Grand Daddy Purple S1 & Pre-1998 Bubba Kush S1

So far this colloidal silver doesn't seem to be working. I'm going to start spraying it twice a day. so I'll probably have to make my own soon (which I at least know will work because I've made and used it before). Here's the whorled GDP S1 I'm treating:


Here's the other whorled GDP S1 I was going to use as a backup mother; it mutated into a double head:


I like the looks of this normal growing GDP S1:


Here's a GDP f2 x original GDP cross I like:

All of the GDP f3 mother rejects, Apollo 13 f2 clones on both sides:



Here's a couple of GDP weirdos :)


Those GDP are definitely funky PC! Looking forward to seeing how they continue to develop!!
Maybe. Here's a few shots of that same cola from the side (and one of the plant's leaves):


Those GDP S1 seeds are about 50% mutated from what I've done so far with them. I think it's because I rushed the project and harvested the seeds too soon. This one where the leaves are rounding off is pretty cool:

Looking good chimpy. My JTR is looking good, but I'm not sure if the pollen took. Can't really tell yet

You should start seeing this pretty soon (this is the normal GDP S1 I put in with the GDP f3 father and the other two GDP mothers):


The calyxes are swollen and the hairs are brown, even with the flower being that young (something happened every time I've see that too soon on a plant)
Note - I can not get that whorled GDP S1 to form male flowers with this health food store CS. I think it may be that it vaporizes so much that it doesn't get much spray on the plants. I'll be doing this experiment again soon; the offspring I'm working with seem to have a 50% ratio of these type seeds so I should be able to get two more. Bummer.
Just for the Hell of it I may try to pollinate one of the whorled plants with my GDP f3 pollen.
Did you take your GDP any further than F3? I have really been reading up a lot on the breeding lately. Wish there was more modern literature out there on it.
Did you take your GDP any further than F3? I have really been reading up a lot on the breeding lately. Wish there was more modern literature out there on it.

Me too. :) Assuming that what I bought is Grand Daddy Purple f1 regular seeds, I've bred a mother and father from the same parents out twice more (which should be f3), I've S1'ed a female from the originally purchased seeds, and I've also bred a sister plant's seeds into these (I don't want to label it as f, because it's probably not a filial generation). The seeds from one of the GDP mothers I have now will be f4.
I used the Tiresias Mist, 1 oz. for $20 on Amazon, with success my first time. It seemed a little expensive considering that little bottle is enough to get one branch to make balls, but looks like it's gonna be worth it.

I've been spraying with the CS solution I mentioned earlier for weeks now (since the first sign of hairs), and nothing:


Not anywhere:


Maybe I could try to make my own CS again and treat the lower flowers on this other plant:


Note - I just pollinated the flower in that second pic (and two others) with GDP f3 pollen.

I think it might be too late though.
Me too. :) Assuming that what I bought is Grand Daddy Purple f1 regular seeds, I've bred a mother and father from the same parents out twice more (which should be f3), I've S1'ed a female from the originally purchased seeds, and I've also bred a sister plant's seeds into these (I don't want to label it as f, because it's probably not a filial generation). The seeds from one of the GDP mothers I have now will be f4.

My understanding is you don't want to take it much past F4s. They say you get up in the F6 range and things go down hill. Still really cloudy as to how some labels are used.
I really shouldn't be using the letter f until I get a truly stable mother and father. To be specific, I read once that for basic stabilization of a hybrid you have to breed the strain out at least five times, which is what I'm doing here (and with two other projects I have going on, one that's finished). If I get something to stability and breed it with something else that has stability I can rightfully call that filial, but I probably shouldn't be calling anything I'm doing now that. As you can see, I'm a bit fuzzy on botanical term definition myself.
I really shouldn't be using the letter f until I get a truly stable mother and father. To be specific, I read once that for basic stabilization of a hybrid you have to breed the strain out at least five times, which is what I'm doing here (and with two other projects I have going on, one that's finished). If I get something to stability and breed it with something else that has stability I can rightfully call that filial, but I probably shouldn't be calling anything I'm doing now that. As you can see, I'm a bit fuzzy on botanical term definition myself.

Thats the problem I see is that there is no standardization in order to gauge everything from. I have seen people, like you....that agree that in order to achieve that F1 status, you need to have a true breeding parents. Other will categorize an F1 hybrids as any new cross, regardless of any verification of true breeding parents. I am hoping that as the US continues to legalize cannabis, it will open more true breeders and we can come up with some real baseline standards. One thing I have learned as I have dove into breeding and everything related to it is that the more I learn.....the more confused I become and the less I feel I know.
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