Granny420 Grows Multiple Strains In Soil Using ViparSpectra XS1500 And Vivosun Tents

How do they say to administer the calcium? We have found that most people who bottom feed have to supplement with a top feed of calcium because calcium is heavy and sinks fast.
Got be careful of calcium cause main ingredients of water treatment plants. Must know that or you will cook . I mean cook a plant roots. You want never figure out is wrong sometimes. Never thinking of little stuff. Fyi. Sorry for putting in the fairway. Grabbed wrong club. Lmao. Playing xbox
🌞Mornin’ sunshine to all! Beautiful fall day here! Hope it’s a wonderful day for everyone!:high-five:
How do they say to administer the calcium? We have found that most people who bottom feed have to supplement with a top feed of calcium because calcium is heavy and sinks fast.
Hey Carmen!:high-five::love: :thanks:So much for responding! I don’t know what I’m doing with nutrients yet, so all advice is most welcome. Dust also replied about calcium, so I will answer both of you below.
Got be careful of calcium cause main ingredients of water treatment plants. Must know that or you will cook . I mean cook a plant roots. You want never figure out is wrong sometimes. Never thinking of little stuff. Fyi.
Hey Dust! :high-five::thanks: for also replying about Calcium! I’m grateful for all speaking up when I may take a wrong road with nutrients! I’m new to giving them.

I will heed both of your advice and use better caution, seeking advice before using Cal-Mag again.

Let’s see, the Cal-Mag is liquid from Bloom City. And I mixed it with distilled water. It says:
Watering Can or Nutrient Reservoir
1. Add 1/2 to 1 tsp (2.5-5ml) per gallon of water.
2. Apply evenly to garden areas.
It also has hose and optional foliar spray for directions.

I used 1/2 tsp and gave all my girls a drink via below tray. I did not saturate them. I was trying to go easy so I didn’t give them but half a drink with the watering. Good thing, eh?

Here is that same plant, FB#3 today. Egads it grew more than 1/2” since late last night! And upper tips are not curled anymore. A few low ones are, but I know that was from lights earlier in my grow when they were younger. I caught it then and corrected.


This plant was very light green in its new growth not too long ago. I think I’m getting the N level to a good level now.

Maybe I had a close call? Maybe it was the lights, like I originally thought? Or maybe I’ll never know, as Dust said.

Then might as well picture all the girls this morning. I rearranged again last night, so they are in no particular groupings, more placing them to get the best light all around.
Tallest crowd first…

And shortest next…

To me, they look pretty happy this morning. Hope you all agree?

Lovies to everyone!
Sunshine 🌞 hello to all again!

Just gotta say :thanks: to Dust for adding a fairway so we can play a few rounds of golf between tokes!
Sorry for putting in the fairway. Grabbed wrong club. Lmao. Playing xbox
:thanks: Dust! :high-five: Who’s up for a round of golf?
Oh no, Granny just sent one flyin’ at RR man - OOPS! Sorry RR!

🌞Mornin’ sunshine to all! Beautiful fall day here! Hope it’s a wonderful day for everyone!:high-five:

Hey Carmen!:high-five::love: :thanks:So much for responding! I don’t know what I’m doing with nutrients yet, so all advice is most welcome. Dust also replied about calcium, so I will answer both of you below.

Hey Dust! :high-five::thanks: for also replying about Calcium! I’m grateful for all speaking up when I may take a wrong road with nutrients! I’m new to giving them.

I will heed both of your advice and use better caution, seeking advice before using Cal-Mag again.

Let’s see, the Cal-Mag is liquid from Bloom City. And I mixed it with distilled water. It says:
Watering Can or Nutrient Reservoir
1. Add 1/2 to 1 tsp (2.5-5ml) per gallon of water.
2. Apply evenly to garden areas.
It also has hose and optional foliar spray for directions.

I used 1/2 tsp and gave all my girls a drink via below tray. I did not saturate them. I was trying to go easy so I didn’t give them but half a drink with the watering. Good thing, eh?

Here is that same plant, FB#3 today. Egads it grew more than 1/2” since late last night! And upper tips are not curled anymore. A few low ones are, but I know that was from lights earlier in my grow when they were younger. I caught it then and corrected.


This plant was very light green in its new growth not too long ago. I think I’m getting the N level to a good level now.

Maybe I had a close call? Maybe it was the lights, like I originally thought? Or maybe I’ll never know, as Dust said.

Then might as well picture all the girls this morning. I rearranged again last night, so they are in no particular groupings, more placing them to get the best light all around.
Tallest crowd first…

And shortest next…

To me, they look pretty happy this morning. Hope you all agree?

Lovies to everyone!
they're looking happy & healthy for sure Granny
🌞Mornin’ sunshine to all! Beautiful fall day here! Hope it’s a wonderful day for everyone!:high-five:

Hey Carmen!:high-five::love: :thanks:So much for responding! I don’t know what I’m doing with nutrients yet, so all advice is most welcome. Dust also replied about calcium, so I will answer both of you below.

Hey Dust! :high-five::thanks: for also replying about Calcium! I’m grateful for all speaking up when I may take a wrong road with nutrients! I’m new to giving them.

I will heed both of your advice and use better caution, seeking advice before using Cal-Mag again.

Let’s see, the Cal-Mag is liquid from Bloom City. And I mixed it with distilled water. It says:
Watering Can or Nutrient Reservoir
1. Add 1/2 to 1 tsp (2.5-5ml) per gallon of water.
2. Apply evenly to garden areas.
It also has hose and optional foliar spray for directions.

I used 1/2 tsp and gave all my girls a drink via below tray. I did not saturate them. I was trying to go easy so I didn’t give them but half a drink with the watering. Good thing, eh?

Here is that same plant, FB#3 today. Egads it grew more than 1/2” since late last night! And upper tips are not curled anymore. A few low ones are, but I know that was from lights earlier in my grow when they were younger. I caught it then and corrected.


This plant was very light green in its new growth not too long ago. I think I’m getting the N level to a good level now.

Maybe I had a close call? Maybe it was the lights, like I originally thought? Or maybe I’ll never know, as Dust said.

Then might as well picture all the girls this morning. I rearranged again last night, so they are in no particular groupings, more placing them to get the best light all around.
Tallest crowd first…

And shortest next…

To me, they look pretty happy this morning. Hope you all agree?

Lovies to everyone!
I don't see a single thing out of whack there girl! They look beautiful. :green_heart:
I don't know why the word "whack" came into my head, could be I am hearing the sound of clubs hitting balls. :lot-o-toke:
I don't see a single thing out of whack there girl! They look beautiful. :green_heart:
I don't know why the word "whack" came into my head, could be I am hearing the sound of clubs hitting balls. :lot-o-toke:
:thanks: Lady! :high-five::love:
I’m so glad you responded too. You know I value your opinion muchly! Muchly, there is a word to go with whack! Yes, it must be you were thinking about whacking a ball or two, or getting whacked with one! :laugh::rofl: Whack ‘em whack ‘’em good… kinda like wick ‘em wick ‘em good!:laugh:
So good to hear you also agree my girls look healthy. :green_heart:Thank you, honey.

Busy here trying to organize the last 10-15 years of crap in this upstairs. I swear it looks like a hoarder lives here! Egads! I know I’m going to run across my 5’x10’x6’T grow tent at the bottom of some of our crap. I used it up here after I quit using the entire room. The smell from filling the room was out of control, even with the mother scrubber I was using then. This tent controlled that better.

It’s a secret :shhh: I was debating about and finally made up my mind about. It is why I went ahead and ordered both the ViparSpectra KS5000 & 4 ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro lights. They can fill this tent and I can pop more seeds :woohoo:as well as clone others, whatever I want. I’m still going to do 3 gal pots tho. My back can’t handle the weight of the 5 gal anymore. I envy those of you who can lift and move huge pots much heavier than 5gal!

Duck Lady!!!

EEK! I’m hearing those clubs too! I’m getting out of the way now!
Sunshine 🌞 hello to all again!

Just gotta say :thanks: to Dust for adding a fairway so we can play a few rounds of golf between tokes!

:thanks: Dust! :high-five: Who’s up for a round of golf?
Oh no, Granny just sent one flyin’ at RR man - OOPS! Sorry RR!

Are you taking POT shots at me???
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