini-quad beginning!

First pics of the girls in groups.
Day 21 FB (8) and BBC (1) (BEFORE)

I did notice the lowest leaves were yellowing. Probably natural, but also cuz they are being shaded by upper growth. Not for long! EEK!

Then a group shot of the 4 shorter girls putting out their 4th node.
Four on left. Day 21 FB(1). Day 16 BBC (3)

They are all enjoying the good green life!

Since I’ve featured FB#3 thru my journal, I will begin my mini quad with her.
FB#3 Insides BEFORE Doesn’t show real well, but she was growing out her 5th node set at the top.

FB#3 MINI QUAD BEGINS Pic of Insides AFTER removing the bottom 2 nodes of true leaves and their shoots (plus the first single leaf and its shoots) AND topping her above the 4th node.

Which leaves the 3rd and 4th nodes, which will grow 4 shoots, 2 for each side of the nodes. From the top, you can see how they will each have great light from above.

And BBC #1 got topped. I need BBC clones, so I will remove the bottom two nodes after I take the clones from her. I will probably do this after I up pot these girls to 3 gal bags.
BBC #1 Day 21 Topped.

Group shot. DAY 21. FB (8) AFTER beginning quad and BBC (1) topped.

A lot less leaves. I yanked the bandaid off by cutting all this! I’ve never done this before.

I think that’s it for this afternoon. Got a start and bet things begin to move fast in a couple day, as soon as they recover from all I put them thru today!

Lovies to ALL!

I don’t know why the below pictures are repeated here, but hey, whatever! Can’t remove them.


It's always scary to me when I go snipping at nodes. LOL Looks like you've done a nice clean job of it thus far, and I'm sure tomorrow they will have forgotten the trauma and perk up to continue growing and showing. :green_heart:
It's always scary to me when I go snipping at nodes. LOL Looks like you've done a nice clean job of it thus far, and I'm sure tomorrow they will have forgotten the trauma and perk up to continue growing and showing. :green_heart:
Hey Lady! :high-five: :love:
Yes, it is really different. I always did LST on mine, and God forbid if it was topped! 😱I really felt like that was taking the best cola from the plant, hurting her. But after looking into the #quadsquad thread, the how to’s, the stages and the results, they hooked me! The plants in that thread make quadlining look like perfection! I just need to continue reading in there and following their advice. Some experts in there!p

Is this how you get your amazing top colas? All right up to the top evenly, amazing. I feel for you in having to harvest soon. Yes, it’s our entire goal in the end! But it is bittersweet, especially with such incredible plants. You did great sistah!

My body is done for this day and I didn’t do much. I need to ice my back tonight and take some Tylenol. After I decide I’m done in here! LOL

Have to go find out how to do a couple more things first. Always learning more every day! :cheesygrinsmiley:


Light change, back to 60% on older girls, 50% on shorter girls. 14” above tallest plants.

Watered today. First time saturated to run off and I don’t think the Fat Bastards liked it much. The Blueberry Cheese don’t seem to mind as much. However, they look way droopy in the pics and this is why.

On to my mini-quad beginning!

First pics of the girls in groups.
Day 21 FB (8) and BBC (1) (BEFORE)

I did notice the lowest leaves were yellowing. Probably natural, but also cuz they are being shaded by upper growth. Not for long! EEK!

Then a group shot of the 4 shorter girls putting out their 4th node.
Four on left. Day 21 FB(1). Day 16 BBC (3)

They are all enjoying the good green life!

Since I’ve featured FB#3 thru my journal, I will begin my mini quad with her.
FB#3 Insides BEFORE Doesn’t show real well, but she was growing out her 5th node set at the top.

FB#3 MINI QUAD BEGINS Pic of Insides AFTER removing the bottom 2 nodes of true leaves and their shoots (plus the first single leaf and its shoots) AND topping her above the 4th node.

Which leaves the 3rd and 4th nodes, which will grow 4 shoots, 2 for each side of the nodes. From the top, you can see how they will each have great light from above.

And BBC #1 got topped. I need BBC clones, so I will remove the bottom two nodes after I take the clones from her. I will probably do this after I up pot these girls to 3 gal bags.
BBC #1 Day 21 Topped.

Group shot. DAY 21. FB (8) AFTER beginning quad and BBC (1) topped.

A lot less leaves. I yanked the bandaid off by cutting all this! I’ve never done this before.

I think that’s it for this afternoon. Got a start and bet things begin to move fast in a couple day, as soon as they recover from all I put them thru today!

Lovies to ALL!

I don’t know why the below pictures are repeated here, but hey, whatever! Can’t remove them.


Looks great, Granny!
Always something to learn.
I learned the hard way that the stem above the 4th node needs to be as long as possible to allow for the growth of the eventually massive trunk. If not, they may split due to the mass of the colas.

Looks great, Granny!
Always something to learn.
I learned the hard way that the stem above the 4th node needs to be as long as possible to allow for the growth of the eventually massive trunk. If not, they may split due to the mass of the colas.

Oh my! And hey Mr Scott! :high-five: I hope I did that right! I did remember that I was supposed to cut a bit above the node, but doing it the first time is the only way to learn.:) Can you tell from my pics?

I’m not sure if I cut one too many nodes too. I did not count the single leaf and its growth as a node. So I cut it AND the two nodes above it. Just not sure what the heck I’m doing! But I’m willing to learn!

And thank you for your thumbs up and kind thoughts!
I’m along for the ride!
Looking great thus far!
I’ve grown blueberry cheese in an auto and had good results.
I have fat bastard seeds on deck awaiting their turn in the tent. Can’t wait to see how yours come out!
Hey Lady! :high-five: :love:
Yes, it is really different. I always did LST on mine, and God forbid if it was topped! 😱I really felt like that was taking the best cola from the plant, hurting her. But after looking into the #quadsquad thread, the how to’s, the stages and the results, they hooked me! The plants in that thread make quadlining look like perfection! I just need to continue reading in there and following their advice. Some experts in there!p

Is this how you get your amazing top colas? All right up to the top evenly, amazing. I feel for you in having to harvest soon. Yes, it’s our entire goal in the end! But it is bittersweet, especially with such incredible plants. You did great sistah!

My body is done for this day and I didn’t do much. I need to ice my back tonight and take some Tylenol. After I decide I’m done in here! LOL

Have to go find out how to do a couple more things first. Always learning more every day! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I appreciate the thumbs up there, Granny! :love: I have never tried quad lining, so this is going to be new to me to watch.
I'm trying to read through the thread you are following a bit at a time.
I do a lot of topping to my plants, trying to get the even canopy and bigger better cola counts. It seems to always happen that I start out giving a lot of attention to training, and then something happens to drive my time away. LOL

Hope you have a purrrrfectly wonderful Sunday, and take it easy on yourself!
I’m along for the ride!
Looking great thus far!
I’ve grown blueberry cheese in an auto and had good results.
I have fat bastard seeds on deck awaiting their turn in the tent. Can’t wait to see how yours come out!
Hey Olddog! :high-five: Thank you! so glad to see you jump aboard. :) im Looking forward to both strains. The FB sure does stink (good:cheesygrinsmiley:), even at this stage when I was trimming.Im hoping the BBC has less skunk (cheese) and more blueberry in the end. Cleaning skunk was like sitting in a pile of shit! LOL
Hi there granny ,, lovely plants u have there ,, ill tag along to follow your mini quad ,, take care &&peace to all 🤙
Hey ThirdUncle!:high-five: Wonderful to have you here and thank you.:) Too bad I screwed up the FB mini quad a bit already, but I’m going to get it right, yet!:cheesygrinsmiley:
I appreciate the thumbs up there, Granny! :love: I have never tried quad lining, so this is going to be new to me to watch.
I'm trying to read through the thread you are following a bit at a time.
I do a lot of topping to my plants, trying to get the even canopy and bigger better cola counts. It seems to always happen that I start out giving a lot of attention to training, and then something happens to drive my time away. LOL

Hope you have a purrrrfectly wonderful Sunday, and take it easy on yourself!
Hey Lady,:high-five: Whatever method you use, it’s working! Do you LST along the way? Hope you are having a purrrfetly wonderful day too. I’m ready to see some trich shots of your ladies soon!:drool:

I’ll be back with a couple updates.

Yesterday, I began attempting my mini quad on 8 FB. I did NOT give proper instructions, so please disregard that message and read here with better info and pics.

What I did wrong: I thought the single leaf node did not count in quad. I’m not meaning the seedlings first oval leaves, the cotys - but the first real single leaf above it. That single leaf is the first node. Thus, I cut one too many nodes off. I’m sure it won’t effect the end product too much because I do still have the correct shape starting out.

But I got it right today with miz Blueberry Cheese today. Last night I cut her topping down one more node, so she is topped at the right place. Today I began her quad.

Here she was this morning, from the side.

If you look closely at her top, you can see I cut about a half inch above the node when I topped. :Namaste: quad’ers and the #quadsquad pros have already helped me by making sure I know to leave as much above the topping node as possible. I had read that and did do that right.
I learned the hard way that the stem above the 4th node needs to be as long as possible to allow for the growth of the eventually massive trunk. If not, they may split due to the mass of the colas.
Again, thank you Scott!

Fo my first node cut today, I cut off the single leaf node and its shoots.
Here they are.

Then I cut the second node’s growth. Below is both the 1st and 2nd nodes leaves and growth cut off.

That is all I needed to cut. (Yesterday, I actually cut 3 node’s growth instead of 2)

So here is BBC#1’s insides after those 2 node’s growth was removed.

You can clearly see it has shoots coming out both the remaining 3rd and 4th nodes.

From above, you see this is a much better quad start. The fan leaves forming a cross + is exactly what one wants. And you can see there are 4 shoots in the center.

These four shoots will be LST’d when they get bigger.

For now, that is all I do until these 4 shoots grow a bit.

I hope that corrects my misinformation from yesterday! EEK! I figure even if I get it a bit wrong, at least I’m doing my best and learning how to do it right!

Hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday!


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