Grandaddy Bruce Elite From Canuk Seeds - Outdoor Grow 2024

Hope the drama is over. :Namaste:
Smooth sailing from here on in buddy :thumb:
You still have a fantastic garden. :welldone:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hope the drama is over. :Namaste:
Smooth sailing from here on in buddy :thumb:
You still have a fantastic garden. :welldone:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎

SHIT NO BRO... i split the top of one of the 3 plants today wired it up..

also to other plants blew over today wow.. getting beat up by Delta

so i moved 2 plants down to garden put the put 4 inches into the ground .. roots will grow though the bag..

my back is sore now will do rest later maybe tomorrow..
SHIT NO BRO... i split the top of one of the 3 plants today wired it up..

also to other plants blew over today wow.. getting beat up by Delta

so i moved 2 plants down to garden put the put 4 inches into the ground .. roots will grow though the bag..

my back is sore now will do rest later maybe tomorrow..
Did you steak them?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Shit man my condolences to your girls. I've been looking at all these really great outdoor grow journals, and I seemed to have forgotten all about that sometimes a real bitch mother nature dice roll every once in awhile.

Maybe that "extra pruning" can be made up for by developing some monsters on the remaining branches? We can all hope aye?
Did you steak them?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
no not on balcony .. i could tie up to railing

the bag into the ground should hold it good..
no not on balcony .. i could tie up to railing

the bag into the ground should hold it good..
If your sure. :thumb:
Fall is on the way.
It’s going to get worse instead of better.
Weather wise:Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
been lazy.. just did the 1st treatment for pm its still not that bad..

im treating with critic acid food grade 40 grams per gallon plus small drop of dawn dish soap.. stir mix well spray
plants very last in day no sunshine on plants after the spraying..

post more pics of the same spot on the plant see if it looks better think takes 2nd or 3 rd treatment too..
this one plant is the worst its hard to find any on the others but its there .. seems like there fighting it off..
they got sprayed too..

Im just smoking some Grandaddy Bruce Elite i grew for the Canuk comparative grow last yr / early this yr...

wow curing up 6 months or so.. this batch is almost what i call narcotic.. and heavy tasty flavour.. the flavour is so good you just want to smoke for more flavor and then your totally wasted.. good shit
Those are some big colas looks excellent. :lot-o-toke: 🍋

they are coming along nice.. like to see them get fatter!!!! over nexts 2 - 3 weeks to chop
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