Granny420 Grows Multiple Strains In Soil Using ViparSpectra XS1500 And Vivosun Tents

This question is remedial and a little embarrassing. You answer lots of questions in your posts. How do you answer a series of questions/comments in a single post? You must be using the quote feature or something like that. What is the procedure for this?
Hey Crusher! :high-five: Great to see you here! Hopefully GDB got your question answered! I’m still getting the quotes down myself. I’ve not been highlighting, I’ve just been hitting the quotes on everyone’s individual messages and then when I start a new message, I have the option to“insert quotes”, I click that and see those quotes then and choose “insert” and it does.:high-five:
Sounds like it's perfect to sooth my aching period. Got 2 more nights of this bull$hit. Then it's WEED time. Thanks GDB
:rofl::laugh::rofl: Leave it to GDB to change my train of thought! :rofl: :laugh::rofl:
RR, I don’t know how you go without being able to smoke. But you do what you have to do for your job - that’s smart when you are on call! You are almost done now, only 2 more days! We need to have a celebration for you!… when you are off your period! :rofl::laugh::rofl:

Lovies to all!

I’m just pleased to hear you’ve caught up here. Guess you have learned I have a warped sense of humor too! And I changed my mind a bit on what I am doing here along the way. :)
I made fun of your long list of acronyms Granny. But I change my mind a lot during my grows too, and I made up an acronym to cover it. COP, which stands for "Change of Plans."
RR man has been here all along. I’ve already fallen in love with him, his dog, and his gf! :cheesygrinsmiley: Woof!
He's a nice guy, for most of a given month!
No, he has not needed smacked yet… you on the other hand, may need smacked first,
You can try, but I'm very good at bobbing and weaving! :)

It’s been over a month now and I still break down often, but doing ok most of the time.
I get it. My very best friend died over 3 years ago and I still talk to him at least once a month.

That is awesome to know! I did purchase the ViparSpectra KS5000, but I also purchased 4 more of the ViparSpectra XS1500 Pros too. I will use them all somewhere along the way! Someone, can’t remember who, I think it was either @StoneOtter or @InTheShed that said I might want to consider the 1500s in case my plants are not an even canopy.
It was StoneOtter and his excellent advice. Those little powerhouses can be hung at different levels to accommodate differing plant heights. Prolly ideal for your goal. :)
You use a 5’x5’ that is like what I have (I think), with the slanted top. Is that right? That’s what I bought due to this side (east upstairs) being an older home with slanted ceilings.
Yes, I have that same tent Granny. To be honest, if I could get a do-over I would not buy it. I'm running a big light in there and with the shape of the top it hard for me to get my 6'4'' frame in and out of there to raise or lower the light.

You won't have that problem, unless you're taller than the average Granny! :)
But what a joyous end with the new babes! :love:
And when I first saw that little peanut the tears just starting flowing. So embarrassing!
Well I've finally caught up Granny!

I must say, this is an ambitious undertaking! Small plants, yes, but so many of them!

I'm looking forward to following along. I bought my own little bar stool for seating. It's made of wood out of necessity. Some of the folks in here will smoke your chair right from under you, given the opportunity! :)
I am exited about soooo many strains! I want to pop more seeds already, but know I need to get set up for these, so I just have to dream about others until I get them growing. All in good time.

You can pull that barstool right over here by me, GDB, see me in my rocker? I’m wondering if your Lady C couch has been smoked up yet? It has looked like Cheech and Chong in their car! Smokey!!! :cheesygrinsmiley: All I had to do was sit in my rocker and breathe and I got SOOOO BUZZED!
But you can see Lady C gifted me with a non-smoke couch, so mine will last! NaNaNa! :rofl::laugh::rofl:
GDB this may be a stupid question but what does FTFY mean. 🍋
I had wondered the same thing, Keith. :thanks: for asking that. Now we know!:high-five:
I think you'll like the versatility of having the XS1500 Pro's to adjust! My tent is 4.5 x 4.5 and has a flat roof.
:thanks: Mr Otter! When I thought about it, that’s what I thought also, different heights of plants and maybe easier to get around in my tent when watering. But I love the power of the KS5000 and will have to find a great place to set it up.:woohoo:

Hey Lady! :high-five:Always a great start to my day when I wake up to your sunshine too!🌞
Right now, I just have the two 6” vents on one side (the darkest side) kinda open to allow air out of the tent. At the moment there are no lights on in this upstairs area at night, as well as the only window has double cardboard taped to it above the a/c unit, so minimal light thru the a/c unit is all and it’s a long way from this tent. I do know (my only complaint) that this Vivosun tent is NOT light proof because from the outside I can see light coming thru places in the zippers when the lights are on. Hope that makes sense! :):hug:
Thanks for the feedback Grow Sistah. :passitleft:
I don't think I would worry too much about the light through the zippers, depending on how much of course. If the tent is in a fairly dark room during lights out that should be okay for me.
I want to get away from having to black out the only window in the room where I grow, and not having to be sure the door to the room is blocked completely every night from light seeping in from other rooms. During the winter months I need that room open to heat the house evenly. If that makes sense. ;-)
During the warmer weather I would like to use one on the back screened porch, which doesn't get much full sun at all, with the KS5000 in it and not have that bright light screaming out at people in the dark. ;-)
RR man has been here all along. I’ve already fallen in love with him, his dog, and his gf! :cheesygrinsmiley: Woof!
Aww thanks Granny!! Big hugs and Love to you from me, the gf and Poochie. :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: 2 more nights and your gonna see big smoke signals coming from my local.
And when I first saw that little peanut the tears just starting flowing. So embarrassing!
:love:I think that moment of birth is a feeling that compares to nothing else. It’s glorious and ripe with so many emotions. I got to share that with parents. What a joy!:love:

However, I did get called “Nurse Rachet” by one gramma. I had to give all babies a Vit K shot to give them clotting factors babies are not born with, and put an antibiotic salve in their eyes to prevent blindness. That is why she called me Nurse Rachet.

I worked other areas also in my nursing career, ortho-neuro and med-surg floors too. But OB was my main area.

I loved working OB for 99% of the time. The other 1% was sheer terror. Those emergency C-sections were sometimes part of that terror (but a nurse never shows that) although 99% turned into beautiful births. When the fetal monitor (on moms belly) would show deep decelerations in babe’s heart rate, which also happens commonly right before birth, as a nurse I had to be on top of knowing if it was normal or if I needed to get mom to surgery immediately. But the end result was almost always such a wonderful gift of life. :love:

Oh my, I sure went on there! Oops! Back to 420…
Thanks for the feedback Grow Sistah. :passitleft:
I don't think I would worry too much about the light through the zippers, depending on how much of course. If the tent is in a fairly dark room during lights out that should be okay for me.
I want to get away from having to black out the only window in the room where I grow, and not having to be sure the door to the room is blocked completely every night from light seeping in from other rooms. During the winter months I need that room open to heat the house evenly. If that makes sense. ;-)
During the warmer weather I would like to use one on the back screened porch, which doesn't get much full sun at all, with the KS5000 in it and not have that bright light screaming out at people in the dark. ;-)
Hello me Lady! :high-five: I think I’ll take a hit before my update!:thanks:

I blocked my window when I did my first grow. I grew in the entire room in this upstairs and didn’t want light coming in from our yard light, lightening, or whatever (alien ships?) LOL
It sounds and sure looks like you have dialed in everything for your grow area. My goodness your girlz vs guyz grow is …:drool::drool::drool:so magnificent! I just love drooling over those pics!!!

Ok, it’s time or today’s update :cheesygrinsmiley:


ViparSpectra XS1500Pro lights are still set at:
50% for shorter girls and 13”-15” above the plants below.
60% for the slightly taller girls and 13”-15” above them also.

I regrouped my girls into Fat Bastard (9) on 2/3 of one side and the Blueberry Cheese (4) girls on the other. Whoever is in the center get a bit of double coverage. PARs are in the mid to high 400s mainly, with a couple around very low 500s. I regrouped because my lil girls have been growing real fine and they work well to add in with others.

Last night I fed them all
1.5 tsp FF Grow Big 6-4-4
0.5 tsp Bloom City Cal-Mag (first dose of this) 2-0-0
0.5 oz Bloom City Fish Fertilizer 4-2-0.4
1 small scoop Myco+ 3-0-3
Per gallon (didn’t use the entire gal.)
I fed them from below, filling their under trays and letting them soak it up. All doses are on the low side, but all had N so I was hoping I didn’t over do! I did not water them to complete saturation, I didn’t want to overdo with the nutrients, rather wanted to see how they reacted first.

I also mixed one quart of distilled water with 1 tsp Clean Kelp and sprayed everyone and their top soil. When using foliar sprays (only second time), I have been raising the lights as high as they go and decreasing the intensity to 20% until they dry. I told them this is an overcast rainy day and it is normal, so don’t go crinkly leafed on me! You are a MIGHTY weed that loves evenings like this, so enjoy!

I lowered the RH from 70% to 65%. I think that should be good while they are in veg.

Let’s see… i have to think about how old they are!

Day 18 since popping, (9) FBs

The lil FB that struggled in the beginning is really similar in size to the shortest of the FBs. Good job FB#6! Grow, lil gal! I’m still seeing a variety of colors, but all green and doing wonderful. Same soil. Same nutrients. Different phenos, yet very similar.

And on to the Blueberry Cheese…

Day 18 for the largest BBC, #1.
Day 13 for the smaller 3 BBCs.

These (3) lil ones have also increased their growth a lot from the poor lil seedlings they were.

All of the BBC have loved everything so far. The FBs wilt a lot when sprayed, while the BBC say, “more, momma!” :cheesygrinsmiley:

And a pic that has BBC on the left and FB on the right. Just a comparison of strains. Smile girls! :kisstwo:

Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
Lovies to all!
Aww thanks Granny!! Big hugs and Love to you from me, the gf and Poochie. :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: 2 more nights and your gonna see big smoke signals coming from my local.
Hey RR man! :high-five: You brighten my days.🌞 I’ll be watching for the smoky haze!! We will have to party at your house!:woohoo: Lovies back atcha all!:circle-of-love:

Hey RR man! :high-five: You brighten my days.🌞 I’ll be watching for the smoky haze!! We will have to party at your house!:woohoo: Lovies back atcha all!:circle-of-love:

When you see the smoke head on over. I will have the bong packed for you and all my 420 friends. What a great community! I wish we all lived closer so we could all get together for a big smoke session.:hookah:
When you see the smoke head on over. I will have the bong packed for you and all my 420 friends. What a great community! I wish we all lived closer so we could all get together for a big smoke session.:hookah:
Hey Ramblin, maybe we could organize a Zoom meeting, where we could all watch each other puff, puff, choke! :Rasta:
(FTFY) Fixed that for you. 😁
:rofl: Hubby n I used to ride our bikes to the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota every year. On the back of my vest in big letters it says DILLIGAF with a Lady Rider emblem below it. One year our friends from Tennessee brought along a DEA agent. I know, WTF! I razzed him a LOT.

We were sitting on our deck, and my gf just loved to smoke joints, so she pulled one out and we started puffing. We were pretty secluded on our farm, being surrounded by corn fields on 3 sides that year and our grove of trees on the fourth side. I had just met this guy and he walks up on the deck, sees what we were doing, and pulls out his DEA badge and flashes it at me. I looked at him and said, “Do you see how secluded we are here? If you and your truck disappeared, no one would ever know where you went”. LOL! Mind you, I would NEVER injure or disappear ANYONE! But that shut him up! LOL He was just teasing, but that’s not something to tease about!

So then we all get to Sturgis. About the second day, he asked me, “What does DILLAGAF mean?”
I said, Do I look like I give a f***?”
He said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I just wondered what it means.”
Again I looked at him and in a slightly pretend offended way, I raised my voice a bit and said “Do I look like I give a f***?”
Again he apologizes sincerely, “I’m really not trying to offend you, I just want to know what it means.”
Again, but pretending to be even further annoyed I said, “Do I look like I give a F***?”
He still didn’t get it, so I finally laughed my butt off and pointed at each letter,
o I Look Like I Give A F***
I did that to a number of ppl when they would ask. Most got it much quicker - he did not. :rofl:

Don’t know why I felt I needed to share that, but it’s done now! I think I just thought GDB would enjoy these tales! I really am a passive granny, but I do have a bit of a warped sense of humor! And I am almost 5’3” and not tough at all. Never have been.

When you see the smoke head on over. I will have the bong packed for you and all my 420 friends. What a great community! I wish we all lived closer so we could all get together for a big smoke session.:hookah:
Me too! :love: :hug:
:rofl: Hubby n I used to ride our bikes to the Sturgis Rally in South Dakota every year. On the back of my vest in big letters it says DILLIGAF with a Lady Rider emblem below it. One year our friends from Tennessee brought along a DEA agent. I know, WTF! I razzed him a LOT.

We were sitting on our deck, and my gf just loved to smoke joints, so she pulled one out and we started puffing. We were pretty secluded on our farm, being surrounded by corn fields on 3 sides that year and our grove of trees on the fourth side. I had just met this guy and he walks up on the deck, sees what we were doing, and pulls out his DEA badge and flashes it at me. I looked at him and said, “Do you see how secluded we are here? If you and your truck disappeared, no one would ever know where you went”. LOL! Mind you, I would NEVER injure or disappear ANYONE! But that shut him up! LOL He was just teasing, but that’s not something to tease about!

So then we all get to Sturgis. About the second day, he asked me, “What does DILLAGAF mean?”
I said, Do I look like I give a f***?”
He said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. I just wondered what it means.”
Again I looked at him and in a slightly pretend offended way, I raised my voice a bit and said “Do I look like I give a f***?”
Again he apologizes sincerely, “I’m really not trying to offend you, I just want to know what it means.”
Again, but pretending to be even further annoyed I said, “Do I look like I give a F***?”
He still didn’t get it, so I finally laughed my butt off and pointed at each letter,
o I Look Like I Give A F***
I did that to a number of ppl when they would ask. Most got it much quicker - he did not. :rofl:

Don’t know why I felt I needed to share that, but it’s done now! I think I just thought GDB would enjoy these tales! I really am a passive granny, but I do have a bit of a warped sense of humor! And I am almost 5’3” and not tough at all. Never have been.

Lmao. Know Dill personally. Been friends a long time

I was inspecting my girls and saw some top tips curling just a tad on a few plants, so I reduced the lights back to 40 and 50%. Gees these Vipar lights are intense, yet emit very little heat!

Here is a pic of the top of FB#3. It’s only on the top areas on a few taller girls. Hope I’m not imagining things, but better safe than sorry. Also hope it wasn’t due to the foliar spray from last night. Those lights were high up and only on 20%… but these are things I’m running thru my head for reasons.

Hey Lady, I finally figured out the photo gallery! I had followed your sig link a few times and finally I got it right! See how proud I am :cheesygrinsmiley:


:love:I think that moment of birth is a feeling that compares to nothing else. It’s glorious and ripe with so many emotions. I got to share that with parents. What a joy!:love:

However, I did get called “Nurse Rachet” by one gramma. I had to give all babies a Vit K shot to give them clotting factors babies are not born with, and put an antibiotic salve in their eyes to prevent blindness. That is why she called me Nurse Rachet.

I worked other areas also in my nursing career, ortho-neuro and med-surg floors too. But OB was my main area.

I loved working OB for 99% of the time. The other 1% was sheer terror. Those emergency C-sections were sometimes part of that terror (but a nurse never shows that) although 99% turned into beautiful births. When the fetal monitor (on moms belly) would show deep decelerations in babe’s heart rate, which also happens commonly right before birth, as a nurse I had to be on top of knowing if it was normal or if I needed to get mom to surgery immediately. But the end result was almost always such a wonderful gift of life. :love:

Oh my, I sure went on there! Oops! Back to 420…

Hello me Lady! :high-five: I think I’ll take a hit before my update!:thanks:

I blocked my window when I did my first grow. I grew in the entire room in this upstairs and didn’t want light coming in from our yard light, lightening, or whatever (alien ships?) LOL
It sounds and sure looks like you have dialed in everything for your grow area. My goodness your girlz vs guyz grow is …:drool::drool::drool:so magnificent! I just love drooling over those pics!!!

Ok, it’s time or today’s update :cheesygrinsmiley:


ViparSpectra XS1500Pro lights are still set at:
40% for shorter girls and 13”-15” above the plants below.
60% for the slightly taller girls and 13”-15” above them also.

I regrouped my girls into Fat Bastard (9) on 2/3 of one side and the Blueberry Cheese (4) girls on the other. Whoever is in the center get a bit of double coverage. PARs are in the mid to high 400s mainly, with a couple around very low 500s. I regrouped because my lil girls have been growing real fine and they work well to add in with others.

Last night I fed them all
1.5 tsp FF Grow Big 6-4-4
0.5 tsp Bloom City Cal-Mag (first dose of this) 2-0-0
How do they say to administer the calcium? We have found that most people who bottom feed have to supplement with a top feed of calcium because calcium is heavy and sinks fast.
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